70 Teen Wolf (all seasons) 17 Supernatural ======= 87 icons, total
These last couple of months have been super busy so not many icons and even less time spent being sociable. OTOH, I had not one but two successful project presentations for our high-standards dean so it was worth it. Still a long slog ahead but since university policy is take your time-off or lose it, I'm being paid to stay home and play with my dogs for little while. Some people call this vacation. Perhaps I'll even catch up on all the unanswered comments from my last post.
My love affair with using the same crop over and over continues. Some day I'll go back to doing wider angle, scenic icons or perhaps I'll finally figure out how to make complex compositions that look good but for now, pretty faces are pretty and that's what makes me happy. Ignoring my composition issues, I learned a lot about hard light from an awesome tutorial that wickdshy wrote and I've been playing with it. I've only had time to read and absorb half of the tutorial but I'm liking the results and can't wait to finish it.