Sign-Ups for SG1_LIMS

Jun 09, 2010 00:37


Sign-Up for Round 4 // Caps for Challenge 1
Caps for the first nine challenges

There is no lack of LIMS out there so why should you join us at sg1_lims?

We have fantastic participants who every week turn in stunning icons. We have an involved community of makers AND voters. We give you multiple caps for every challenge because the goal is for makers to create the best, most creative icon they can. We give you the caps AT LEAST two weeks in advance so that you can make icons as your schedule dictates. You can enter early if you're planning to be away from your computer. Your moderators are committed to maintaining a community that welcomes ALL SG-1 fans. Old School fans. Fargate fans. People from all 'ships. People from no 'ships. We want people who make icons and voters who have never made an icon. We are welcoming and open and, I hope, the positive, creative atmosphere will spur makers to surprise themselves with the amazing icons they make.

Your moderators are committed to the community; we don't disappear. Ever. We run a tight ship and stick to the schedule. Convinced? Intrigued? Check us out!

promo, admin, sg-1 lims

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