Dec 07, 2008 00:24

To support my expensive hobbies!

just recently got back into biking as well as photaging

Currently borrowing my friends bike but would want to see if its worth rebuilding my old trek due to the single piece frame instead of a full suspension. I would need to replace the fork, brake wires, brakes and retune the entire thing as gear shifting has gone to heaven. it all going to cost a bunch but better than me spending another 2g's on a new bike.
speaking of that i also got a new camera after i lost my old one. A nice new canon 50D with a 18mm/200mm lens. It is really nice as the range is incredible. been taking pictures like crazy as already taken over 4 to 5 thousand in a 3 week span (70% of the images are crap thou) Got a new bag and tripod for it as well. Would like to pick up a 50mm macro lens also for those nice super close ups but i can work with what i have right now.

Finally picked up something new. Last year was my first time going snowboarding and after going last weekend for the first week of the season i'm hooked. Picked up a "inexpensive" set of equipment (except for board borrowing my bro's) It is still a good deal of cash to be spent. boots, Bindings and helmet was like 340 and they are a pretty good beginner set. Been itching to go again since i got home. Too bad i am on call this week and a wedding to go to or else i would've gone.

Sad thou to see some hobbies go to the wayside.
Like drawing. Really dissappointed to not have drawn in over a year and a half. Between working, TRYING to keep the apartment clean and random going out with friends to try to get into the social picture there just isn't enough time in the day. Model making has also gone to the wayside. what sucks is now i have space to put the stuff too. The model making has saved my funds but the 3 above new hobbies takes up just as much and like 5 times more ;_;

Hopefully i organize myself much better with 2009 coming along as well as three o. then i can enjoy all my hobbies.
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