Its been a reallly long 2 3 weeks. I have only left work once before 5:30 in about 2 weeks. Considering there was alot of fires to put out here that isn't part of my team.
THIS came in the mail for me on weds!!!!!!!!! i know its not the picture of it but <3!!!!! It is now named Fujimoto Miki. Whats interesting is i couldn't get iChat working at home for some reason and i didn't want to install any type of bloated software. Sooooooo i ended up installin g Vista XD and installed aim on that bloated system. whats nice is it runs soooo fast compared to a amd3200. and if it ever gives me a headache i just have to go and delete! hehehehe I've been getting into VMware recently. mostly with microsofts but i have to work with
this one at work as some of our clients use it. some unknowing users think of it as a cost saving measure but its more for redundancy than anything. As of now you can have all the redudancy on 1 machine for 1 OS but if that entire machine goes down your down completely. with this you can have like say 4 5 machines running under one instance running 4 5 virtual machines. That way if 1physical machine goes down your 4 5 vm is still up and running you can literally have 4 out of the 5 physical machines go down and still have the services of the 4 5 vm OS's thou they will run slower. It keeps up operations instead of having it completely grind to a halt.
On my old amd box ( still in process of rebuilding as file server) i put ms virtual server on it and installed a windows server vm on it. whats nice is i put in a base version and just copy it and rename and BAM!! i got a second server XD. I even used it to test install Vista and i can also create a Win XP one as well. Most likely i can do a Linux one as well which i migh just do so i can turn it on when i want to play with it. This is the beauty of VM ware is if your developing OS solutions you just have to move the development one on to the VM Server activate it and you ahve ti running
the main VM Ware OS would be like the basic and you can move the Complete VM machine from machine to machine without even reinstalling and having different hardware. Its really nice.
well I'm typing on the new machine and just loving it.