Oct 04, 2006 16:22
Life is just damn touchy. Don't you always feel the problem now of feeling like you either don't have enough time or when you have the time not enough money to do anything. Time just seem to be catching up too quick at times. One minute you feel like time is going way to slow. Then when you really need time to go slow for you it zooms by without you even noticing. By the time you do its too late for all the things you had planned on accomplishing. Yet when you have all the time in the world you can't even be bothered to do anything interesting at all. Why is that? All because you have to worry about how to put a meal on the table for yourself in the coming weeks.
It is a difficult balance with all that as you get older. I say it only feels like its getting worse because when we were younger it wasn't in our minds that these kind of things needed to be taken care of. All that mattered was to have fun, study, sleep, eat and repeat. You can say that you may wish to be living like that again but whats the point on dwelling on the past. Yes it isn't like dwelling on past mistakes but dwelling on those don't exactly make things better either. Do i wish i live back in a time when it was more carefree? Sure why not. The problem would be i wouldn't be as insightful as I am now. I'd probably be in a worse position by myself.
The thing that should keep you driving forward thou shouldn't be just justified by the material things in the world. Things to get, things to make you feel comfortable. even things that entertain you. One must think back and enjoy the simplest of things to clear their mind and body and renew thier sense of living. That would mean things like going out of the way to go somewhere even if it requires alot of physical force. Doing something that you would normally set aside because there are more "important" things to do. Focusing on what lives around you instead of the inanimate objects.
I believe only then does things around slow down. Become enjoyable and refreshing. Allowying you to have the smile on your face that someone will always enjoy. To feel that something was accomplished and still have all the time in the world to do something else.
Cause one day we won't be around here to "annoy" someone, to entertain someone, to make them laugh or cry. If we focus sooooo much on things to make us seem to stand out then we are just doing more to make ourselves seem opaque. The same among others. A Collective (heheh star trek)
What do you think?
BTW there was a Christie's Auction of alot of Star Trek Memorabilia at Rockefeller Center yesterday and the day before. Alot of stuff from the filming of all the star trek shows and movies. Things like the models, sets and costumes.