yeah!!!!! more celebrations!!!!!!!
And for this celebration I'm going to dance wiiiiii .... emmmm no
jejejeje I can only say: 恭喜发财 ñ_ñ or Gong hei fat choi (thank you wikipedia =P)
what?? I don't know speak chinese u_u
And I want to live in chine, especially in new year because
They gift money!!!! (red envelopes) x3!!! $_$
T^T money to buy mangas, artbooks, merchandise. clothes *sob sob sob*
And remember this day don't clean the house, the dishes, your room ¬¬ I'm not lazy is a tradicion for the celebration u_u clean up the house give you bad luck for all the year (thank you again wikipedia)
Now I want to go to chinatown *0* dragons, food, fireworks.... kyaaa x3!!!!
this is a greeting to my parents -> 恭喜發財,利是逗來,伍毫嫌少,壹蚊唔愛 onegaiiiiii T^T
translate: Congratulations and be prosperous, now give me a red envelope, fifty cents is too little, don't want a dollar neither.
Red Envelope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you
shijo_larg for the icon of the ox lulu