I'm officially a thespian! better late than never i always
say. graduation is less than week away is anyone else feeling like its the
end of an era? its just starting to hit
me esp saying goodbye to all the people tonight at thespian banquet. i just want you all to kno that i love you
all and i will never forget any of you.
you have made this year what it is to me and i don't kno what i would
have done without yall (yes in texas we say yall). and i'll be back next year to see all you're
shows and someone had better take me to thespian banquet next year. i'm expecting and invitation! for everyone
else, you guys kno who you are, yall have been there for me through more than i
coulda asked you and put up w/ a lot from me and for that i love you more than
anything. these are the days i'll always remember (with a few exception) with
the friends that i will never ever forget.
i love you all and wish you the best of luck in everything you do. keep in touch, 365-9969.
"Sonnet to a Cockroach"
Me and Noa at powder puff... grrrr!!!
Me and Chelsea at prom. BFF for 13 years! i'm gonna miss you girl!
Getting ready for prom.
Lisa, paul, me, Stevie, Sarah, Jason, Katharine (party barn girl), Clint, Raquel, and of course Mark.
sorry kubi i love you but couldn't put a pick of you on here right now i'll do it later! i still love you though
BTW i bought the phantom of the opera today! i'm officially complete! lol