Nov 15, 2008 22:11
So. Since the divorce FINALLY went through a few months ago- it's only taken, what, SEVEN YEARS for this clusterfuck to get resolved, thanks Dad- I've been thinking that for Christmas, I want to make my mother a mix CD. The current tentative title is "Cheating Bastards Can Take a Long Walk Off a Short Pier," but is subject to change. So far I've got two songs, but obviously I need more. Anyone have any tips on songs that basically sum up to "you cheated on me/you left me, and that sucks steaming yak testes, but I am FAR too awesome to keep moping over you, and I know damn well that my life is going to rock now that I've removed your chain from my neck"?
And a meme. If you saw me handcuffed in a police car, what would you think I got arrested for?