1. Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
It's an online quiz that maybe a dozen people will ever see. What do guts have to do with anything?
2. Would you do meth if it was legal?
No. I truly can't see what would motivate people to try it, or any hard drug, in the first place.
3. Abortion: for or against it?
What a silly way to phrase the question. Like I'm gonna say, "Yes, I'm for it! I think everyone should have at least one abortion just to see what it's like!"
Abortions happened when they were illegal, they will happen if they're made illegal again. So let's keep them legal and at least performed by actual doctors rather than people in back alleys. If you're asking me for a moral judgment on the issue, I'm fresh out. If it's not my body, it's not my choice.
4. Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
Not even a little bit.
5. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Yes. I don't believe in the inherent nobility of human life or anything. I think that it's entirely possible for people to do things with the consequence that they've reneged on their right to remain part of the human race.
6. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Sure, why not. I'm not really in support of any drugs, but if people want to get screwed up, they're going to find ways to do it. In relation to other drugs, marijuana is not significantly more harmful than alcohol, so it should be treated the same way.
7. Are you for or against premarital sex?
For it. Hell, I sorta think it should be required. We really need to stop making sex into such a big deal, or something to be ashamed about.
8. Do you believe in God?
In a manner of speaking. But the Godlike entity I believe in doesn't intervene, especially not for the sake of an individual, so I'm not really cut out for the major religions.
9. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Frankly, I think government should get out of the marriage business completely and only worry about civil contracts between adults. Let religions or communities worry about what to call these things.
To expand on this point, I think anyone of legal consenting age should be able to celebrate and recognize long-term commitments in any manner, and any configuration, that they choose. In this, I suppose I'm Heinleinian in my views.
10. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
Nope. If people didn't have a history of illegally moving to North America to set up shop, none of us would be here right now. In fact, I would rather that instead of Border Guards, we have a lot of Immigration Officers swearing people in as citizens at the borders.
11. A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
Depends entirely on the 12-year-old and her family situation. But it's a sad situation that no one was able to protect her or help her make decisions before she had the child.
12. Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
Whatever. I don't think there should be a legal drinking age, that is, a law that says "you can drink at age X." People who want to drink will drink regardless of their age and all the cops busting all the high school parties in the world won't change that. Try to teach kids how to be responsible (and good luck with that), quit fetishizing drinking as a rite of passage, and just be rational about the whole thing. Kids in Europe drink wine and beer and they seem to get by.
13. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Yes. It will be a big mess to withdraw troops, but it's a big mess now with them there. The Iraqis have asked us to leave. If we are not going to be an Empire, then we should leave as quickly as we can without risking even more lives.
14. Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
It should be legal, but it should only be an option after a lot of counseling and consultations with medical professionals.
15. Do you believe in spanking your children?
I think that, as with many things, context matters. Smacking your kid around when they tick you off is stupid. However, if a child just won't pay attention, just won't behave, just won't respond to anything else, a light swat doesn't actually hurt and can grab their attention. I was spanked a few times, none of the occasions hurt but each one told me I'd really fucked up and needed to rethink what I was doing.
But my parents made it a rare occasion, a true last resort, and would much rather talk to me instead.
16. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Sure. Hell, I'll do it for ten grand if I can get paid in cash. It's just cloth; it only has meaning as a symbol, not as an object.
17. Who do you think would make a better president? McCain or Obama?
I think McCain was once a good man and politician. I think those days are long past.
I think Obama is not only the better choice, but the best possible choice we've seen for decades and may see for quite some time to come.
18. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Eh. If they judge me, fuck 'em.