'm glad we keep g'ttin new people. 's n'ce getting t' kn'w ev'ryone from all th' different pl'ces we're fr'm. Elphaba f'nally left th' library...Nn, h'pe she can c'lm down soon. 's not n'ce seeing her angry. Tr'p away would do her s'me good. Th' new people we j'st p'cked up 're n'ce so far. Bett'r st'rt workin' on their sh'rts. W'nder wh't to call them. St'r m'ybe...w'nder if she'd l'ke that. Norge is back. Th'nkfully Danmark isn't. Don't miss 'im at all. N't one bit.
Sealan' "found" a treas're map, 'nd he really w'nts t' look for it so we docked at th's island. It's hot. Th' locals said 's alw'ys like th's. Year 'round too. Mm...'m glad I 'ave s'me lightw'ght clothes to wear. There's a lot 'f b'ilders here too. We m'ght stay here awh'le.
Th' anim'ls....Mm...they're a l'ttle strange...pigs w'th dog ears, sn'kes w'th beaks, f'sh w'th frog legs, b'rds w'th cat tails. M'ybe s'methin in th' water...th'nk I'll avoid it for a bit.
[ooc: strikes can't be seen. as usual.]