Title : Kung Fu Panda 2
Production House : DreamWorks Studio
Director : Jennifer Yuh
Genre : Animation, Comedy, Action, Family
Runtime : 91'
Release Date : August 16th 2011 (Indonesia)
Format : General
I remembered the first time I watched the first movie when I was still in Jakarta. And then I watched this movie in Jakarta with my family. Well, Dreamworks nowadays hasn't make me disappointed, proved by this big chubby-Panda, Po's action with his friends, the Furious Five and teacher (Master Shi Fu) to kick out Shen, the villain of the film, who wants to rule the China with his dark belief with fireworks. Even though the overall plot are dominated with action and funny things, there are many thing that could be learnt, includes the family.
Scene : 8.4
The background wasn't too much changed just like the previous movie with additional the broken city where the fight with Shen begins. Anyway, looks like the scene designs looks better and realistic.
Music : 8.8
Not too different with other action background musics, but I enjoy it since the music has worked good along with the scenes.
Story : 8.8
Everyone went so good, as expected from the family comedy animation. Personal opinion, it'd better the ending when Shen left his villain side and died in Po's side. It'll be more tragic and tearful after all, but I think it's better to left it like that since it's all-ages movie. Better than make the tragical movie in such young age orz
Animation : 9.4
Dreamworks has improved so far until they can make beautiful, great, fast yet smooth animation in this project. I love every action scene that becomes so beautiful in my sight.
Character Development : 8.3
As expected from the main character, Po has the most developing character development in whole story. His tragic past that left by his parents for saving his life is truly the best part, while Shen's past is the same one but he mislead it into the bad plan. Anyway, I love how Po and Tigress' relationship went on, so cute yet tearful (how tsundere works)
Overall: 8.74 (A-)
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