Title: This Is It
Production House : Colombia Pictures
Director: Kenny Ortega
Genre: Documentary, Dance
Runtime: 112'
Release date: October 28, 2009
Format: General
June 25th, 2009 became our hopeless day for see dec.Michael Jackson's last concert that had been planned in London on 2010. But, it doesn't mean we could not see his last performance again. At least, in this movie.
Kenny Ortega and his staffs presents this to all fans that miss his performance. This documentary film contains his rehearsals with his young dancers, musicians, and preparation for his promised concert. Actually, this film ought to be his private video collection. So, this is our greatest chance to see his performance, at least once again.
since it's documentary film, I'll rate it with different factors
Scenes: 9.8/10
I won't deal with this anymore. We know that he was such a great dancer. But, when you saw his dance in here, you won't disappointed. Not only his performance, but also others. His choices of greatest bg-dancers, singers, musician, even Kenny himself are really right!
Music: 10/10
No-age. I love his music. Even I need to look for his This Is It's single~! Seriously, I only heard some of his songs, but not his live performance. Listen to the music and you will flown by him <3
Content - Overall: 9.7/10 ( A+)
LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333 I'll miss him so much! No one can beat his popularity over the history!
For: All-ages (PG, of course); MJ-Lovers (what will you ask again?! <3 ) , dancer-movie addict,
Warn: maybe some scary scenes on Thriller 3D music video. If you like something violence-actions, maybe this movie is not interesting with you ^^;