Title: Viva La Vida ( + Prospekt's March EP )
Artist: Coldplay
Release: June 2008
Production: EMI Music
This is my first Coldplay's CD since I had been introduced by my friend~
So! Here we go!
This edition divided into 2 part, which are Viva La Vida that means the true content of this album, and Prospekt's March that means the 'other side' or 'try-out songs' that actually ought to be submitted together in Viva La Vida. Both of them are nice!
Viva La Vida
Life in Technicolor - the introduction of the content, what a beautiful instrumental. Techno and traditional classic acoustic become one!
Cemeteries of London - imagine the cemetery and Big Ben, and you will connected with this song <3
Lost - I love the beat~! Such a great song that will make you always remember with the beat~!
42 - Being empty, suited for people that in lost feeling.
Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love - don't only listen to the song, but also watch the music video, seriously. Love this masterpieces! Especially you! yes, you there, that love Japanese feeling~!
Yes - I almost fooled by the music, but I think nice catch 8D
Viva La Vida - May I say the comment? ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!! *though, it deserves so much awards!!!*
Violet Hill - my very first Viva La Vida's song that I had heard. So haunting . . . <3
Strawberry Swing - Admit it, the music video is the best all over Coldplay's career!!!!! <33333 and I also love the beat, country rulez!
Death and All His Friends ( +The Escapist ) - The opening, so beautiful, the middle, catchy, the end, being an anthem for us! all hail Coldplay!!
Prospekt's March EP
Life in Technicolor II - I love this version better! Also the music video, puppet rulez!!!!
Postcards from Far Away - so calm. Piano rules for this one~!
Glass of Water - nice beat ~<3 Remembered me for other Coldplay's works before such as X&Y or Yellow~!
Rainy Day - Need Coldplay's special techno?! Thiis!! But, the coda is orchestra rules, but still on techno <3
Prospet's March / Poppyfields - If you feel like flow in the air or lay down on field, this song really fits you ~~<3
Lost+ (with Jay Z) - I firstly heard this version on Coldplay's performance at Grammy Award. And Jay Z's performance fitted the song so well~!!!! But I love the piano verse better for this version~ <3
Lovers in Japan (Osaka Sun Mix) - Sorry, but I don't hear any difference between the original and this one ^ ^' so, no comment~
Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground - The TRUE END SONG!!! Love Acoustic Rulez!!
Music : ♥♥♥♥♥
CD Pack : ♥♥♥♥♥
Video : ♥♥♥♥♥
Enjoyment : ♥♥♥♥♥