Deep Winter

Jan 14, 2009 22:07

It is deep winter here in the City on the Lake.  Its unbelievably cold.  There is nearly a foot of snow on the ground.  The wind chill is incredible.  The stress of commuting to work is tremendous.  Both ways today, driving on the highways around the city -- and even the local roads -- felt extremely hazardous.  Will the car start slipping at any moment? Is there black ice underneath?  Why are there idiots speeding around me?  Why do we have to go to work? Can't we all just stay home and hibernate?

Its deep winter at work as well.  The buildings are cold: the front doors of our building does not keep the deep cold out, so the vast lobby is beyond chilly.  Since the bathrooms are off the lobby, across from the front doors, they get nicely chilly as well.  Fun!

But the winter extends beyond the cold and snow.  The economy is so bad.  We're expecting layoffs.  Everyone is tense, nervous and unhappy.  Some of the higher ups have already lost their jobs; rumor has it that others have taken pay cuts.  How low will the cuts go?  I figure the cleaning crews are essential: they won't get cut (the lower the pay grade the more useful?).  But how low?  My salary is not that great: will I escape?  How will the department fare overall?

Its the waiting that is the killer.  Again, the urge to hibernate until it all blows over is strong.  But that won't help.

Meanwhile, there is a special election coming up: because the last election didn't go on long enough, so we need more.   I get to vote for a candidate of my choice: not the incumbent vs. a loser.   Too many candidates at the moment, but some winnowing will happen by next Monday when we learn who has managed to file the required signatures.  And then we have a few weeks to canvas and campaign for the candidate of our choice.  In February.  In Chicago.  Did I mention its both extremely cold and snowing here?

Deep winter.   Its brought more excitement than we really need right now.  

winter, elections, cold, layoffs

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