[quick german rant] "Fußball is ne fiese Sau", um mal
taelonmahal zu zitieren. Joa, und ich bin definitiv KEIN Glücksbringer, aber das wusste ich ja schon vorher. Irgendwie bring ichs immer wieder fertig, im Stadion zu sein, wenn der 'Aufschwung' vorbei, das 'Glück' weggerannt und der 'Missstand' wieder besonders schön eingekehrt ist..naja, beschweren werd ich mich trotzdem nicht, denn ich hatte trotzdem meinen Spaß..irgendwie. ;)[/german rant]
Hm..shall I really ramble about what I am thinking? Well...it was obvious that the victory-series couldn't and wouldn't go on, tougher times were sure to come..the last matches against Gladbach and Mainz showed that the reason for the result was mainly, well...luck (and the great performances of Adler and Schneider). I don't want to comment too much on what happened. Bascially, Bochum was clearly the better team during the first half. Haggui was a complete failure this day, (one goal scored all by himself, and one beautiful assist ;))... but oh well, shit happens (even though I'd dare to say that..it shouldn't) and he sure knows best that his performance was crap, he was on the verge of crying and all, so..just forget 'bout it.
The match itself was quite frustrating (you just had to look at Schneider; at one point, he was so frustrated about a ref's decision that he ripped off the captain's badge, throwing it on the ground heavily). As much as I hate to admit it, but there was absolutely none Lev-player who was playing decent, srly. The defense was...non-existent, which automatically made Adler look like an idiot during some scenes (imho, he was innocent as far as it concerns the first 3 goals, the 4th was..hm..mainly his fault). Talking about frustration, with Kiessling being send off of the pitch (which I DON'T want to comment on), it makes already 2 players who'll be missing the match against Bayern Muenchen..duh.
Anyway...I enjoyed the time nevertheless, the weather was nice and I had fun observing little details here and there and being in a stadium eventually. Hm, 'nuff said, I just fear that the next weeks might be hard for the boys, and I am sorry for that.
IMAGE-HEAVY ;) On to the
Castro & Kiessling, go blame the cam or me for being incapable to use it properly ;)
Schnix when some fans were shouting, trying to caatch the players attention, he and Rolfes waved towards crows, it was really cute *tihi*
Babic & Stenman
the bus :P
Bochum team's bus
René was the first one to come out for warm-up
Bochum's players are to come out as well...
René was voted "RWE Spieler des Monats" and got honoured after the warm-up
What can't be seen in my pics was the look on his face. It seemed as if the reporter was going all "and, look here, a wonderfoul price, and those nice flowers and..you must be SO happy, aren't you?" and he is looking like "hm...no? I don't care." ;)
Plus, thath whole ceremony-thing seemed to have shocked him that bad..he was nowhere to be found afterwards :P ..see, now it's Butt warming-up
Overview.Yup, that's where we were sitting, it must hve been second-last row or so (once and never again *lol*), so please, be nice and bear with my pics not being too good due to all that zooming ;).
I'd love to show you some more pics before shwing you the display panel..but..erm..well..he first goals were..quite quick, so...
made an awesome save and got injured, ended up lying on the ground for some minutes :/
See the ball? GO GET IT!!!
Oh, the drama when someone gets fouled...everybody wants to know what's going on :P
Halftime break
Butt & Ingwer trying to kill the time in between warming up once more
Stenman, Athirson & co are about to do the same
playing children :P
Ingwer:"Mommy said I am *not* allowed to play with other children people. *headdesk*
No, I am NOT exagerrating, 'kay?
Stenman & Ingwer
The truth hurts...
aww :(
So, in the end, it was *Bochum* celebrating...