(no subject)

Apr 10, 2002 12:00

Vent: When not trained how a system works how is one supposed to know how f*ck it's supposed to work. Besides the fact that I'm really not familiar with any of the terminology or anything else. Quite frankly not enough interest to learn at this point.

Looking back, should have called the journal entries Download I & II. Even with going back and reading them I could probably edit them down a tad. It did help quiet the brain activity that it did not keep me up all night. Morgie did not bother me after we had cuddle time on the sofa.

Went to Dan & Cyndi's. While keeping the pizza warm, it caught on fire. Quick thinking on Dan's part made sure the pizza was the only casualty. Then took picts of stuff for ebay. Hit another road block with actually selling. At this rate rather just type up the descriptions and let someone else handle the headache. One of my friends back home volunteered with a commission of course.

Today has been pretty good other than the five minutes that caused the above rant. Work is pretty much down. And managed to get a few things off the personal to do list.
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