naked..... on frat row

Feb 05, 2004 20:04

Ready for Isabelle's weekly adventures? Ok, you asked for them!

So... we had to do composites today. I hate them, with that black cape thing they make you were.... and it's velcro in the back! Ugh. I had completely forgotten they were today so I went sporty, yoga pants, sports bra and the new 80's cut-off style t-shirt. Thank goodness I just finished straightening my hair... because as I get to school Jeannette grabs me and tells me at 7:10PM I have to take my composites! I have class until 5PM then I have misc meetings until 7PM that I cannot miss! Ugh!

The pictues are at the FIJI house.... man central!!!!

Dont panic, Iz. Dont panic. I mostly forget about it until my last meeting when Giselle picks me up and we head there... she's all done up! And I'm with my crusty clothes and a sports bra!! I'm so upset. Everyone else has already taken their picture and left and we're the last one and we have no eye liner! *wait, it gets better*

So we go in and dinner time ended not long ago... all, ALL of the guys are chilling by the foyer TV. We have to pass all of them. Of course they greet us happily and comment that our sisters just left. So it's me Giselle and Kathy and ... 40-something guys. Normally I would be happy but I'm SPORTS CLOTHES!!!


So I go in and we find the photographer, he takes down our info and tells us to change into the cape-things. Ugh. The capes are basically this little crap of cloth that is basically strapless, backless and front less. It only covers your breasts and the top of your arms.... and I need to take my bra off. It fastens in the back with a little velcro. Lovely.

To get to the bathroom, we have to pass all the guys... in basically my bra and pants. Nice. I protest through the entire thing until we finally emerge... and we pass infront of the guys--they of course start whistling and cheering and asking us to join them. I'm turning bright red.... and because of my "ample" chest the velcro starts to let loose.... by the time I'm done walking accross the foyer thing I'm holding my breast with the black scrap of clothe and they're lapping this up and asking me to give them a freebie.

You know, these things only happen to me, why? Why am I so odd?

I grab Giselle and she fixes it but my pride it shattered... I've been topless on Frat Row. I am now a Sorority Statistic. Lovely. I had to walk once more the plank of death to the bathroom and to top it all off I think like 5 guys are in my classes... you know, the ones I pretend to be all serious and smart in? Yeah, those.

I'm sensing I might go down as the first Gamma Eta who flashed them... nearly. It was too close, too damn close. I'm *never* going back to that house again, I dont care if they court us.
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