Just a brief summary on the recent state of things..
My dog was recently resurrected! Well, sort of. My dad coughed up the $400-and-some to insure my dog's life with tags and shots. He bit a kid on the 4th of July, but he was provoked, I tell you. Provoked!
I've been in and out of groundings at least three times this summer. I can't help but screw up. The lack of nothing to do, paired with the extreme summer Arizona heat, y'know? [excuses, excuses, Isabella.]
I can almost say that Wolfmother are a godsend.
Icon-making has partially saved me from summer psychosis. I'll upload those later.
My Zeppelin DVD is GONE! Somewhat my fault, though.
No longer do I wish my life were anything like Dazed and Confused. Haha, oh man. That ship has definitely sailed... maybe.
Go see POTC2! I've seen it twice already. I'm a slave to Disney magic!
In the past month-and-a-half, I've spent at least a hundred dollars on music, or music-related items. SCHOOL CLOTHES. Forgot about those!
Cristina's recent boy is, like, a chick. I've been playing messenger boy between the two of them. I must say.. he whines. A lot.
The Chili Peppers are coming! Well yeahh. Near my birthday, too. Unfortunately...
I'll be in California near my birthday. Yes, indeed!
I like watching Panic! At the Disco videos on mute. Or sometimes not on mute. Hey, I don't hate them!
Arrgh, mateys. myspace.
I haven't heard from most of you in quite a while.. Gimme updates!
love yooouu. Peace!