Ficlet: Sisterly Love

Mar 06, 2011 21:27

Title: Sisterly Love
Author: alesh101
Word Count: 524
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Guy, Isabella
Spoilers/Warnings: none
Summary: Isabella may have gone a step too far
Disclaimer: Tiger Aspect and BBC own Robin Hood, I just play.

Guy's head fell to the table with a very satisfying thunk. Isabella smiled as she held the small clay bottle up.

“Concentrated valerian root. Enough to knock out a horse. I doubt Lord Sheridan would have thought of that one.”

She leaned over her brother, a superior smirk riding her lips. Guy would never realize what had happened to him until it was far too late. He would be in Nottingham's dungeons long before he awoke from the dose she had given him.

She moved in closer, stroking his hair almost lovingly. His blue eyes, exactly like hers, were open and staring at her.

The smirk faded slowly. She hadn't expected Guy to look like this. His eyes should have closed in deep sleep. Instead they seemed to be fixed on her, wide and accusing.

Isabella's stomach rolled over slowly. What if she had given him too much? Dear God, what if she'd killed him? She held her hand in front of Guy's nose and mouth. Nothing.

Panic gripped her. She hadn't meant to kill him. Fantasized about it, yes. Came very close to doing it once, before Robin stopped her. But deep down she doubted she really could have done it. Guy was the only family she had left. She wanted him brought low, not dead. At least not by her hand.

Anger began to grow, overshadowing the panic. How dare he die on her without apologizing first? Her fingers sank into Guy's greasy hair again and she jerked his head up from the table. Those glazed eyes stared at her.

Isabella's hand shot out to slap Guy viciously across the cheek. He didn't twitch, and his eyes still didn't close. She slapped him again, twisting her fingers even deeper into his hair. Still nothing.

She was unaware she was ranting at him through clenched teeth. “Don't you dare die now, Guy! You coward! You still owe me!”

Suddenly a great gust of foul air exploded from Guy's lips, straight into Isabella's face. She squeaked in surprise and turned her face away. He inhaled and huffed out another breath before settling into a slow and regular rhythm of breathing. His eyes slipped shut.

Relief washed over Isabella, dizzying in its strength. Her fingers softened their grip on Guy's hair. Gently she lowered his head back to the table.

“Thank God,” she murmured to herself. She wasn't a murderess. The mark of Cain was not yet upon her soul.

The euphoric feeling of relief quickly passed, and she remembered the message she'd sent to the castle this morning. For a long moment Isabella knelt next to her brother, her fingers lightly tracing the red stain of the blows she'd delivered to revive him.

“You should have shown some compassion, Guy.” Finally she rose, dropping a quick kiss on Guy's forehead as she did. “What happens to you now is out of my hands.”

She turned and left the room. Prince John would be here in a couple of hours. She needed help to make her gift more presentable. Then the prince would finally see her true worth to him.

character: guy, intercomm, author: alesh101, length: ficlet, genre: drama, character: isabella, rating: pg

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