First Post/Welcome

Aug 14, 2009 00:21

Well it came to my attention that Izzy's awesomeness is very much under appreciated and it's time we turned that around! This comm is for all fans to come together and prove to all those Izzy haters that she is in fact worthy of worship. I am a little lacking on the technology front so I my contributions will be badly made macros and fics. As it says in the bio, anything is welcome, fanfic, icons, backgrounds, fanvids, art, manips, macros, picspams. ANYTHING!!!! So get the creativness going so we can all enjoy your and Isabella's amazingness.

Any pairing is fine, Mazabella is the most awesome thing to be invented so this is as much Izzy as Mazabella, we would like some!!!!!!!!!!
A background and Icon for this comm would be great so if anyone is up to the challenge, otherwise get posting your Isabella related stuff! Cross Posting is fine so if it's already on Robin Hood BBC or IsabellaxRobin I don't mind, anything to get this comm of the ground. So plz get going, pimp this comm as much as you can, we want as much Izzy love as possible!!!!!

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