Oct 16, 2010 14:14
Good: my socks are out of customs
Bad: apparently they tried to deliver then at 5 a.m.(?!) and I probably have to pay extra again* using cash I don't have. Unless the amount is under 5 bucks, which I doubt.
More bad: Send money to a girl in Belgium a week ago because I wanted to buy a MSD shirt + eyes from her. Now the money's gone from my bank-account but apparently hasn't turned up on her yet. The hell banks? Also am communication with her through a forum which apparently decided I don't need notification e-mails any more. Bleagh.
Goodish: I do believe waternet gave me back my non-spend water-money, that's nice.
Sortha neutral; In a fit of optimism I'm going to try and compare 1984 and Animal Farm for the essay that's due in two weeks. Would like to have these in bookform for both reading comfort and sticky-note purposes. Let's see if bol can get them to me within a week.
*I'm getting used to this, but I would REALLY like it if the customs site gave some sort of downloadable list on exactly what does and doesn't take on taxes. It's nice to know you have to pay for jeans from the US, but that doesn't help me when I'm ordering US socks or dresses from Japan. D I have to pay tax AND import on socks? No one knows!
mail woes,
banking woes,