It's raining...

Apr 17, 2011 01:05

On my piano!  Seriously!  Dad gave me a tarp, but it's huge.  I have a regular bed sheet, queen sized, but I need something waterproof.  I saw a tarp online, but it's 16ft...  That's the length of my room!  Anyway...  I have a bucket and a towel on it right now.  It's dropping like 1 drop per 5 mins.  I think I really need to consider moving it, but that would mean a room remodel.  I like looking out the window as I play, so I'd have to move my bed and...  I certainly can't be under the drip either!

Anyway, it's Record Store Day!  Or it was...  According to websites the store didn't open till 12.  So I got ready, went to the bank...  I then stopped by a comic book store to see if they had a good protective case for my Hopes And Fears piano book.  It's been a while since I've been there and all there was really were comic books and toys.  No major protective things / storage things...  I asked the guy for help and he pointed me to magazine covers.  I have a pack...  None are big enough.  I guess I could get a shadow box, but I feel it's too deep.  Right now it's in a plastic LP protector...

So...  I was unsure about the parking in the village (lowercased...).  For some reason I remember it's only for residents or meter parking?  Or there isn't much availability...  I don't really know.  So I decided to go to East Northport and went to the Long Island Vinyl Exchange.  As I said it said it was supposed to open at 12, but it actually opened at 9 and I missed out on freebees...  Like a bag.  One guy was complaining how they sold out of some LP he wanted.  Lol at the pile of Lady Gag-gag.  I should have bought one for sparkyboy just to spite him.  They had LPs outside free, limit 20.  The only ones that caught my eye...  There were a few Cat Stevens ones.  Basically free b/c the covers were falling apart.  I already have Tea For The Tillerman, thanks to Dad and The Teaser and the Firecat was so bad...  LOL!  Some guy was looking in the bin next to me and I basically grab Hair right in front of him and I spot Godspell as well.  He then took the Teaser LP in front of me...  Well right after I had looked at it.  It confused me...  It had 2 pockets, but 1 record...  I later discovered it basically split.  Oh and someone took an Abba I wanted to examine closer.  So, I picked up Hair, Godspell and Genesis for free!  I chose the last b/c of That's All and I'm assuming there are other CP70 songs on it.  I then headed inside.  I checked out the Monkee section first.  I honestly don't know what I have so I didn't buy anything.  I guess all I need is the 1st album and head.  Then I checked out Cat Stevens...  I picked up a near mint copy of Teaser And The Firecat!  Also Buddha and the Chocolate Box, not mint.  I went to pay and they said they offer buy 2 get 1 free so I got another.  3LPs for 7.50!  I also got LP covers.  No gatefolds.  Also didn't have 45 covers either.  I checked out the newer stuff...  Nothing of interest.  Small selection imo.  Was hoping I'd find a Hopes and Fears for dirt cheap.  But then again...  Who is Keane?  One sold on Ebay for 115.  Way over my budget!

I then went home took a nap and dreamt...  I was basically back in the record store and seeing some of the equipment they had...  Like they had a pair of Yamaha PAs.  I ask the guy for help, but have a brain fart and can't find the words...  I'm like... Do you have...  Equipment.  He thinks I mean some record named equipment.  I finally get out...  I'm interested in vintage keyboards.  He then points me over to a Fender Rhodes.  I basically tested it out.  Pressing all the keys.  I was pretty impressed, even when it looked like crap...  But then a key got stuck.  I was about to play Sunshine, but then I woke up.

My hands hurt.  It's really worrying me.  One of the reasons I wanted to take piano lessons was to prevent damage to my hands, but all he could tell me...  If it's not hurting now, I can't help you.  I really don't think he could help me anyway.  Oh and he mentioned...  I work for a doctor.  :: rolling eyes ::  I don't have technique and I hate my middle finger!  So...  Not only didn't I learn to sight read, I didn't learn technique!  Piano lessons fail!


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