Am I crazy???

May 11, 2009 01:40

Dad woke me up this morning...  "Five minutes."  He then stood in my room for those 5 minutes reading my Entertainment Weekly!  I wonder if my parents rummage though my room while I'm gone...  But like I've said, I have nothing to hide...

Headed off to Queens.  Really early.  When I could have been at home playing the piano.  Seriously, you's need a piano...  No food...  To top that, I forgot my phone and my earphones.  sparkyboy was asleep, so no comp using...  Well I did end up using the comp downstairs.  Went up and karaoke.  Fell asleep on the couch.  Woke up to eat...  What was with the lack of food!?!  I just ate some pancit, bbq and lechon...  No soup, no dessert.  :(  Went up.  KARAOKE!!!  I basically sang my Keane songs.  Some more than once.  HAHAHA!!!  Watched some youtube vids.  More eating, more karaoke.  Left.

Since Dad is semi sans car...  I drove to and from Queens.  Weird how...  On the way there...  My music was loudish...  But I at most lip-synced the words.  On the way home...  There is something about Queens...  Makes me more talkative or whatever...  I was singing out loud, chair dancing...

Hahaha!!!  I totally resurrected a bway thread on the Keane boards and am namedropping as if anyone knows or cares.  But seriously...  Bway is like...  I ID...  With Keane...  OK, we have that in common, but not much else, it's too diverse.

What I really wanted to write about...

I literally set up a fund...  For my CP70!  Not only do I need the money...  I need to find one!  That one in Baltimore popped up on eBay.  Asking price 100 less.  But it ended up selling for a little over 1000...  Still too expensive for its condition...  And what happens after it's sold!?!  Someone puts up extra cases!  Selling them for 9.99 each...  But then shipping was 30 and 100...  So...  I personally thought it would knock off at least 500 without them...  So from 1600 to 1100?  But now...  Well...  With the replacement sustain pedal and lack of chains (which are going for 100 on some website...)  Maybe the price paid isn't too horrible?  But...  OK, so it went for about 1200, plus 150 for the covers, plus 100 for the chains...  150 for tuning...  1600...  Too expensive, especially considering there's a perfectly fine one near Chicago...  Well it says it needs to be tuned, but everything else is original / in working condition...  For 1200.  But I suspect I'd have to pay extra for repairs with any I got...  Would I pay 1350 for a "mint" CP70?  Uh...  I don't know...  To add to that I have to shell out for an amp and a distortion pedal?  Another 200?  So goal for my fund bucket...  1500?  Am I crazy in actually wanting one and going for it?


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