I need my drugs...

Apr 18, 2009 01:26

OMG!  I'm actually playing Somewhere Only We Know!!!  And my hand hurts like a mo-fo!  I tried it on the piano actual again and...  Like I said it was out of tune, it was distracting.  So...  I sent off emails...  Inquiring about getting it fixed / tuned.  I also found out my piano was born Oct 1979!  It's a Kimball, Model 4520.  Took piccies...  I kinda like the pic, but I would have like to see more strings.  I guess this solves the argument...  Personally, without calling it a keyboard, I always considered it a mixed string / percussion, but I guess it's really just the latter.  Anyway, to write the emails, I popped open the piano.  OMG!  It's disgusting!  I remember accidentally getting sand it there!  But there were bugs...  Eggs (or just the shells?).  EW!!!  I tried to vacuum it out, but...  I can't get past the strings.  :(

Speaking of emails...  I emailed some eBay dude about the difference between Under The Iron Sea piano books.  It's been...  Almost a week and no answer.  And why should I buy from him then?  Seriously!  Unfortunately it's the cheapest.  Maybe I'll just ask the Keane boards?

  • Amusing interview.  My faves...
    Q: What is the ultimate story of rock 'n' roll excess?
    A: Tim: Who gives a f***? Not me.
    Q: Which city would you pick for the next CSI television series?
    A: Tim: London. Failing that, Columbia, SC. We went there on a tour of the States in November last year and spent most of our three days there bowling. Small-town crime is always the most interesting and shocking. People get bored, and bored people are dangerous.
    A: Richard: What's CSI?!
  • Lol...  That was bizarre...  Listening to Keane of course...  Song ends.  Hear the next song playing...  But in a distance...  Then it starts playing on my computer.  WHAT!?!  It was an In Plain Sight commercial!  HAHAHA!!!

    In other news...  Dr. L said movies are often better than the Broadway show.  WHAT!?!  He also said the money wasn't worth it.  WHAT!?!  OK...  I mean, they were last row, $120 bucks...  I told him about my discounts.  He didn't even find 60 worth it.  Whatever...
  • pictures

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