The Weekend

Jan 05, 2009 02:50

I's went shopping.  Went to Barnes and Nobles to look at their Starbucks tumblers...  My Disney one broke!  I dropped it.  When I went to dump it, the inside container was cracked, my coffee soaked into the inner thing with the design!  Fortunately it wasn't completely ruined and can go back on display along with my other Disney mugs I broke.  LOL.  So...  Now I need a new one.  A good one.  Well, they didn't have the make your own thing there, so I'd check out another one at some other point.  (I later checked one on 110, then one in Target.  None.  So, if I don't find it, I'll...  I don't know.  The cheapest was smallish, probably good for the amount I drink [ I make 2 cups, but usually drink less than 1...] and 9 bucks.  Just checked the site.  I don't think they have it anymore.)  After that I headed to Bad Breath and Beyond.  Mall.  Best Buy.  Mall, proper.  Checked out the game store.

I initially browsed...  I thought if I buy something, I'd be committing to the idea of buying Christmas presents.  And how sick is it to just buy presents for a few people???  So...  I left the store without spending.  Walked the mall.  Headed into Aeropostale, my favorite store...  Only cause I can get t-shirts for like 2 to 4 bucks, jeans for 10 to 15...  OMG!!!  I basically bought sweaters for everyone for 9.99 or a little more!  HAHAHA!!!  Unlike my previous statement at not feeling content after not buying anything for myself, I felt good.  But I don't know if it's actually because I was buying for others or cause I got stuff dirt cheap.  HAHAHA!!!  Anyway, they no longer had boxes so I ended up spending on wrapping supplies.  Must add that into my budget for next year.

Home, wrapped gifts.  I realized I had forgotten Mina.  And I still needed to buy gifts for Alex, Angelo and durlxnemesis.  Didn't know what to get durlxnemesis.  He said the shirt from the Philippines was enough.  I went out today...  He's sharing a game with Angelo.  Lol.  Hey!  I spent like half as much on Alex alone, then double on Angelo???

Chatted with 7500centfish a bit.  She bought me my Carols For A Cure CD!  (Lol.  I just noticed Bombay Dreams.  Is Zaf Younis on it???)  Yeah!!!  I told her she could write it off on her taxes.  What does that mean exactly.  She explained, it's basically anything you give to charity is like you never made it in the first place.  Uh...  Ok.  Good thing she told me, cause I was considering getting that from Dad.

Now...  What will I get from Dad???  MI-5?  BSG?  BSG comes out on Tues.  Discounted previous seasons?  So I'll wait.  It is the last day of Christmas anyway.  They have a special Best Buy edition, so I'll go for that.  Got's to wake early...  When does Best Buy open???  Oh 10...

Lol.  I was late one day by like a few minutes cause a fuse got loose.  I was gonna make an excuse saying the one for my mirrors went wonky and it's happened before, just I had trouble figuring which was which...  Which was true, just it was something "nonessential," like my CD player.  HAHAHA!!!

I almost went on a book buying spree...  What is this CRAP!?!  Borders no longer had the editions of the A/M series I'm reading, like the exact edition.  Should I stock pile them all now?  I calculated...  Without my Borders Discounts, they are 21 books.  I have 5 at 13.95 each!  ARG!!!  They also didn't have Jane Austen for Dummies when the web and the store records says they have one.  Have I lost my favorite store???  Or is it cause of the holiday?  Uh...

Went to Petsmart.  Bubba seems to be eating 9 Lives again.  Good...  It's more food and cheaper.  But lets see.  Slow transition, mixture?  I bought a log for the turtle which takes up the whole tank and some crickets, canned veggie food for him too.  They're mainly vegetarians and we've been giving him nothing but protein.


Les Mis in DC...  With Andrew Call (refresh if pictures slow to load...) one of my fav Altar Boyz / Luke is Marius.  Freaking Marius!!!  Part of the reason I "love" Andrew was...  He was a fan of Les Mis.  So yeah, he's in it.  Sure it's not Broadway, but it's still Les Mis!  Then he said if he wasn't an actor he's be a doctor and was actually still considering it at the time of the chat transcript I saw.  Anyway, with it being in DC and me being NY, the chances of me seeing it...  :(  Well today, I happened to catch a glimpse of it mentioned in ladyshrew's journal.  So I comment...  Now I's got bootlegs!!!  Thank you mmebahorel and ladybranwen.  Andrew is...  An average Marius.  High expectations?  I think he's great as Luke (guy at end).  Impressed he can pull off a more classic voice.  Maybe if I saw it live?  But OMG...  Gavroche and Eponine are annoying me!  Grantaire!?!  Seriously at this point with the songs I listen to Andrew seems to be the most professional or at least the most in tune.  HAHAHAH  :: gasp :: Even Andrew gets a little iffy in In My Life...  Anyway, I've got 3 boots and have yet to really listen to them.  I hear the show is being extended to Feb or further...

Tess Of The d'Urbervilles!!!  Masterpiece Classic is back on!  YEAH!!!  Haha...  I dl's the British broadcast, but haven't had the chance to see it.  Maybe I will at some point to see the differences if there is.  Anyway, no clue about the story.  I've always wondered...  Americans with names like that pronounce the d separate, right?  Or is it cause it's like Latin?  I mean...  Italians and stuff...  Wait...  Is it D-Amato or Damato?  Or is it individual preference?  Hahaha...  For the longest time I thought it was James D-Arcy instead of Darcy.  Anyway, where was I?  Lol.  Her "cousin" is creepy!  I never liked Hans Matheson.  I mean he was Marius in that crap version of Les Mis!  Then Dr. Zhivago.  Hello...  No one will be Shariffy like Omar!  Anyway he was like kiss me or you won't get your hat back and all this crap.  Then later he rapes her!  Then he's like sorry, it was a mistake, say one word and you can have it all.  WHATEVER!  Sadly...  If I liked the actor or maybe I didn't get the creepy vibe initially I would have bought it.  But then again, rape...  Then she was getting all depressed, but it seemed like she was tainted goods, like people knew.  Then I guess it was the story telling or my lack of attention at times...  But I was like ew!  She's breastfeeding a stranger's child!  Oh...  Lol at the censor.  Anyway, bah-by gets sick and dies.  She baptizes it but is told it's not legal so...  She storms out of the church saying she'll never step foot in it again.  She is then sent to work elsewhere, to never mention her previous life.  Talks about taking note of days, the greatest being the day she dies.  Tess is crazy!  Lol.  Anyway, she falls in love with some ugly dude who runs like a dork...  He loves her for her beauty, virtue, being a church goer.  So...  It was just that church, but not it general?  I swear if this wasn't interesting I'd lose all interest cause there is not one hot guy in this thing!  Lol.  Then she jumped on a bed and I heard springs...  When did they make spring beds?  Cause they made a big hoopla of them not being available in Frontier House on PBS...  (1850s)  Anyway, they fall in love, plan to get married, but her past...  Dun dun dun...  Next ep, next week.  Am tempted to finish it up with the vids on my comp...

Anyway, g'night.


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