I'm too amused by my stupidity to sleep...

Oct 14, 2008 02:23

Heroes...  So last week I wrote, "Olga needs to be on this show now!  Lets start a campaign...  Lol.  Does anyone have a clue who I'm talking about???"  So...  Today I was bored...  Decided to IMDB her to see what she's up to...  WHAT IS THIS CRAP!?!  Who the phage was she on Heroes!?!  And the week I said that!?!  Lol.  Totally missed her name in the intro too and the freaking 2 scenes she had with the Haitian!  Was I even watching!?!  Here's hoping there is more of her and perhaps some scenes with Mohinder?  IMDB doesn't list a name for her...  I'm calling her Fiona!  Now I have to search the net if there is some covert name for her...  Heroes Wiki refers to her as Angela's aide.

Angels and Monsters.
  • Nathan is talking about God...  And you're still having an affair???
  • Ooh...  Sylar...  Honestly that whole sequence with Peter / Sylar fighting, snapping necks seemed very dream like.  Please be a dream...  Lol.  Why is it so...  Weird?  And comic???
  • [Was] Confused...  What is up with Linderman!?!  So he's like coming from beyond the grave?
  • Sylar is looking not so hot this season...  It's the hair.
  • [I was guessing]  Sylar and Claire get sucked into the kcalb eloh, think they are the last m / f in the world and have to make babies???
  • Aw...  Sylar needs a hug...
  • Please kill Maya...
  • Nothing is shocking...  I mean, OK Ando is "dead" but...  I'm guessing he'll just go back in time and not kill him or something like that.

    XOXO Gossip Girl.  I'm getting sick of it.  Not that I'm really watching it watching it...  I mean, it seemed like prev ep Serena and Blaire were all buddy buddy and now they are back to hating each other?  It's like the whole Dan and Serena thing again.  Ugh.  But lol.  So...  Nate is related to Andy Cooper!?!  Why am I hoping he'll make a comment on AC 360 tomorrow?  And Krysta Rodriguez...  I swear to God I saw her in a club one night.  But she had long hair...  And as far as I know she's had short hair from Spring Awakening to A Chorus Line, till now?

    Cary Vid.  *sigh*  I miss you.

    image Click to view

    Has an Irish sound to it...  I like...

    Oh and to end...  What show are we seeing this holiday season so I can pick up my Carols for a Cure CD?
  • question, being a dork

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