Nothing going on...

Apr 18, 2008 14:41

Wow...  I don't even have life stuff to write about.

Pope stuff.  You're not supposed to see the Pope eating???  What's the idea behind that?

Anyway, I've been surprised I haven't heard of any protests...  Till this.  People protesting Catholicism being wrong...  On the basis of it not being Christian and we're all going to hell for it.  I don't know if that...  Saddens me more vs people protesting the church on it's stance on say...  Abortion.

Oh and not really Pope related...  But how does Passover not coincide with Easter???

Reality TV.

Ghost Hunters stupid bastards.  They were hyping up this EVP which I thought would end up being nothing.  It was the first time they didn't play it 5 billion times and waited for the reveal...  OMG!  It was freaky!  But that's kinda sad...  It's kinda like the Others.  Where the "ghost" seemed like it was the one hearing voices / ghosts and not the other way around.  Anyway, lol.  The 2nd part of the ep.  Old Speakeasy.  Tango asks what that means...  You know...  Easy on the speak....  Lol.  I still want a conductors cap from the underground railroad!

Entertainment news shows...  Kid singing Pie Jesu on Britain's Got Talent or whatever.  Plus the winner from last year...  Why couldn't you have that in the US?  I mean, to the US a good singer is a pop singer...  Yuck.

Survivor is no longer worth watching...

More random entertainment stuff.

Swingtown with Jack Davenport.  I mean, I love him...  But seeing the commercials.  I have no interest in seeing it.  I mean...  Sure I love people born in the 70s...  But other than that, the 70s have no appeal to me.

Lol.  I have no clue who this band is, but this picture cracks me up.  Lol at the yellow one!  Lol at the comment that everyone is commenting on the Teletubbies and not the band!

Emily Mortimer is adorable.  Sandro, I approve.

So...  There was a 22 inning baseball game.  Randomly flipping through the channels, I hear people talking about what should be done about it...  Sudden death.  4 out innings.  A home run derby.  Complaining about mid week games, traffic.  How many times does it happen!?!  Leave it alone.

Forsyte Saga!!!

2 more eps to watch.  :(  Wait...  So June is like Soames in regards to Bosinney?  Wanting to possess him.  I mean, sure she's young and foolish, running after him, but...  I wouldn't say she's like Soames.  Hm...  Is she like Fleur?  Daddy's girl who gets whatever she wants?  Even Jon?  I can kinda see that.  I mean, with June getting Old Jolyon to buy Robin Hill to help him out.  But still I wouldn't say it's the same.  June doesn't seem annoying and bratty like Fleur.  Yeah...  It's scary.  I loved Jon and Fleur and now I find Fleur to be annoying as hell.  Toned down at times, she's tolerable.  Even Jon is eh...  Lee Williams has looked better.  What the phage is this being born in Wales.  Why haven't I noticed that?  He's not Welsh though, is he?  But then he was there till 11...  Don't they teach school in Welsh these days?  Anyway...  More problems with the miniseries...  I don't think they say Juley is Mrs. Smalls till the movie based on the 3rd book.  IMDB boards, people wondering who the hell George is.  Who the hell is St. John's son?!?  Hayman?  Lol.  People being pissed they took out Timothy.  I hear he's like the one that outlives them all.  Haha...  I can't help to laugh at everyone's ages!  I mean, Soames, by the end is supposed to be 71 or something.  And born in 1971...  Jon, who is dating his daughter is played by an actor born in 1974.  HAHA!!!  And surprisingly I buy it.  Well The chick playing Irene surprised me.  She's older than Damian Lewis by 10 years.  And HAHA at the dog still being alive 34 years later...  And it wasn't no puppy either!  Anyway...

Jon / Lee Williams picspam!!!

being a dork

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