Why am I writing?

Mar 02, 2008 18:41

I don't care anymore.  Maybe it's today.  Maybe it's feeling like crap.  But I don't see a point right now.

Been watching Nicholas Nickleby.  I just started.  Lol.  I just realized Lee Ingleby and James D'Arcy were in that and M&C...  I wonder who else is in this show.  Oh...  Susan from Mansfield Park is his sister.  I don't remember the story...

Oh yeah, so I saw Bleak House too.  That was depressing.  Lol.

Ugh.  Might as well get to my point...

Anyway, we were going to some mass...  We picked up Aunt Pitat and we drove to Queens.  Tita Evelyn seemed to be annoyed...  Cause she thought it was just me and Mom and because Aunt Pitat was there Tito Abe ended up driving in his van.  Anyway, it was a healing mass...  I've been to 1 of those type of masses in the past.  But this one...  I don't know what it was.  The fact that the singer kept singing and was telling us to stand up and hug our neighbor?  The fact that between songs she kept "singing."  More like chanting / praising God and speaking in tongues or some crap.  Then the Priest!  He started speaking in tongues or some crap too!  Lol.  In the middle of his homily he told 2 altar servers to leave cause they were fooling around!  OK, that was pretty funny...  Talking about preaching about hell, abortion, contraception.  I don't know...  Over all I was turned off.  I don't like charismatic.  Give me my dead church any day.  FYI...  I get thrown off by freaking tambourines during mass!  He mentioned not being supported by his parents in becoming a priest, in his own parish priests, etc, etc.  I wasn't surprised.  At the end he was like what is God telling you?  People would say things...  Quote scripture...  What was going through my mind?  Shut the hell up...  Do you want to be healed?  I didn't feel the need.  I mean, give all the healing to those who need it.  I was with Aunt Pitat who has cancer.  By all mean, heal her...  Anyway, we went up to be healed.  Hands on head...  Some people got "struck down" by the Holy Spirit.  Including Tita Neng, Tita Nette and Tita Evelyn.  I had heard of some people doing so cause they thought it was expected of them.  When I went up, I admit he was pushing my head back and I had to step back to maintain my balance.  So...  I'm not totally soulless.  I prayed to God.  But...  I don't feel the need for miracles...  The kind the guy was preaching of.  Wanting this church, in lower Manhattan to be littered with canes like in Lourdes, etc.
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