Ooh...  Good God, sorry...

May 14, 2007 02:04

Long one.

Anyway, I like how I kinda announced / organized myself in last entry.  Lets try again...

So notes.
  • Mother's Day love Sylar
  • I like food...
  • Celebrating Mother's day
  • I'm a giddy girl
  • sparkyboy influence me / Me influencing him
  • The Wall
  • Sexy gay (?) bad boys
  • Subibor
  • Teen witch

    God...  I feel like crap right now...  Maybe I should just sleep.

    A little piccy post of Gabriel and his Mom...  Happy Mommy Day!

    Hm...  Maybe I should write what's up, before my notes...

    Saturday, I ate nothing but a sandwich and a bowl of soup...  I ate it around lunch...  It kept me till like 9...  When I realized it was late and I hadn't eaten...  Not till then did I get hungry and...  It's 9...  So I didn't eat.  This AM, even when I wasn't hungry and...  It's mother's day and I suspect we'd have a lot to eat...  I caved in and got McD today.  I ate half the sandwich.  Honestly, I think...  I'm really beginning to change my eating habits cause of weight...  But then when I was walking out of church, thinking...  Do I want to eat?  Felling like crap the day before cause I didn't eat much...  I was like I can't get skinny, I need to eat...  Like I said, I honestly have a fear of being perceived as skinny, more than being called fat.

    Anyway, like I said, today was mother's day.  We actually had a "party" at our house.  Barbeque.  Of course I knew nothing about it...  We went to the cemetery.  Cooked some meat and stuff.  The kids went to the grocery.  Hamburgers and the like.  Drove sparkyboy to college, etc, etc.

    OK, now...  To giddiness...  So all day I'm like all giddy, laughing at how crazy I am about Zach Quinto.  At first sparkyboy was all like ew.  Hey!  You said I couldn’t have Peter!  So I have Zach!  And I love him!  I'm gonna marry him!  Lol.  Anyway, so I was giddy...  Talking a lot...  Really loudly...  There were moments when I thought to myself.  Seriously, just shut up, you're so freaking loud!  I hate being a giddy girl!  Seriously!  I was never like this...  It's all sparkyboy's fault...  I blame him!  When he came out...  To identify, I was like telling him all about my like HS crush, etc, which I ever told anyone about and they just turned into giddiness in general.  Freaking girl!  Seriously, he brought me out of the heterosexual closet.  Thanks a lot!  Then he commented on...  He can so tell I read ONTD cause of the things I bring up.  Once again, his fault.  Now Heroes.  What the phage!?!  Then I was thinking...  How have I influenced him.  I mentioned Sailor Moon.  He said it was a combo of me and another friend.  Then, he mentioned bway, Altar Boyz, etc.  But he's not into it, into it...  So I don't know how accurate that is.  Haha...  I turned him gay!

    Anyway...  Been really thinking of popping Zach up on the wall, meaning I'd have to shift everyone...  My wall is age order.  And...  Honestly at this point I'd remove a few, yet have no one to replace...  Maybe I should delete a row?  Anyway...
  • Davy Jones - Freaking Monkees!  My first loves!
  • David Duchovny
  • Colin Firth
  • Nicholas Lea - OMG...  First real celeb crush.  So not ever removing him.
  • Michael Ball - Marius, need I say more?
  • Ralph Fiennes - Honestly, he's at great risk of getting the boot.  Sure he's hot, a good actor, but I have no emotional connection to him.
  • Samuel West - He was in hornblower.  But other than that, no attachment.  So also a likely candidate.
  • Guy Peace - Yeah...  Good God, he's never leaving either.
  • Damian Lewis - Hm...  Maybe he's first to leave.  Other than Band Of Brothers...
  • Max Beesley - He hasn't been in much, American wise, but I love him.  Oh yeah, not only for acting, but he's a musician...
  • Ewan McGregor - Trainspotting, Moulin Rouge...  I just love the whole 3some he has with Jonny and Jude.
  • Alessandro Nivola - As I've said before...  He's so up there with the top...  He would have been a major obsession if I could find more info / fans of his.  I mean, all they seem to know him from is Jurassic Pork.  Ew...
  • Jonny Lee Miller - See Ewan.  But seriously I totally fall for him when I watch Mansfield Park.
  • Jude Law - See Ewan and Jonny.
  • Jamie Bamber - Hehe...
  • Patrick Wilson - It's the whole musical background, makes him hot.  He needs to do more musicals though.
  • Stephen Dorff - Yeah...  He's not leaving ever either.  I won't comment any more.  ;)
  • Ioan Gruffudd
  • Cary Shields - Broadway rocker.
  • Christian Bale - I've actually wanted to remove him many a times...  Not that he's not hot / a bad actor, but of all of them...  I think he's the best actor and I respect him too much as so, to lust over him, like I do the others.
  • Lee Williams - I need a better pic, but, yeah.
  • Hugh Dancy - Claire Danes is making him ugly.
  • James D'Arcy
  • Colin Farrell - I'm determined to keep him on even when he's a manwhore...  I think he's a better actor than the roles he chooses.

    Haha...  So from that, 3 that may be removed...  Can I come up with 3 to replace them?  If not...  Is it Ralph, Sam or Damian???  Haha...  Maybe I'll have to pop up Hot Chinese Guy again!  Hm...  Maybe Kick Gurry will make a comeback?  I actually like him more after I read Looking For Alibrandi.  But then, what else is he in that I've seen / like???  Do I add Tony Vincent?

    sparkyboy's gaydar says Sylar is a no...  I mean, don't have a great gaydar or anything, but...  I so get the vib.  Well not from Sylar, but from him in general...  Haha...  It kinda reminds me...  The X Files days.  People saying Krycek is so gay.  Well not Krycek, but scene between him and Mulder were hot...  But Nick Lea.  Mainly cause he was skinny / good looking, long lashes, etc, etc.  Maybe I just have a thing for misunderstood bad guys.  Honestly to this day I still say Krycek wasn't evil.

    Subibor!!!  It's not as big...  I'm not as attached...  But I still watch, after all these years.  Notes.
  • There's something about Cassandra I don't like.  How it's looks like she's agreeing all the time, yet smiling, like she's not.  But it's obvious...
  • After Yau gets immunity...  It would be crazy not to vote out Boo even thought I hate Dreamz and he orchestrated the whole vote him off things...  Honestly besides Yau I don't care.  Boo...  Would be 2nd only cause he's the strongest and if you've gotten that far even when people perceive you as a physical threat you deserve it.  Anyway, yeah, he was voted out next.
  • Wow...  Was there was no meet the fam challenge...  Or did I miss it?
  • I could have sworn I heard like a volcano or natural disaster or something affected this season...
  • Memory with the torches...  Oh yeah Rita!  Will Nick be at the reunion?
  • Aw...  I miss Mookie / Edguardo / Alex / Rocky...
  • Cassandra will make final 3.  She's like last year when the 3rd didn't make a difference.
  • So Dreamz wins immunity.  He said he would give it to Yau.  Wouldn't it make sense to vote him, Dreamz, out?  But then that's like Yau back stabbing him and then how is that gonna look in tribal council?  Cassandra should go, but...  Yeah, she probably will cause Yau and Earl have been close.  With them 3...  I see Yau winning.
  • Ooh Dreamz you bastard...  Why do I feel Yau is out?  Aw...  Now he's crying.
  • I hope Earl wins.  Seriously, I could care less now.
  • Oh...  I love Edguardo.  (Re his Q, about the immunity idol shared between the 4 guys).
  • Lol.  Crazy music playing...  Lisi with Cassandra poor shoes --> greed  No. of 0s in a million.  How is that relevant???
  • Anyway, yeah, Earl won.  He did make a right choice, cause he so would have lost against Yau.  But...  I do wonder...  Suppose they did vote out Dreamz, would they perceive that as backstabbing?  But then he's never backstabbed anyone previously, like Dreamz did an entire alliance.
  • Oh yeah, Nick was there.  :)
  • Haha...  I was like ew another boring island...  Subibor China.  Honestly I thought Africa was the most different in terms of setting.  China is still on some island, so...  Besides comments on Chinese culture here and there it's all the same.  Seriously...  Why not do a Subibor Dominica.  They don't even need to live on beaches.  Living there itself is freaking hard!

    Speaking of Dominica...  Saw this vid.  Honestly, that makes it look better than it was.

    Checking my junk email...  More like my email with alerts and bway newsletters...  Whoa...  This makes it feel more officials...  BWW.com has a Teen Witch Vid.  From the vid and the fact they are starting to do concerts...  I'm getting a High School Musical vibe...  Like they're gearing it to the same demo and not necessarily to people who grew up with the movie.  So...  Like I said, part of me in intrigued.  Part of me is like...  Ew...
  • video, crush

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