Is this at all interesting?

Apr 07, 2007 23:50

Or must I write about TV commentary to get any response?

I don't feel like writing...

Friday.  ER...  AM was busy.  Starting from 7AM...  I had to assist the resident with a central line, which was me running back and forth getting the attending cause 1.  He couldn't find it, told me to get the ultrasound machine and it wasn't working.  2.  Run and get him a new kit cause he dropped the guide wire on the ground.  3.  Get the attending again cause he couldn't get the machine to work.  And he ended up dropping the wire again.  The patient was already transferred to ICU, we were just waiting for his actual transport, but he took it as an opportunity to try a central line...  Anyway, the attending was like forget it, let the ICU deal with him.  In the absence of a central line the resident made me pop in 2 IVs, on top of his initial one.  I still suck...

Had another person come in in cardiac arrest.  Weakling.  There's a way to do it without tiring so quick.  Died.

OK...  I have my issues with DNR / DNI...  But with experience, I think all the people we've brought back eventually died.  So...  It's not really worth it.  I guess it should be case by case.  I mean, all those patients were terminal to begin with.  There was a young patient...  Wyckoff, ID rotation.  Liver failure, unknown cause at the time.  Freaking 30s...  I guess he died cause up next was my path rotation and they briefly mentioned him.  Idiopathic hemolytic anemia.  Also in my experience having a DNR / DNI on your chart is practically do not treat, so...

Anything else on Fri?  I was by myself, well there were 2 EMT students who just observed.  Well they did do chest compressions.  OMG, then they started asking me Qs like I knew what the hell was going on...  Like how why if we felt a pulse / there is a pulse on the EKG monitor, why was it called...  I don't know...  They basically said since his pulse didn't agree with the EKG rate the pulse was due to the epinephrine we injected in him, which if it didn't get his heart started by now, it surely killed him.  Anyway, my whole I was alone...  I was working with Dr. H and Dr. K again.  I like them better than Dr. A.  Dr. K is pretty much on her own and Dr. H has control over me.  He calls me M...  I wonder if he thinks that's my first name cause our ID has last name first...

Dr. H...  For a second I thought...  Will this be my next crush?  I mean, he's not drop dead gorgeous or anything.  But he seems nice.  Maybe if I had a regular convo with him.  It's weird...  I didn't even have the he's a teacher type person, but...  Soon I'll be a colleague.  I mean, some people count med students as part of the team, but we're really not...  OMG!  Even a nurse called me doctor!  Shouldn’t they know the difference???  But then again I don't know the difference between nurses and aids, etc.  There doesn't seem to be a universal dress code with them.  Then...  Someone in the lab v doctor?  Besides the fact they're in the lab...  Same long white coats...  Anyway, back to Dr. H...  I then thought, I know his father and...  He likes to invade personal space.  Yeah...  Don't want him as a father in law.  LOL!!!

Then he's always worried about going to CT and the guys frying his balls.  His plan is to repopulate the world.  But they argue he's Indian, he doesn’t need to worry about that.  But then...  LOL!!!  We were transporting a patient to and from CT again and I pinned him between a door and the bed.  I crushed his balls!  Woops.  He hid his pain really well.

sparkyboy's always commenting I'm bad and laugh at my patients.  I'm not the only one...  So we get a patient in.  Dr. K is examining him, she examines his lower leg.  Moves the knee / ankle in opp directions of each other...  She's like it's broken, you can feel the crepitus.  Dr. H does the same...  Or attempts to.  He does it a little too much, patient screams in pain.  They walk off.  I turn to help the pt to do something and I can see he and the attending laughing hysterically talking about how he went too far.  So bad!

Tomorrow.  Easter.  Easter hasn't been the family get together holiday in years.  I feel bad for the rug rats...  It's been church and maybe dinner with the fam, but no like Easter egg hunts, candy, etc.  Anyway, as far as I know...  Queens in coming.  Going to the cemetery and eating out.

And just cause I love Jesus so much, a vid that make me love Him even more!

[ Edit, 11:54 P.M. ]:  Oh yeah, Dr. K called me the Queen of blood gases!  I could have told you that!  I rock!

video, crush

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