What do I have to write about???

Oct 19, 2006 01:10

Ugh...  I updated to IE7 and...  Everything is messed up!  I mean...  My layouts need to be resized.  My freaking Journal!!!  Instead of conveniently opening in the new window that opened up previously, it opens totally in a new one so I got to keep closing things to prevent clutter.  I don't like tabs...  Maybe it takes getting used to.  But yeah...  I don't like tabs.

Mom calls me this AM, well from downstairs.  Check my blood sugar.  If it's high we can share the lantus.  WHAT!?!  I ain't getting no injections!  I mean, I was told it's only good for 28 days and...  Mom doesn't use that much...  Anyway, she thinks I'm type 1.  Serious?  She's like when did we bring you to the hospital?  I thought it was like already in college, but I remember her calling Dr. Reyes so I had to be in HS.  Anyway, so...  I remember...  No matter what I ate, I'd get a huge stomach ache, but wasn't able to vomit / have a BM...  For like a few days...  Went to the er, just gave me constipation meds and sent me home really.  But...  My blood glucose was really high.  How high, I don't know.  They suggested I see an Endocrinologist, but Mom didn't see the need cause it wasn't fasting or anything.  Anyway...  Turns out I basically had gastroparesis.  Cut to now...  My HbA1c was over 7.  FS ranging from 140s to 120s...  This AM 121.  So I think I'm off the hook when it comes to Lantus.  Uh...  I think it has to do with stress / eating habits, as in...  Not eating much throughout the day then eating a regular dinner.  Yeah...  But I don't really see how I can improve in my eating habits if...  I go down for food and either there is nothing to eat / I prepare something and then they decide it's eat time or...  Just the eating habits in this house hold are weird...  Geeze Louise!  Have a freaking set time!

So 7500centfish emails me about Christmas presents...  I guess I got to think of what I do want for Christmas.  I honestly don't know.  Not like Christmas will be Christmas this year.  Considering my rents are in the Philippines.  Maybe I should just book an elective and...  Hopefully if I get interviews I can work around it.  But yeah...  At this point I don't want anything.  I mean, I know what I want, but that's not gonna happen / it hasn't happend and...  All the freaking pain I go through, it's not worth it right now.

TV commentary.

Whoa...  TWOP boards...  People are actually excited by the new QB.  I mean, I guess you could be, in terms of potential story lines...  But someone actually wrote it will give Matt a break.  WHAT!?!

Ghost Hunters.  Having watched a lot of shows back to back...  I like how they say they don't base their opinion on feelings / experiences but rely on video / audio evidence.  But...  I've seen many a show saying they believe a place in haunted mainly on those facts...  But then...  Maybe they are trying to kinda like...  I mean, they've been going to a lot of historical haunted places and...  I guess people will still believe a place is haunted whether they find evidence or not and...  I mean, I guess if they totally don't feel anything they have to say so, but I guess they can't totally debunk a place cause...  there goes a business, right?  I mean...  the place being investigated and TAPS.  Then, I think Jason and Grant are like getting way too...  Excited by evidence.  Sure they are quick to try to debunk it, but they usually don't.  Part of me thinks they should be more...  Realistic with their stats.  They say they debunk 80% of their cases, but if you watch the show, pretty much they find something / label a place haunted via feelings.  But then a show with say 10 eps and 2 of them finding something.  That's kinda boring...  With that being said...  I still love the show.  Maybe more for the drama at this point vs actual ghost hunting / debunking.  I mean, I find myself watching and being more skeptical than I first was.  Like tonight they see a figure.  I'm like that's a reflection.  And it was.  Also, I have to say...  I hate theaters and love prisons / sanatoriums.  Light houses are pretty cool too.

Project Runway.  So underwelmed by this season.  I honestly didn't care who won / lost.  I mean, I was going for Jeffery or Michael.  But...  I don't really care.  Comments on collections.  This season, maybe cause of my lack of interest I didn't see their work before hand well, I didn't really scrutinize it like last.  But...  Jeffery.  What was up with his models.  None of them could walk.  Then although he had a nice collection...  It kinda looked cheap to me even when there was a big hoopla about how finished / professional it looked.  I thought it was original / different, but kinda cheap looking...  Uli...  What happened to her color?  Also I didn't feel it was cohesive.  Seems one note to me too.  Why the hell was Laura talking over he collection?  No one else did.  I found that odd.  Then there was one dress...  I don't even know which at this point, but I was getting flashbacks to Kara Saun from season 1.  Michael...  I love how he's jeans and a shirt.  Haha.  And did Jeffery say he was talking about strippers all the time?  Male or female is the Q.  LOL!!!  Anyway, his stuff was Foxy Brown / 70s.  I thought it was the most cohesive.  I liked it personally.  Other than that, don't have much else to say.
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