I don't even feel like writing anymore...

Oct 17, 2006 17:36

Not like I had much to write, just it felt like the time...

Dyed my wrist bands.  Too light.  In other news I have a fault purple band around my arms where the gloves stopped...

So lazy...  I've done nothing but watch Ghost Hunters for the past few days...  Quotes!!!  I love Steve...  In response to what is that?  "Looks like an octopus with a pricing gun...  Maybe he works in Target."  LOL!  Then at some point they're in a theater, he throws on a really long blond wig.  Someone's like you make a really ugly woman.  Steve is like give me some make up and I'm good.  The other guy is like what about the 5 o’clock shadow?  "I'm Portuguese.  All Portuguese woman have 5 o'clock shadow."  OMG!!!  Love him!  Anyway...  Complete let down.  I saw the ep where Dustin is introduced.  He's an EMT and part time...  I guess Anesthetist for a cosmetic doc.  :(

Which TAPS Member Are You Most Lke?

Steve Gonsalves
You are Steve Gonsalves! You are the TAPS tech manager! You are happy to be it also. You do a good job doing what you are doing. But you are such a scardy cat when it comes to spiders and heights! Oh and take it easy on Brian, would ya?

I so didn't cheat.

There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?

1. What is the best way to get over someone?
Realize that she is his girlfriend and just move on.  Accept the fact that you like this chick too and if it can't be you, might as well be her.

2. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis?
chapstick.  occasional baby powder cause I'm greasy...  LOL!

3. Is your AIM away message on?
Currenly no.  And usually not when I'm away either.

4. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

5. What curse word do you use the most?

6. Do you own an igelo?
A wha?

7. Who on your Myspace " top 8 " do you talk to the most?
None, lol.

8. What time is your alarm clock set for?
6:04 AM

9. Have you ever bid for something on ebay?
Yes a DVD and a game, oh and some phones

10. Do you wear flip-flops even when its cold outside?
at times

11. Where do you buy your groceries from?

12. Do you like to take the picture or be in the picture?
take pics.  I need more pics of myself, but I always turn out bad.

13. What was the last movie you watched?
Black Dahlia

14. Do any of your friends have children?
i guess

15. If you won the lottery, whats the first thing you would buy?
tickets to all the broadway shows I had an inkling of interest in

16. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
does myself count?

17. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
i used to take tylenol pm

18. What CD is currently in your CD player?
Altar Boyz

19. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?

20. Has anyone told you a secret this week?

21. Do you have a crush on anyone?

22. What did you have for dinner?
last night was chicken and rice

23. What is your biggest fear?
losing loved ones <-- yup

24. What color is your car?
blue silver

25. Can you whistle ?

26. What is your favorite Christmas / winter movie?
A Christmas Story <-- yup

27. Do you make your own jewelry?

28. Have you ever participated in a protest?

29. Who was the last person to call you?
Uh...  Albert...  When was that!?!

30. What is your favorite ride at an amusement park?
log flumes

31. What is something you must do every day?
surf the net

32. Last road trip?

33. What area code are you in right now?

34. Did you watch cartoons as a child?

35. How big is your local mall?
it's ok.  small, but good enough for me

36. What is your job title?

37. What do you miss most?
life without having to study, being lazy and not feeling guilty

38. Would you ever sky dive?

39. What are you allergic to?
PCN, wasps...

40. What are your biggest regrets?
being a procrastinator

41. Have you ever had Jamba Juice?
yes.  I wasn't impressed

42. When was the last time you laughed so hard your sides hurt?
uh...  don't remember, but it happend often

43. What movies do you know every line to?

44. Do you own any band t-shirts?
Monkees, Altar Boyz, hehe...

45. What is your favorite candle scent?
peach, berries

46. How many aunts and uncles do you have?
oh God...  I don't even know.  A lot

47. When was your last plane ride?
When did we go to Chicago?

48. Do you crack your knuckles?

49. How many chairs are at your dining room table?

50. What is your favorite salad dressing?
Caesar, french

51. Do you read for fun?
I used to.  I'm trying to.  I miss it...  :(

52. Can you speak another language apart from English?

53. Where is your cell phone?
next to me.  I had to look who called me last

54. Do you do your own dishes?
No...  I haven't done dishes since Dad's retired.  hehe...

55. What color is your bedroom painted?
Grey.  I wanted pink, but Mom said I wasn't a kid anymore...  She thinks it's kosher now.

56. Are your parents divorced ?

57. Have you ever cried in public?
define public?  Maybe

58. Favorite eye color?
hazel cause it changes

59. Which do you make: wishes or plans?

60. Toilet paper: over the front or around the back?

61. Left or Right handed?

62. What posters do you have in your room?
Oh boy...  Links!!!
Broadway wall - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v47/WeatherTheLizard/journal/BWayWall01.jpg
hottie of the moment, I actually changed the pics around... - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v47/WeatherTheLizard/journal/hottieofmoment.jpg
The Hotties - http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v47/WeatherTheLizard/journal/hotties01.jpg
I need to fill up a few more spots...

63. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?

64. Do you believe that the guy should pay on the first date?

65. Can you skip rocks?
at times

66. Do you own a camera phone?

67. Have you ever been to Jamaica?
Queens?  Lol.

68. What do you like to snack on at the movie theatre?
Pop corn and nachos

69. What messenger programs do you have?
aim and yahoo

70. What is the weather like?
verging on gross

71. What were you doing at 9pm last night?
I was studying.

72. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?

73. Do you have an online journal?

74. Did you ever play Capture the Flag in school?
no, but I'd like to

75. What was your favorite class in high school?
I kinda liked history

76. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?

77. What personality trait is a must have in the opposite/same sex?

78. Have you ever been attracted to someone physically unattractive?
hell yeah!

79. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
it's been a while.  I haven't had major back problems...  Which is weird considering I'm hunched over a desk all day / under stress

80. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

81. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name have been?
Charlie Joseph

82. Do you like your living arrangement?
Yes, but I really shouldn't...

83. Has anyone ever called you spoiled?

84. What is your mother and father's hometowns?
Bislig / Manaoag

85. Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?

86. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

87. How much is gas where you live right now?
I think it was just under 3

88. What was the last thing to scare you?
The fact I couldn't find Snuggles anywhere and I thought she was dead in a corner somewhere...  Turned out the rents locked her in the solar room and when I tapped on the door she didn't even move!

89. Do you own a Playstation?

90. What color are your bedsheets?
Currently green, with a pinkish comforter and my 2 favorite blankets.

91. What is your favorite "reality competition" program?
Project Runway, Survivor.  Anything on PBS

92. What album did you buy last?
I ordered freaking Carols for a Cure, but it's back ordered...  Secret Garden?

93. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
That I wear regularly?  Maybe 5

94. Are your days full and fast-paced?
seems like it

95. Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class?

96. Is there carpet, wood or tile in the room you're currently in?

97. Were you a " planned " child?

98. What is your mom's name?

99. What is your dad's name?

100. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

101. Can I escape Grandmaster Kevin's wrath for some of these questions?

Haha...  I found this.  I guess it was before my b-day and none of them were granted...
Birthday wish list.  You have more than a month.  So save up!!!
  • Holy Hoody
  • Have someone pay for me to see Altar Boyz
  • Have someone pay for me to see Les Miserables

    200. My middle name is: Rose
    199. I was born on: Aug 23rd
    198. I am: procrastinating
    197. My cell phone company is: verizon
    196. My eye color is: brown
    195. My shoe size is: 7.5
    194. My ring size is: I have no clue...
    193. My height is: 5'3"
    192. I am allergic to: PCN
    191. I was born in: West Islip
    190. I live in: Melville
    189. The last book i read: Like completely?  A Horse And His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia)
    188. My bed is: without a headboard
    186. I am glad I'm my sex because: it's ok to like broadway.  Lol.
    179. My favorite Holiday is: Christmas
    178. The perfect kiss is: coming, I hope...
    177. The last three cd's I bought are: Oklahoma! (London Revival Cast, with Hugh Jackman...), Jesus Christ Superstar (Movie cast recording), and...  I guess the tons I bought on Christmas
    176. Last song that made me cry: You'll Never Walk Alone, from Carousel, as sung by Michael Ball.
    170. What did you do last night?:  It was an early night...  I didn't feel like studying.  I watched a little TV, Walking the Bible?  on PBS and fell asleep to it around 9:30.

    :::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::

    142. Love at first sight? not really
    141. Luck? no
    140. Fate? not really
    139. God? yes
    138. Aliens? in the extraterrestrial sense, no?
    137. Heaven? yes
    136. Hell? yes
    135. Ghosts? kinda
    134. Horoscopes? no
    133. Soulmates? would be nice

    :::::Which is Better?:::::

    129. Hugs or Kisses? dunno
    128. Drunk or High: neither
    127. Phone or Online: online
    126. Red heads or Black hair: black (irish, hehe)
    125. Blondes or Brunettes: brunette
    124. Hot or cold: depends
    123. Summer or winter: both
    121. Chocolate or vanilla: both
    120. Night or Day: I seem to be more productive at night, but I like to wake up early
    119. Oranges or Apples: apples
    118. Curly or Straight hair: straight

    :::::Here's What I Think About:::::

    116. Abortion: I was pondering this...  So if death is determined by brain death in some cases, would life be defined as when it developes?  I mean, that could range from...  if you're being technical to like conception to way after birth.  Anyway, I'm in the belief it's a baby.
    115. Backstabbers:  ow!  that hurt!
    114. Parents: I don't want to sound sappy...

    ::::Last time I:::

    103. Kissed someone: Uh...  Never?
    101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: Pyardarsh.  Like 2 weeks ago, though.  Aileen?  Last week sometime.
    100. Cried in front of someone: I dunno?  Almost a  year ago, I guess
    99. Grew: you're talking upward, right?  Uh...


    90. Who is the ditziest person you know: Me!
    89. Who makes you laugh the most: me!
    87. The last movie I saw: The Village
    82. The thing I don't understand is: acid / bases
    80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: none at all
    76. The one thing I plan on doing this summer: HH
    74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: to be done
    74. The thing that I'm not looking forward to is: step 2
    72. Today: huh?
    71. Next Summer: what are you asking exaclty?
    70. Next Week: What am I looking forward to?  AZ
    62. The person who knows the most about me is: me
    61. The person that can read me the best is:  a lot of people, which surprises me
    60. The most difficult thing to do is: to do
    59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: haha...  Almost today.  That sneeky bastard
    56. My zodiac sign is: virgo
    55. The first person I thought I was in love with was: Bubba.  :)
    54. First time you had a crush: 6th grade
    52. Last time someone said something you were thinking: I don't know
    51. Right now I am talking to: no one
    50. What is your dream job?: unemployed
    49. First job?: wow...  none
    46. I hope: there are actually less than 45qs after this
    45. The worst sound in the world: cats fighting
    44. The person that makes me cry the most is: Grandma?
    39. My boy/girlfriend: is probably laying up with someone... Yeah, totally, that lying cheating bastard!
    35. Florida or Hawaii: FL
    33. My favorite piece of clothing: i don't care
    32. My favorite sport is: baseball
    31. Last time I cried: Uh...  I don't know, I was in my car, listening to the above song and I started crying
    30. My friends are: non existant
    29. My computer is: on the verge of crashing
    28. The school I go to/went to is: NJ / Dominica
    27. Last person i got mad at: haha...  Wouldn't you like to know...  It's one of you on my friends list...  Hehe
    26. My worst drinking experience was: Seattle...
    22. The all-time best movie is:  I dunno.
    21. The all-time best thing in the world is: “Love is the best thing in the world, except for cough drops.”
    19. The most annoying thing ever is: not getting my way!
    18. The most annoying person you know is: me!
    17. I lose all respect for people who: scut me out, without earning it
    16. The movies I have cried at are: none
    15. Closest friends Name: Julia, none
    14. TV shows you watch: 24, America's Next Top Model, Ghosthunters, Project Runway, Survivor, Monk, Battlestar Galactica, PBS house, etc, etc
    12. I want to be: a fireman
    11. The worst pain I was ever in was: nonphysical
    10. My favorite phrase: i dunno
    9. My room is: surprisingly clean
    8. My favorite celebrity is: the hotties...  Cary Shields?  Patrick Wilson?  Uh...  Dueling broadway hotties...
    5. My weakness is: chocolate.  Ooh...  Chocolate...
    4. What turns me on is: this switch on my back
    3. Who broke your heart: MARK!!!<-- haha
    2. One thing that makes you feel great is: when people say I'm great :)
    1. I filled out 200 questions because: I have nothing better to do with my life
  • survey/quiz

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