:: Rolls eyes ::

Jun 10, 2006 21:48

Written Monday

Back in Wyckoff...  My favoritest place in the world.  Doing pathology, and for some reason I think I'm the only student starting this week.  But lets start with...  So, I'm back to the daily "grind."  I intended to get up at 6, leave at 7.  I ended up waking up at 6:50 and leaving at 7:36.  I got here at 9:15.  I want to be here at least by...  Actually considering the lab guy told me this time tomorrow, I think 7:30 is a good time to leave.  Anyway, so I come in.  Mini Path orientation.  Tells me to go to Chemistry.  The chem guy tells me to come in tomorrow same time, but in the PM, I have gross lab.  Fun fun.  Do I need scrubs?  I brought them JIC.  I saw some people started last week, but by the 2 week schedule, they have slide review.  I don't think we do anything together.  I don't want to be all by my lonesome...  So, killing time till 12 in the library.

Friday, I get a call from Kitty.  Wanted to know if my Mom and I are going to SC for Dom's graduation.  Yes.  They're making reservations and the like.  Anyway, later Tita Jhulia says we're coming that evening anyway, so she'll talk with my Mom then.  We are going there?  Oh yeah, we have to pick up Tita Nette...  So I call mom to confirm, both.  Yes and yes.  sparkyboy then calls.  Can you pick me up?  Sure  Mom asks, do I want to stay in Queens?  Till Sunday?  Not really...  I mean, not till Sunday.  There goes my entire weekend and I'm way behind on studying...  Am I gonna get studying done at home?  I surprise myself...  At Queens.  None.  Anyway, then, what am I gonna do at home?  Watch TV, sleep?  So I decided to stay.  But then...  Maybe sparkyboy doesn't want me staying till Sunday.  Maybe he wants me time.  So I ask, but he never responds, (via IM), but I pack anyway.  Pick him up.

So we go into Brooklyn, way passed Wyckoff.  OMG...  We couldn't decided...  Eat?  Just go in.  Eat in the car?  All this thinking...  Tita Nette would have been done by then.  She only had 1 shelf to inventory.  Anyway, we ended up getting Chinese food.  Freaking bullet proof glass and the like separating us.  Go in to eat.  Watch Last Comic Standing.  We were actually there for a long time.  Didn't leave till 11.  We were told to be there at 9...

Anyway, went to Queens and didn't sleep till 4.  I don't even remember why...

Next AM woke at 10.  Ate.  Took a nap.  Ate.  Took a nap.  Lol.  Around 8, we went to the movies.  The boys saw X Men.  The girls, the break up.  It was cute...  Why do I keep saying that???  They fought all the time...  It kept my interest.  The ending was a let down though.  But I guess it's very realistic.  Missed the previews.  That pissed me off.

Came back around 11?  They all wanted to get drunk.  sparkyboy started a drinking game.  Cards, pick a card, each card represents something you're supposed to do, like one card you have to do Never have I ever.  Another you have to raise your hand.  Last one not to has to drink.  Lol.  Since I don't drink, I had to drink *gasp* coke.  sparkyboy's like you'll at least get hyper.  Actually I'll probably fall asleep.  Then one card, category.  I said name an Altar Boy(z).  Only Kitty guessed right, saying Mark.

Had to leave.  Mom realized we have CPR on Sunday, but she'd pick me up at midnight, after a wedding and pick up sparkyboy after CPR and the Philippine Independence Day parade, etc, etc.

Got home at 2.  Tired during church.  Still stuffed from yesterday...  CPR at 11 / 11:30.  Took a nap.  Mom comes in.  I don't need to come.  OK, so I sleep some more.  At 12, I was supposed to call Aures, we're supposed to meet up to go the parade.  So she keeps calling.  Asking when she thinks I'll get there.  I'm not sure.  Eventually I just said go without me.  But then Mom came home.  We left around 3.  Got there around 3:45.  Called.  They were in Rite Aid.  Picked them up at the train station.  Mom drove them to the city.  I have a feeling I cramped their style.  More like Mom did.  They kept saying afterward we'll do this, do that, etc, etc.  Firstly with Mom there...  Then the fact we have to drive sparkyboy to SB...  Not gonna happen.  Anyway, as Jennie said, who we met up with there, we drove all this way for a bbq stick.  Exactly...  Honestly, by the time we left home, I didn't want to go anymore.

Got to Queens from the parade at 7.  Ate a bit.  Mom was falling asleep while driving.  I actually offered to drive...  Got home home at...  11.

Oh yeah, so sparkyboy's house got a new bathroom.  It's complete now and they have a bidet.  OMG!  I turned it on.  I wasn't sitting on it or anything at the time.  It freaking squirted me in the face!  It also hit the ceiling.  Lol.  Then, later when I do use it.  I like screamed cause it was all too shocking.  Later I realized...  The anal wash is so much more comfortable than the feminine wash.  Ew...  That thing better not be a breeding ground for pseudomonas...

Then...  Sunday...  I was in pain.  Kinda like cramps, but I'm not on my period.  Constipation?  Kept having to run to the bathroom.  Soft, but still hard to pass.  Oh yeah, then I was having RLQ pain.  Then all lower quad pain.  It actually felt better when I pressed on it.  Let go.  No pain initially, but when it did come back, worse.  By the time Mom got home...  I was planning to ask her for a stool softener...  Which I wasn't sure I needed...  I was feeling OK.  Then I thought...  Unless I ruptured.  Lol.  Anyway, still feeling OK.  Occasionally I get pain, not prolonged.  So I suspect it's just gas, which...  Over all I say I have trouble passing...  There lies the problem...

[ snip ]

OMG...  I should have listened to Julius...  But then again, who knows...  So, I was told to meet in the PM, at 12.  Schedule says morgue.  OK.  So they send me off to the morgue.  Meet up with a guy who's rotating for 8 weeks, on his 5th.  What!?!  Anyway, she showed us a few things.  Said meet you in the afternoon.  What?  I asked the guy.  He says he'll be in at 3 cause he has some errands to do, but usually she meets between 2 and 3.  Great...  More waiting.  I hate that.  I'd rather be home studying and it's not like I can surf the net all I like.

More stuff...  Kitty was then asking me Qs.  I don't know if she was testing me or what.  First Q was when should someone tell their doctor about a low blood sugar.  I was like, if they're symptomatic...  She then said for a number.  I don't know, below 60.  She didn't give me the answer and I don't know if there was one or she was asking me for one.  Mom agreed with the symptomatic.  Then what does protamine do, like what is it an antidote for.  I didn't know.  (Heparin)  She then asked me if...  Basically do I ever sound like I know what I'm talking about, when in actuality you have no clue.  Tons of times.  To the unedumicated, I look like a genius, when...  Not even close.

Haha.  Dork.  There was this girl in my class.  Seems really stuck up.  Wrote some nasty comments on PE test in Miami.  Had to hand it back in...  Out of no where she says hi to this guy, class rep 1 semester.  They start chatting...  I saw her before, like last time I was here.  I guess 4 weeks ago.  But I think I heard her say she failed step 1 and basically started.  Don't know how accurate that is, considering she's doing surgery.  Taki said he's got 12 weeks left, but is studying for step 2...  That's a big gap to fill till he starts residency...  Then, she's wearing red scrubs.  Ew...  Yeah, for some reason, I never liked her.

Oh yeah, so it's like a month till...  I had planned to go to Altar Boyz, again.  At this point...  Even when I want to go, and I don't want to go alone, I don't want to pay...  For anyone.  Not even myself.  Maybe it has to do with paying for the boards...  With my money...

Ew...  I like smell like the morgue...

Oh yeah...  sparkyboy says he may not be able to go to HH.  NO!!!  He better!  Either that, it better not stop me from going.  Last I heard, Aures, Roscel, Angelo, Jhumna, Alex are going.  Tito Abe can't make it.  WHAT!?!  But Tita Neng said...  Then Tita Neng.  That's weird.  I personally don't think I can make it all the way down by myself.  At this point, since I so want to go, I'd be willing to drive with sparkyboy alone.  But he's got school...  He's doing summer session and one class has a final the Monday after the first summer session is over.  That's unfair!  I suggested take a plane down.  He's like who will pay?  Not me...  But I want to go!  I need to go!

Then the people going to SC for Dom's grad...  Last tally was 8.  Everyone but durlxnemesis and Kitty.  So Tita Jhulia, Aures, Roscel, Jhumna, Me, Mom, Tita Evelyn, then Dom on the way back.  As long as they are comfortable cramming...

Written Tuesday

Why is this place so empty???  Even yesterday, when I was in the library all day, no lack of computers, no lack of seats...

Anyway, just came from Chemistry, with Johnny.  Filipino...  Who said, I look Filipino, but I can't speak it...  Very bad.  I know.  Anyway, he was a very good teacher.  Gave me a lot of advice.  First off he started off with, where am I from, my parent.  What rotations have I done.  Talked about KCHC a bit.  How it probably would have been the best rotation if we had a little more guidance.  Exactly.  What my parents do.  Where I want to do my residency.  He says go for a university hospital.  He keeps pimping Rutgers.  Have I done phlebotomy before.  Quizzing me on the tubes.  In KCHC...  our tiger top tube was yellow...  Or is it called gold?  Anyway, lavender, what's in them, showed me the machines, how long things take, etc, etc.  I wanted to ask about the pneumatic tubes...  Like how that doesn't cause hemolysis...  Anyway, I think he taught me a lot in that little hour.  Like simple stuff as to why the things are in the tube, to how much you fill it, etc, etc.

Tomorrow I go for Hematology.

Yesterday I felt like crap.  It didn't start hitting me till I got home, around 6.  I hadn't eaten all day.  As I was prepping food I can feel the fidgetiness coming on.  After eating I felt a really big low, heart racing...  Sympathetic overdrive!  I ended up falling asleep at 8, waking up at 12.  I was then awake for hours, fell asleep again at 5.  Alarm set for 5:45...  I had planned to wake up at 6:30.  End up getting up at 7, leaving at 7:40.  Getting here at 9:15...  I actually showed up early.  God...  I hope this isn't one of those rotations when I get home and all I can do is eat and sleep.  C'mon!  This is an elective!

What is it with people asking when you got off the island?  I mean, it's like when did you get out of jail, but it's kinda used to gage where you are.  I mean, I left in April / May 04.  I started clinicals a year later, instead of in Nov 04 cause I failed...  No one knows that.  So I could be taking a lot of time off between rotations or like I said, I failed.  At least I'm not the only one from my class that is matching in 07.  Speaking of 07...  I realized, if I had matched in 06, I would have graduated 40 years after Mom.  I guess it will have to be 41.

I want to go to Michaels and get shirt making material.  I mean, I wanted to make an Asian shirt...  (Before the Flip parade.)  Now thinking of making a t-shirt to show support for Dom.  Blue...  What to wear...  Hm...  I do have that one blue sweater...  With yellow writing...  That happens to be of a branch of military...  with hot guys...  Lol.

Forgot to write...  We parked far from the parade and had to walk through Union Square?  Anyway, sparkyboy supposedly spotted Heather Matarazzo.  Sure...  You think I believe him now whenever we sit on that bench in the mall he says he jokingly spotted her.  Hm...  Is it cause he doesn't believe I saw her?  Wasn't moodysweetie there as well?

Oh yeah, then sparkyboy spotted some guy, actually the winner of Top Chef.

I wish I could leave.  Since I plan to go to the grocery and the like later...  Can I leave, like go home, do my stuff then come back.  I mean, OK, so I leave at 10.  Probably don't actually leave till 10:15.  11:15 I'm at the mall and the like.  Maybe 2 hours to shop.  1:15...  No, I have to be back at 2...  Ugh...  I won't get out till...  Yesterday it was 5.  And that was early...  So say I get out at 5:30, get home at 6:30.  Come 8 o'clock, ring ring.  Ugh...  Do I have anything to watch tonight?

Oh yeah, while I was trying to sleep...  I was watching Cross Country with John Edward.  I mean...  I'm skeptical, yet there is part of me...  For some reason I believe him more than Sylvia Brown, who Kitty swears by.

I'm feeling hypoglycemic again...  I ate breakfast this AM, to prevent feeling like crap when I get home.  But I somehow fear that will make it worse...

[ snip ]

Yesterday, for the first time, my left eye was dry / blurry.  Right eye seemed fine, visually.  No dryness really.  Seriously...  I think I'm just overly dehydrated.  Well not overly...

I saw part of Honey We're killing the kids.  It's where they take kid's lifestyles and predict how they will look in the future to shock their parents into getting the kids to eat better / exercise.  Honestly...  I think it's stupid.  It's just a gage of how image driven this culture is.  So they pop an image of a fat kid, disheveled looking, bad skin / hair...  Granted being fat isn't good, but it doesn't make one ugly, necessarily.  I mean, their parents are on the chunky side, I'd call them far from being ugly ugly.  Then when their lifestyle is changed, they can actually still be fat, but they make them nonblemished...  Yeah, it's stupid.

What to do for an hour thirty???  I'm done reading Crush The Boards and frankly, I intend on reading it multiple times.  Seriously...  It never seems to sink in.  I got to do Qs tonight.  If I'm conscious...  God...  Mindlessly stare at a book or drink coffee and sleep at 2, when you have to get up at 6?

OMG...  How many versions of Black Hawk Down do they need.  I just saw they are releasing an extended version today.  Does that mean the 3 disk version, I kinda wanted will be cheaper now?  I need me some Hugh Dancy / Ioan Gruffudd / Ewan McGregor extras!  Who else did I miss???

Haha...  This girl Linda just asked me if I wanted to go to lunch.  I declined.  I'm such a cheep skate!  Honestly, my brain is killing me now...

Oh yeah, so today is the dreaded 6/6/06.  They remade the Omen.  I'm more tempted to see the original.  I think I have it on tape and don't remember being...  all that impressed by it, but the last scene gives me shivers...  Like how the crosswalk in the cemetery looks like an inverted cross...  Anyway, I see more of today as being like Friday the 13th.  Just a day to freak people out who get freaked out.

Written Wednesday

Library again.  Today looked like I'd have little down time.  Anyway, woke up late.  Got here late, cause of traffic.  Hematology today.  Hadn't started yet.  I actually like it.  Shows us slides, like actually projects them vs, taking turns at the microscope, which I'll get to...  Telling us how to actually read a CBC.  Doesn’t pimp us...  Anyway, he had to go see his boss, so he let us out early.  Usually meeting time is 9 to 12:30.  Today was to be 10 to 1:30.

New person as well.  Don't ask me why Wed is her first day...  Anyway, I'm just glad I'm not alone.  I mean, the older peeps seem to be doing there own thing.  Also I won't have to talk to this chick.  Not that anything is wrong with her, but you know...  I can just interject when I like.

Oh yeah, they are like fresh off the Island, well Miami and the step.  I'm a geezer!  Ah...  To be young and innocent again.  Lol.

Anyway, moving onto notes...  A lot...  I realized a lot of the emails I send are to myself.  Loser...  Mostly reminders to self / links I want to look up later and the like.  Anyway, I sent off 3 emails cause I was bored.  Responses to respond to...  0!  Yeah!

Yesterday when I met at 2, sat there for a bit.  Didn't talk to Linda that much.  Didn't read...  I'm always afraid to study in front of people cause it turns into asking me about the book / I just get bothered a lot.  Hello...  Trying to study here...

Weird...  So this chick eats a piece of gum, chew it.  I assume it loses flavor, spits that out and has another.  Weird...  I mean, I've known people to stop chewing when it's out of flavor, but to pop another one in, multiple times.  Wow...  I thought I chewed a lot of gum.

Oh yeah, so I was sitting around waiting for Slide review for like an hour thirty.  Linda goes in.  Doesn't come out for a bit.  Then comes out and tells me, my turn, she's leaving.  What!?!  Had a "mini" session on my own.  Previous day, which is retarded...  She's got a microscope that has eye holes for 1 other person, no projection system, so she had to repeat herself 3 times.  Come on!  Then the room is small and we've got to rotate seats / move for people to get through...  Seriously, maybe that's why I felt I learned more this AM.  Then the fact the seat is so low I've got to prop myself up to see.  That hurts my legs, so I walk out funny.  Omg...  Then yesterday I'm sitting in the library all day, then behind the microscope, then driving.  My legs were in pain last night.  No pain killers though.  I need a muscle relaxant or a massage or something...

Ugh...  So yeah.  I hate pathology.  Seriously, I can never do this.  It's too boring.  Then Dr. Bertoni is too chipper to be a pathologist.  She's chatting with me about her parkinsonian husband and how he got into a fight with the cleaning lady who possibly stole 2 sets of suspenders.  Yeah...

Then, it's weird.  I don't know if it's her maiden name.  Bertoni.  Italian.  Yet she speaks with a French accent.  Then she was on the phone with some woman Blanca speaking Spanish.  She was fluent, but, it just didn't sound like it was her native tongue and the pronunciation was off, like me speaking Tagalog.  Haha.  She was on the phone a bit and I was trying to / not trying to listen in / translate.

Haha, wrote this up...

Things I want to do:  Broadway Edition...
  • See Les Miserables again.  It doesn't have to be on Broadway...
  • See Anthony Crivello as POTO.
  • See Altar Boyz.
  • See Crazy For You.
  • Have Crazy For You (PBS / Papermill Playhouse version) released on DVD.
  • See Patrick Wilson on Broadway, singing.
  • See one of Cary Shield's Gigs.
  • Get my freaking Cary Shield CD.
  • See Michael Ball in something where he's not fat and ugly...
  • Have Michael Ball as Marius sing to me.  OMG...  I would die!!!
  • OMG...  Get the entire Friends of the ABC to sing to me.  Now that...  Would be orgasmic...

    This all happened cause I saw Les Miserables in Concert again.  I found out yesterday was Barricade day.  And why would people greet you with happy?  Anyway, it is the 174th anniversary of the fall of the barricades, as in when they all died.  Yeah.  Chipper, isn't it?  So, I spammed everyone on MySpace, well besides ClingCling, Jessica and Kristen.  I would have done the last, if I weren't the first comment.  Anyway, yeah, I'm on crack.  And why didn't anyone perpetuate my chain, when they do the others?  I didn't threaten people with you're gonna die if you don't.  I guess, like always, no one supports me and my causes.

    Haha.  More convo.  Linda and the new girl talking about how much they hate NY.

    Realized the entire group is Asian.  2 obvious Indians.  One...  He's got an Indian name, looks more middle eastern.  Then me and Linda.  I think she's Thai cause of her last name.  Something long and weird.

    What is with the sudden influx of people.  The library was empty yesterday, now it's packed!

    Oh yeah, it took me 2:30 to get in today.  I think I have to leave at 7 tomorrow to make it to tumor board, by 9.  If I show up at 9:30, at least I tried...

    OK, gonna end this now so I can research MM.

    Written Thursday

    Wow...  Library once again empty.  Wonder why...

    Ugh...  I haven't posted in my LJ in a while cause it's just getting too long and boring.  I mean, I don't even want to proof read it.  It's like Friday to today.  Almost a full week.  Then I want to post like current stuff, but I feel I have to fill in the blanks before.  Maybe summarize everything.  But like I said I don't feel like it and it's time consuming.

    Anyway, what is new?  I have no clue.  Writing in the hospital, I have no sense of what was last written.

    After the library, met up in the path dept.  I was sitting around for the longest time and I was actually late for the 2pm meeting time...  I ended up reading Robbins for Multiple Myeloma.  I got to do a power point...  OMG...  Robbins seemed so complex before.  Now...  I just think a lot of the information is irrelevant to me, at this point, unless I want to become a pathologist, which is like slim to none.  Anyway, got out at 5 yesterday.  Most of the day was just with Vinny, this Hem supervisor guy.  I enjoyed it.  Weirded me out in the end, by personally greeting me with good night / see you Friday, like with use of my name and all.  Y'all know how much that freaks me out.  Anyway, I kinda felt bad, I just said thank you and didn't greet him good night as well.  Rude me.

    Went to the grocery, picked up a few things Dad didn't plus cheese, cause someone left my cheese open...  I had 8 items and this guy in front of me, in the 15 or less aisle had like...  A cart full!  The cashier lady was like you have to let her through.  Honestly, if she hadn't said I could pass, I would let him / wouldn't mind.  I'm laid back like that.  Oh yeah, I bought instant breakfast.  Don't think I'm going anorexic or anything.  I intended to use it as a supplement.  I mean, I'm not eating lunch cause...  There's no place to, I'm stingy.  And...  Even though I want to lose weight / am too lazy to exercise / sane to not go on crazy diets...  I've been eating a sandwich in the AM to prevent fidgety / light headedness, etc, etc.  But then, nutrition wise, it's not enough, so I thought I'd add the shake in lieu of vitamins, which I tend to forget.  Anyway, I read how to make it.  A full glass of milk!?!  Yeah, I didn't have it this AM.  Will attempt it sometime when I'm home / on vacation / near a bathroom at all times.

    Watched this thing, after GhostHunters.  It was like...  a documentary of this "haunted" Sanitarium.  A lot of hear say really.  No attempt to prove / disprove anything like GhostHunters, so I wasn't having any of it.  Then...  Just the fact that what was being done was portrayed as horrible / unethical.  Like inducing PTXs, etc.  I mean, what was there to do before anti-TB drugs?  They showed people with deformities due to rib removal / PTXs, etc.  I mean, benefits outweigh risks, right?

    Oh yeah, then they kept showing commercials for some Sci-fi show on the environment hosted by Matt Lauer!?!  Has he sold out?  But then again, Sci-fi is NBC right?  But really?  Was he forced to do it?  It is so bad, it doesn't deserve regular TV?  Is he a tree hugger?

    I found this xanga of a girl I did a rotation with.  Lol.  I read back on her entries.  I write about people way too much...  Maybe I should stop using names and just "that guy I'm with" or "my classmate."  Lol.

    Speaking of classmates...  Lol.  I saw that classmate of mine, I did surgery with.  He asked me what I was up to.  He's done with peds.  He'll be doing Heme / Onc next.  Said I was in path and hating it.  Could never do a 9 - 5 again.  Ugh.  Seriously.

    Anyway, chat with this new girl...  Haha.  I can't even remember her name, so no need to purposely omit!  Anyway, she was asking where I did my rotations.  She started asking me about Kings County.  OMG...  I must have been blocking it cause it all came back.  How crazy / I don't know if I could ever do it again.  What time did I get up to be there at 6.  Why did it take me so long to see like 2 patients?  OK, here I go...  OK, so I'd get up at like 4 leave at 5.  Get there at 6.  Get a patient list.  Usually 2.  I'd look up labs, read any notes that happened overnight / my pervious, etc, etc.  Go see the patient.  Ask if they have any new complaints.  Whatever symptoms they were having, better / worse / the generic SOB / CP / N/V/D/C, etc, etc.  Get vitals, which we had to do manually...  Examine the patient head to toe, daily.  I admit, besides the admitting PE, it was like really quick / superficial.  Anyway, with all that info you'd write your note / report it in rounds.  Which wouldn't happen till later...  At 7, we had overnight sign out rounds.  Yes we stayed overnight...  The on call team for that Day / night took control of the board / book, which was a to do list for all the patients.  We'd write it down for ourselves as well.  From like 8 to 9, finish up seeing our patients, etc.  Or make calls to get things done, like X rays and transport to places, like dialysis, etc.  9 to 11 on most days...  Rounds.  In the hall style.  Report on our patient.  Hated it with...  That Dr. guy, lol.  Looking back...  I don't know where I went wrong.  I mean, yeah, I didn't know the full hx / just had current labs and he'd ask me stuff like way before I picked up the patient, which I admit is a fault, but why are you asking?  Why don't you know?  Maybe it was to mess me up...  I mean, he is that Dr. Guy...  Lol.  Then when he went on vacation, it got crazy, cause we had 2 attending, who did opposite wings.  I tended to have patients on both sides and had to check / run back and forth to see who they were up to.  Anyway, during rounds, they'd mention any changes that needed to be made, blood draws to do, rad to do, changes in med, etc, etc.  After rounds we'd do that.  Blood draws, ordering drugs, etc, etc.  Go to lunch around 12 to 1.  Get back, write our notes / check up on drawn labs.  Sign out...  3 to 6, depends...  Sign out with just f/u stuff.  Attending would then sign our notes.  If you were on call that night.  After sign out, usually a little down time.  Figure out what to eat.  Occasionally eye ball your patient.  In most cases we never slept.  From just chatting all night, to admitting patients.  We usually have maybe 4 to 6 students on call a night, with a PA and an attending.  We usually got one admission each.  Depending on how many patients you carry in the day, determined your rank in admitting.  So it can come at any time.  And for some reason it was always after midnight.  Me being a lowly 3rd year / in her 2nd rotation.  It pretty much took you all night / 3 hours to admit a patient.  To read the er / attending notes.  Interview / fully examine the patient.  Redrawing blood that was hemolyzed in the ER.  Getting their old files / the CXR read, do an EKG, etc, etc.  Getting all that stuff and writing it up.  Yeah...  It took forever.  Then the fact it's 12 AM and all your patient wants to do is sleep.  Yeah...  It was horrible.  Then, there is always the AM blood draws, which are F/U'd by the day team.  Some times I wasn't done passed AM sign out cause I had trouble drawing blood / the patient was uncooperative.  Yeah, so post call days were spent asleep.  Only to wake up in the afternoon / PM and forcing yourself to sleep at 10 to be up and ready by 4 the next day.  Yeah...  I wonder how being an intern would be.  I mean, at least you'd have a phlebotomist / nurse that could do some stuff or at least an eager med student you could scut out.  Haha...  I can't wait.

    OMG...  Then I was like saying you'd have to be on call Q3-4.  She's like what does that mean?  Ah...  The young.  She's like did you do a rectal.  On everyone.  About the only thing I'm somewhat shady on doing is a urinary cath.  I mean, I've seen a few, never had to do one, for some reason.  Non of my patients required one.  I did have my hand guided in popping in an NG tube.  Then, I did do a suprapubic cath.

    All my pimping of Barricade Day, made me reread portions of Les Mis.  I mean, even when it's freaking long, goes off on unnecessary tangents...  It's really beautifully written.  I really hope I have time to read it one day.  Either that, use all my driving time and get audiobooks of my favorite books.  But they are so expensive...

    Haha...  So I met that one Flip med tech or something, how he said I'm very bad for not knowing Tagalog...  I had a momentary moment of hate toward Mark...  How he can speak it, being born here and I can't...  That bastard...

    Oh yeah and Linda is of Laos descent.  I thought I was a minority Asian...  Haha...  I'm probably way not.  Found this.  Currently not in the mood to translate it all.  Ah...  Chinese, then Filipino, then Asian Indian are the top.  Then Vietnamese, Korean about the same, followed by Japanese.  Interesting...  Then a whole list of other ones about 1%.

    Written Friday

    I don't feel like writing so much today.  Lack of things to write?  The fact that people are studying around me?  But what else is there to do?  I already browsed my news, which I usually do after I write.  No use writing real emails...

    Anyway, so, doing path.  I really wanted to know what happened to that guy we had in ID that coded when we were rounding in the ICU.  Anyway, she brought him up.  Autoimmune hemolytic anemia started by...  Have no clue.  God...  What did she say?  Anyway, she kept rambling on and on about how nasty Russia / Russians are.  Haha.  At some point, I don't remember why...  Anyway, before, the guy I'm with, lol, bad attempt to omit names...  Anyway, he asked me about my brit flag.  I really need to think of a better answer, like no reason...  Anyway, Dr. B makes a comment British people are gross, they have sissy accents and sissy ways of dressing.  WHAT!?!  Lol.  I have no problem with that though.  Like, I was browsing MySpace, all these Altar Boyz / RENT alum.  Gay...  I posted a bulletin saying I hate gay people...  For being so damn attractive yet unattainable.  Those bastards!  Seriously?  Why?  I got to write back moodysweetie there.  She says I shouldn't fall for the AB cause they are questionably gay.  So...  Then she was saying she went to Russia and the hospital conditions were so bad.  Like they still use so and so for cleaning.  She says saying they are so cocky and chauvinistic.  Like the woman do all the work, cleaning the streets, etc.  How they know nothing and say they have state of the art stuff when it's just being intro'd in the US, etc, etc.  Maybe that's why Shulin / Makartchuk / Natalia had to start all over.  I mean, I personally thought they were very competent.  I guess someone not so much so would have the harder time getting into a DO / MD program.

    So old...  I found out the new chick started in May 04.  I was out of there by then.

    I don't know what the plans are for the weekend, but I hope to get some of my PPt done.  Mom said she may go to Queens last night, but didn't, so I assume we may go there or them here.  I hope the latter.  Sabarros?

    OMG...  How can I forget...  So it's been raining all week, taking me forever to get here.  Leave early yesterday, get here on time.  I could have sworn it was supposed to rain today as well, so I set alarm for 6, intended departure at 7:15, the latest.  I see it's not bad.  I mean, the sun is freaking shining in my face, but still, I leave 1:30 before on a good day...  Anyway, so I leave at like 7:40, I got here freakin 8:40!  I sit in the path dept office.  Wait till 9, sit in Vinny's office.  Oh...  You're early...  I just read up on MM, etc.  He goes in and out, does his thing, occasionally asking where everyone is.  So at 9:45 he starts with me alone.  Other girl comes in around 10:30.  Repeats himself basically.  Has to move his car.  Other 2 people show up.  He's basically gone for an hour.  Comes back and basically repeats him self all over again and more!  Ugh...  Well I did learn, kinda...  I mean, he was telling me / showing me monoblasts / myeloblasts and how they are different from lymphocytic type cells.  Ooh...  But then later he shows lymphocytes.  Uh...  I mean, premature ones.  I don't see a difference...  So I come out as clueless.  Ugh.  I guess that r/o pathology / hematology.

    Oh yeah, then with my presentation.  I mean, one guy from AUC, he's almost done, but the other 2, like new into rotations.  But then again, they are fresh off the boards...  I feel I have to simplify my presentation, like on nephro stuff I learned, etc.  But like I said, they're fresh off the boards and no doubt smarter than me...  So, maybe not.  Hm...  Maybe I can somehow cater it to being helpful to clinicals, not just boards.  Right now I'm blanking on what I was thinking of.


    Wow...  I was actually browsing LJ and I had a weird feeling...  I miss LJ...  Now way!  I haven't posted out of laziness, frustration, etc, etc...

    Anyway, falling asleep.  Trying to work on my PowerPoint presentation on Multiple Myeloma.  Getting distracted.  Can't find anything I want to listen to.  Can't find anything to do on the web...

    Watching / listening to Altar Boyz.  I so want to go...

    Moving on to "happier" things...

    A bunch of YouTube vids.
  • Tyler's Epiphany.
  • Best Week Ever on RENT - Come on...  The trailer being misleading...  I admit it doesn't tell the whole story, which a trailer shouldn't in my opinion, but to not know AIDS is a major part of it?  Seriously.  Lol.  But I love when someone says there is one clip of someone placing a rose on a coffin but they continue to dance.

    According to Wikipedia, Wendy Pepper, of Project Runway 1 fame...  We share the same b-day.  NO!!!

    Lol.  Went to check out my Friendster Blog.  I just found a comment from Sunil.  (In reference to surgery pics)  LOL!!!

    what the hell...... i just saw this
    Posted by: Sunil | June 1, 2006 08:47 PM

    Ugh...  I think my parents are concerned on my eating habits.  I don't know why, but I have a fear people think I have an eating disorder, like I'm anorexic or bulimic, etc, etc.  I admit I don't eat at times cause I'm just not hungry.  But then...  I eat...  A lot...  Honestly, if it weren't for like...  Diarrhea a lot of the times I'd probably be fatter...  Anyway, so I get that instant breakfast stuff.  Mom sees me making that, etc, etc.  Later when she comes home (from Queens), she's like did you eat?  Yes...  I mean, I had that, tuna fish and crackers, then 3 hotdogs for lunch.  Dad then went out to get Chinese food.  Like they have to make me happy through food.  I mean, sure I don't like to eat the same thing all the time, but I can't stand left overs in the fridge.  I'd rather eat that.  Seriously, you don't have to get fast food for me all the time.  I don't need McDonald's after church every Sunday.

    Lol.  So I had one breakfast shake one evening.  Run to butt room!  I was daring this AM and tried again.  Nothing...  I think I'm in denial that I, lol...  I may be lactose intolerant.  I mean, nothing happened this time.  I seem to be fine with like half a cup of half and half with my coffee...

    Seriously...  I am not amused...  According to this, I, Elizabeth: At age 37, you will be struck by lightning while trying to move the antenna beside your mobile home.  I'm seriously offended anyone would think I'd be living in a mobile home.  I mean, seriously...  What am I trailer trash?  Lol.  I'm not at all worried that I'll be dead in about 10 years.

    So, Baz is making a new film...  What is it then?  The Red Curtain Quartet?  Anyway, them downstairs were shocked Hugh Jackman, who is slated to star, was on Broadway and the like.  As stated previously...  I'd think I'd like him way more if I actually liked the way he sings.  But with that being said, I think he should be the permanent host to the Tony Awards.

    In my boredom, and need of new music.  I made a playlist and randomly went thought various songs I have downloaded and never listen to.  Always started play...  *sigh*  Then the tears started flowing...  It's not the exact version playing and Grandma and Grandpa's anniversary.  Not like it's really their song anyway...  But, still it made me cry.

    Like I said, I'm procrastinating with my Power Point.  Mom came in this AM and asked if I wanted to go to Queens.  I mean, she did wake me up and all...  But my reasoning wasn't cause I was asleep and wanted to sleep more...  I thought...  I need to study.  UGH!!!  Get out evil thoughts!!!

    Lol.  Then this girl in Path with me.  She finished Fri.  She was complaining about someone's Ppt, being read.  And what does she do?  Well she had bullets and didn't read off the screen, but she was reading straight off her source!  OMG...  Mine is gonna be boring as hell cause I'll read right off the screen.  Then the bad thing is I've got to bring it in myself.
  • video, kchc, broadway, mark

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