Nothing to write...  Nothing to write...

Jun 02, 2006 14:53

OMG...  It's official...  I love Julius.  We're on a first name basis now and he calls me Liz...  Ok, not that in love with him.  So I'm paranoid again.  I don't get the official confirmation email saying I have so and so rotation.  Ring ring...  Dad's like phone.  It's the hospital, say what?  It's Julius.  He's like you emailed me...  I never emailed you?  No.  I gave you choices, what did you want?  I was like I really wanted pathology.  You want to look at slides all day?  Not really...  He's like the gross part is interesting.  I say that's what I'm most interested in...  He's like OK.  I'll send you an email and we'll switch it.  He's like I thought you wanted more hands on to prep for the CS.  Yeah, I should.  But...  Not in the mood just right now.  So yeah...  I love Julius.  Lol.

Then...  I don't know...  I get bored.  I mean, if I have to go to the hospital, I want to work.  I don't want to just stand around and hear some attending lecture while on rounds when I have no other reason to be there.  Then...  I don't want to be scutting without knowing the patient.  So in a sense, I think I'd prefer to do er than rounds on the floors.  I don't know...  Maybe I will do er at some point.  But not now.

Nothing much else going on.  Doing nothing but playing with my tapes, aimlessly on the net.  Studying.

One night I thought I heard gunshots...  Then it was weird.  It was followed by...  sounded like something was raining or glass breaking or a chain or something...  Just it sounded the same each time.  Same pattern.  What it was, I have no clue.  Kinda thought it may have been fireworks as well, but I didn't see anything in the sky.

So I watched Ghosthunters.  I was kinda scared to watch it cause I thought it would spoil The Shinning.  They went to the place where Stephen King was inspired to write the book, the Stanley Hotel.  No spoilers.  Anyway, they had a few things...  Story about this guy coming out of a closet, taking some guys ring, going back in the closet and the ring was never to be found.  Set up a camera in that room.  Guy sleeping there as well.  So he's sleeping.  Closet door opens, not seen on camera.  Hear a glass break.  He gets up.  Shows the door, the glass.  Sets the camera on the side table.  Door eventually closes, on it's own???  Later, in another room.  How convenient...  Grant asks the Sci-fi channel camera guy for the camera light to give him light so he can change the tape in another camera.  So with no camera's rolling really...  The table and the chair jump up.  Hoax?  Now...  In most cases, maybe cause I'm reading the sci-fi

OMG!!!  I can't take it anymore!!!  Since I changed the address on my mail to DW I'm getting junk mail!!!  ARG!!!  I mean, it's not like the address suddenly popped up.  I've been getting packages at it like forever!  STOP!!!

OK, where was I?

So I'm reading the sci-fi boards.  They are quick to debunk everything...  I mean, in most cases TAPS pretty much debunks everything.  They don't believe ghost orbs are ghost.  High energy readings they end up tracing it to an electrical box, etc.  People's weird behavior attributed to mold.  So do I think it's a hoax?  Did they do it?  While I was watching the ep, part of me is like what if the whole Queen Mary thing happens again?  They have a room there where the bed undoes it self.  Set up a cam in the room.  Go to change the tape over night.  Bed unmade.  Review tape.  Yup...  Bed unmade by itself.  But...  Then they notice...  A Jump in the tape.  It had been paused.  AKA tampered with.  I mean, someone on the outside couldn't have tampered with Jay's tape.  Anyway, long story short...  I tend to believe TAPS isn't messing with us for ratings purposes.  On most cases, nothing happens.  Maybe an EVP here and there.  But they rarely ever say a place is haunted.  Maybe they're a little over excited by the evidence.  But I don't think they are lying.

So me and moodysweetie have a little feud going on...  MySpace banter.

moodysweetie:  Dude that Cary Shields guy is hott!  Tattoos and spikey hair...That is like whoa...hott...I'm stealing him from you!  hehe
Me:  Cary Shields is mine!!!  Don't you dare come close or I'll scratch your eyes out!  Lol.  He can sing...  He's on Broadway...  and *not* Gay!!!

Later she IMs me, ends convo saying hit her up on myspace or something and leaves saying she's gonna steal Cary away again.  NO!!!  Lol.  So I hit her up on myspace.  With this!

Convo with iGod.

Me:  Who is God?
God:  he is master of the universe.
Me:  Are you he-man?

[ Snip ]

Me:  Forgive me father for I have sinned.
God:  What's your favorite movie?
Me:  I have sinned!
God:  Tell me your sins, child.
Me:  I think a priest is cute.
God:  Since when?  Aren't all priest cute?


Speaking of cute priests...  I was watching an ep of QL.  Scott Bakula in a cassock!?!  Lol.  Old tapes.  Like first time airing on NBC...  They had a different theme song?

Been watching tons of Anderson Cooper interviews.  I've practically memorized what he says...  Anyway, at one point he describes the pain of something like being stabbed with a stiletto.  Interesting choice of words...  I remember a while back...  Like around the presidential elections...  This one chick could accept the fact he may be gay, but she can't imagine him being a closeted republican.  Lol.

crush, jjg, being a dork, chat

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