This one gets serious toward the end...

Apr 18, 2006 20:37

Easter...  Is more a religious thing.  No candy really, no Easter egg hunts.  There were a few years when there were no kids really.  But now we've got Angelo and Alex, I wonder why we never started that up again.  Then a few years...  When we used to go to mass in the city, we'd go straight home cause we were exhausted.  Anyway, we went to Queens.  Eat.  Watch the boys play Monkey's Island, Colonel's Bequest.  Lol.  Brain fart...  I was about to ask what the colonel's rank is.  What is he a colonel or something?  Lol.  I miss games like that.  Oh chute!  Lol.

Went to Woodmere.  I asked Jennie if she had any Kaplan books.  She said she did and she'd give them to me.  Went to pick them up.  Falcon...  I later get a text message saying she sold her Kaplan books.  Thanks...  So I don't know what I'll use.  Crush the Boards.  Qbook / bank.  I don't know...  But I'm not very optimistic on my chances.

NICU.  I got there "late."  Stood there for a bit waiting...  Attending came at some point.  Helped some ObGyn guy with statistics.  Planning on gong to some C-section.  At one point some woman asks him for help.  He motions for me to help her.  Uh...  I directed them back to the lobby and ask the guard.  The attending when down some stairs.  Thanks for ditching me...  Sit around again.  Around 9, the whole gang showed up with the new baby.  Ron and Julia in tow.  Yeah...  So I missed out on an L&D.  We’re required to see 2.  Another happened after rounds.  Missed that as well.  I did see a umbilical catherization.  That was interesting.

Such a stalker...  So I saw the on call schedule.  Dr. Weizmann is basically rotating between a clinic and the peds floor.

Since I'm in the NICU, I get to wear scrubs.  One of the interns comment on how nice my pants are.  There like...  flared or whatever.

Random notes.

So Vihn "Diesel" called last night.  Actually I didn't pick up at first, but he left a voice message...  Anyway, he remembered I said I was in Endocrine before and wanted to know my opinion of it.  He even mentioned Catherine.  I'm so bad...  I've lost touch with her.  At this point I kinda don't know what to say...  Kinda like I'll reconnect if I need to / see her again.  I'm such a bad person...

longisland.  Some girl wrote this story about this woman whose cat went missing and later found out the neighbor had it euthanized.  It's a travesty that someone would let their cats wander outdoors.  I mean, I admit I don't let my cats wander outside.  They used to, but I was so paranoid...  Even Snuggles was a victim of some...  I don't even know...  But they assumed she was abused, vs say hit by a car or something...  She used to go out everyday.  One day she didn't come home.  I don't remember if it was a day later or we went in search or her that night...  But we found her in the bushes later.  Brought her in.  Dropped her to the ground, like you'd normally let a cat loose.  But she just fell to the ground.  Brought her to the vet.  Broken / bruised hip.  I don't even think we stopped letting the cats loose then...  Anyway, afterward I was really paranoid.  Anyway, long story short...  Even thought I don't let my cats loose, I don't think it's wrong to let them loose / a form of neglect.  I actually feel bad for Bubba at times cause he never truly got to explore the outdoors like Snuggles and Snookie did.

Kinda in the same vein...  What a coincidence...

So today was basically grand rounds all AM.  It was on child violence.  It was really interesting...  One speaker posed a Q, asked of a bunch of kids.  Granted it's in Brooklyn...  So the Q was, so you're walking and you see something...  That was it.  I guess they posed what is it you see.  A big majority was like a gun.  Even a kid at the thing said that.  That shocked me.  Honestly I was like after that scenario, if you saw something...  I'd pick it up.  Not thinking anything about it being a gun.  Most basic description to me would be something shiny...  Then asked what would they do after seeing the gun.  Don't touch it...  Not cause it can hurt you.  Cause you don't want your prints on it.  Like I said...  Maybe it has to do with the neighborhood.  Maybe cause of my sheltered childhood or the time I grew in...  It shocks me.  I guess the big thing when I was growing up was drugs.  I guess it's still a big thing now.  But even with that...  There are no drug dealers in my neighborhood, or at least ones that target little kids.  Then there was a thing...  About one of the mechanisms parents do to prevent children from violence is isolation.  From school, go home.  Then there comes a point where the kids get cabin fever and he basically implied it breeds ADHD.  If that were true, I'd be a prime candidate.  But then...  Maybe the fact I had someone watching me at all times...  Then later...  I kinda felt obliged, I had to be home...  Instead of Grandma watching me, I had to watch her.  They also said that isolation makes you more likely to become violent.  I don't see that...  But then...  Maybe there are more factors to it.  I don't live in the city, nor do I ever feel threatened.  Maybe it's naive.  Oh yeah, one thing I do agree with the whole isolation thing...  It makes you less sociable.  But then he added it makes you less likely to handle peer pressure.  I guess people would see I'm resilient to peer pressure.  But at the same time...  I didn’t really have peers to pressure me.  Then at times, when it did come...  Maybe I was already set with my mindset.  Where that mindset came from, I'm not really sure.

OK, moving on.

So I was watching God Or The Girl, about these 4 catholic boys who are seriously thinking of becoming priests.  Honestly...  After the first 2 eps, I didn't think any...  I was thinking should become priests.  But now...  Maybe not prepared to become priests.  One clearly I thought married life would be way better.  He's way too in love with his Girlfriend.  Then one guy...  He's like "coming out" with his priestly intentions to his frat brothers and stuff and they don't really focus on the fact that he's religious at all, besides a clip here and there of him reading the bible.  I can't really gage if he should or not.  Another...  He's been brought up to become a priest.  I kinda ID with him.  He's not that great with the ladies and he doesn’t want the fact that his mother is pushing him in the dir of priesthood / the fact he has a hard time with the ladies to really influence his decision.  Then the last...  OMG...  Actually he annoys me.  He lives in a Celibate Catholic frat.  He has posters of the ladies in his life, mainly Mother Theresa, Mary and Theresa of Avila...  The whole prayer group meeting.  Here’s where I get annoyed the most...  He prays at abortion clinics.  At one point they superimposed on the screen. "Dan and his friends like to go to strip clubs"...  Next screen...  "To pray".  It's not like they're violent.  But...  not that I frequent abortion clinics / strip clubs...  But if I saw people praying outside I'd tune them out.  In a sense it's disrespectful to the people you're trying to help.  Pray within the privacy of your own home or something.  I guess there can be a psychological effect of seeing someone praying for you, but I don't know...  I wouldn't do it.


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