I am a scut monkey!

Apr 08, 2006 00:05


Haha!!!  My car rocks!!!  I went to bad breath and beyond yesterday.  Bought a blanket.  A car plug things...  Currently I've got my laptop running!  Maybe one day I'll watch DVDs...  Hehe.  It's like my bedroom in here.

Very productive day.  Woke up at 6:15.  Left the house at 7.  Got here at 8:05, before morning report actually started.  Dr. W was no where to be seen...  :(  Uh...  Rounds actually happened.  That was a first.  Went to medical records.  Finally got that chart.  Wrote down all I need, I believe...  Called Mom.  Asked her about my seizure.  I was 15 mo

[ Snip ]

Comp started smelling funny.  Touched power source.  Turned off.  I don't think I lost much.  Maybe my whole seizure hx.  Then started talking about Dr. Bekar.

Presentations as usual yesterday.  1 person late.  Dr. Bekar sitting by door.  Late person come in.  OMG!  Dr. Bekar gets hit with the doorknob!  Lecture continues.  Any Q's?  Asks the late person.  No...  My head still hurts.  Everyone bursts out laughing.

Ew!  Before lecture 1 day a couple of people were browsing the PalmaSutra.  Various comments here and there made everyone laugh.  Flash back to kings county and those conference room discussions.  Look over at Vivek.  Not laughing.  At times...  I see him looking at me, like he's passing judgment on me for finding that funny.


First off...  Dr. Weizmann is a bastard!  So I get in.  I'm scutted out majorly...  I mean, if you're gonna scut me, at least teach me something or have me actually follow the patient.  On one of my many journeys outside of the ICU, I see Dr. Weizmann.  I say good morning.  The expression on his face was like who the hell are you?  Ew!  Bastard!  *sigh*  Unless they rotate soon, the only time I'll be seeing him is in grand rounds.  I don't even have to go to Morning report anymore.  Maybe I should...  Cause it's lecture...  Hm...  Dr. Weizmann or sleep???  Dr. Weizmann or sleep?  I'm sorry, a wink and maganda umaga doesn't outweigh an hour of sleep.

Anyway, last night I did call.  I basically stood around for sign out there and adolescent.  The resident is assigned to adolescent in the day, but does call in the ICU...  What the hell!?!  OK...  It's weird...  They have people rotating in various fields of peds, but then have them do call in the ER, ICU, etc.  I guess cause there's no adolescense on call.  It's just peds floor in general.

Anyway, after sign out.  I "assisted" in an LP and a bronchoscopy.  The ICU attending is also a pulmonologist.  I actually just stood there.  It's funny...  When I'm alone I turn...  Helpful.  Like they were signing out this ICU patient that was being transferred to Adolescence...  Anyway, she stood up to do something, and the other resident was like grab a chair...  I grab the chair and leave it for the intern to sit in.  They then comment on how nice I am.  Had I been with Ron and Julia...  Julia probably would have ran to do it before I had the chance to think of it.  Then I was offering to hold stuff...  Like the attending, Dr. Shukla, was holding all this crap.  He comments to me, am I on call?  I'm like yeah.  I was gonna ask permission to view the bronch...  But he made a comment that I'll be there.  So I offered to hold specimen cups.  It was a whole multi team thing...  I mean, they had hemeonc do an LP and interthecal chemo.  Then anesthesia sedating the kid, then us, technically pulmonology...  with the bronchoscopy.

Lol.  I had a flashback to Kings Country and my whole report on the thing...  OMG...  I just went in search or an entry...  I never wrote it!!!  OK, so Kings County, no residents...  I'd come in around 6 to 6:30.  I'd have to follow 2 to 3 patients on a regular day...  See them in the AM, present it to the attending, do everything he says needs to be done.  From making phone calls, to ordering CXRs, drugs, labs, drawing them etc.  Then write a progress note, etc, etc.  Like an intern with no decision making capacity...  Anyway, it was my first patient actually.  I did the admitting database...  At that point, I didn't think to read up on the patient / the ER attending's or the admitting attending's notes.  Go in there blind, figure out myself.  That went OK, I guess...  Anyway, I carry the patient for a few days.  The ddx is like sinusitis vs PCP pneumonia...  Like the fact that she had phlegm and was improving on Abx was unlikely to be PCP, but she just had that HIV look about her, quoting the attending...  Anyway, at some point they thought about getting a bronchoscopy on her.  She was asking me why she's here still if she feels better.  I mean, at one point we were trying to see if her cachexia was secondary to hyperthyroidism...  I tell her we want to do the bronchoscopy.  I explain we use a camera and we see into your lungs.  Actually we wanted a pulmonary consult to better explain it to her.  In sign out, I say she refused.  OMG...  Dr. Reese freaks out.  He immediatly jumped on the fact that I told the patient something I wasn't supposed to.  He's like what did you say?  I'm like we stick a camera...  He's like, "like a fucking nikon!?!"  Basically blamed me for "fucking up" with his patients...  At one point, we decided to do a...  desaturation test on her.  She desaturated to like high 80s from low 90s...  I report that to him, outside of rounds, in the hall...  He basically pins me to the wall and threatens that if I ever f-up with his patients again...  He then asked me if I was Catholic...  He has an opinion of us...  Not really sure of it...  Like we're good, but we can be bad...  Anyway, he's like tell me how you feel.  Bad...  He's like no...  Challie...  Oh, how I love him...  He's like whispering...  He wants you to curse...  So yeah...  I cursed...  I said I feel like shit.  Yeah...  So those were the days of Kings County...  Anyway, we ended up dcing her cause she was basically stable at a low O2 sat, like it was her baseline.  She's following up in the HIV clinic.  She turned out +...  Part of me was hoping that the dr's instinct was wrong...  That she didn't have HIV...  Well at that point, it would be AIDs if she did have PCP...  Yeah...  So that was my 1st real patient.

Where was I???  Oh, yeah, the LP and Bronch...  Through it I was thinking...  I've seen an LP...  From a Russian anesthesiologist, turned nurse, turned DO intern.  He's now doing Anesthesia in...  Maimonides, I believe.  Yeah.  1 try.  This heme onc chick did it twice!

So with all that I had to don the hat and booties you wear when you scrub in.  It wasn't completely sterile, but we wore like those cheesy tear away scrubs...  But it was in the form of a jumpsuit, which the resident popped on backwards.  Lol.

At one point he leaned toward me and asked me what they call me...  Elizabeth...  He then went into all the variations and I let him call me Beth.  That's a first...  He then asked me if I'm electively staying late.  Like we're not required to.  We are...  Just no one stays that late.  Well Julia does...  Lol.  I was there till 8.  She's been there till 10:30.  At least she did an admission.  I just stood around and ran around him running around.  He kept commenting how he was sorry you don't really learn much at night cause all you do is run around all day, woops...  Night.  I asked him if he ever gets to sleep.  He's not the type that does, but if you're on the floor you may get an hour or 2.  Yeah...  I was shocked when surg / med in peninsula actually get to sleep...

OK, back to being majorly scutted...  Had to run down for a chest x ray...  They have no requisition...  I report that back to the resident.  It's got to be there...  I'll check later...  Later I see it on the side of a computer.  She's like thank you!  To think I almost went down there...  Then I had to get it popped into a comp.  Then get it read.  The radiologist wasn't in.  I bring it back up.  You should have kept it there...  She made me feel stupid actually.

Then this intern on call, on the floor...  She was happy to see me.  She was so willing to scut me out as well.  Sorry, not on the floors...  Seriously...  I'll scut for you if you deserve it.  I mean, besides me liking Dr. Weizmann...  The fact that he lets us out early, doesn't purposely scut us out...  I like that.

I thought my Palm was d-e-d dead forever...  I went buck wild and downloaded tons on med programs and hotsync'd them...  1 kept getting an error and my palm kept rebooting and basically stopped cause the battery died.  I then plugged it in over night and woke up, it was freaking hot.  Anyway, it sat on my desk call day.  One of the interns...  Actually 3rd year...  Asked if I had one...  I'm like I fried it.  Looked up how to fix it.  I had to do some weird special reset.  Like hold the up key and reset, delete the program causing the prob.  It was something on the apgar score.  I realized I had another program that had that already.  Haha...  That Palm so goes to waste.  I mean, beside the fact that I paid x amount for it and the loss of my handy already typed entries...  I wasn't worried about losing it.

Before I could be scut out more I left...  Went to The Mall at the Source.  That mall is so poorly planned...  I mean, you got to go up and down escalators to get to all the stores...  I was in search of shoes...  I bought some...  They're more like sneakers, but I've seen residents wearing the like...  Like those sneakers that can pass as shoes.  Seriously...  The fact that I stand on my feet all day, it affects my feet, my back...  I almost bought orthopedic shoes...  Anyway, black pants and brown shoes clashed so I got a pair of black sneaker type shoes...  Not loving them totally, but they'll have to do for now.  I need a wide toe.  Here it's on the pointy side...  But I love my brown ones...  So comfy...

Lol.  Then when I was buying my shoes...  He's like you get this free...  This free...  I'm like ok...  He gave me free insoles.  Free sneaker cleaner.  Free foot deodorizers.  I was about to say, are you implying my feet stink?  He ended up using his employee discount so instead of 60 bucks I got them for 55, plus all that free crap!  Thank you!

Came home.  Bubba was so excited...  He finally succeeded in tripping me...  I then smacked him.  That bastard!

Oh yeah...  My febrile seizure...  I was 15 months...  Mom said I had a cold or something.  She went to work, came home.  Noticed I was red.  Felt I was hot.  Took my temp.  It went to the thermometer's limit, so >106F.  She then started drawing a cool water bath.  My eyes rolled into the back of my head.  I became stiff and about 2 seconds later I became limp.  That whole thing lasted about 1 minute.  Went back to normal.  Didn't go to the ER or anything.  (FYI...  My Mom's a pediatrician...)  She called my pediatrician thought and started me on Phenobarbital.  Mom was very concerned about me reporting the right dosing...  She says about 10mg TID.  For a week, only cause I remained seizure free, then Tylenol as well.  Then, since she works in mental retardation / with a child neurologist...  I got an EEG about a month later, which was appropriate for age.  Asked Mom a few more Qs.  10% have another family member who had one.  Not so in my case.  Possibly associated with vaccination.  Mom’s not sure.  At one point, about the EEG, I'm like if it is abnormal it would be soon after...  She's like I'm aware of that.  Sorry...  Lol.  Then I was supposed to do it on Thurs, but Mohammad showed.  Then, Dr. Bekar didn't.  So Mon or Tues.  I've also got my case history due on Thurs.  Fun fun...

kchc, crush

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