Trying to stay awake...

Aug 04, 2005 21:50

When did I last write?  Tuesday?  What's happened since?

I'm addicted to monopoly.

New people here.  Ploy, Jimmy and Chris...  Oh God...  That makes 3...  Good Chris, bad Chris and smart Chris.  Lol.  At one point, the good Chris was signing out the bad.  Someone asked why.  He's like, "cause I'm the good Chris."

Kinda talked to Ploy.  Asked if Peninsula helped.  Yes, to a degree.  Long story short, I think she'll do fine.  Asked how Dave was.  Lol.  She said I lost weight.

So sleepy...  Got home early, like when the sun was still up.  Decided to do laundry.  Don't expect to be finished till 11...  Want to sleep...  I didn't even get to do much.  I ate, pretty much then it was 8.  Laundry...  Now I want to sleep.

I've been neglecting John.  Mainly cause for some reason I've been busy.  Writing discharge notes and stuff.  Then for some reason I don't have a newbie following me.  Why that is...  I know, but...  Maybe I do, but they latched onto someone.  I mean, Richard has 2...  Ploy and Chris.  There are 12 new students, I think.  We are the smallest at 10.

Then maybe senioristis is setting in.  I mean, I don't want to do another admit.  I stole a patient off of Edna.  She said I could...  Only cause she couldn't do the physical, which I did a skeleton of.  I mean, I didn't do a EKG, guiac, etc, etc.  I mean, the guy had pancreatitis!  Hm...  ranson's criteria.  I was afraid to take the pt cause I did a haphazard job, but I'd rather get screamed at for being lazy than having to do a new admit.  Then my only pt, which I didn't even admit is being discharged.  Tsk tsk me.

Then no one wants anyone to sign off blood draws.  I mean, you're not supposed to but it's an AM / fasting thing.  C'mon!  I wouldn't dump anything on any one.  Then Vanessa didn't want to practice a blood draw with a person cause he had an IV in his thumb...  OK, I have to admit I couldn't see anything, but at least say you'll give it a try.  In other news...  Catherine.  She offered to do a blood draw for me.  We go to lunch together...  She's good people.

That reminds me...  Got Aug schedule.  I think it's Q5.  Then I've got the Monday after...  So they did pop me on an extra week.

Lol.  "I see white people."  We were all shocked some one reported someone to be a whatever year old white male.  Then we got another!  *gasp*

Dr. Rahman...  He keeps picking on me.  Made me do an abdo exam.  About the only thing I did good was percussion.  Even...  Amy comment on how good I was.  Thanks!  Then he keeps using me as an example.  Like before a young woman, anxiety...  This time my resident screams at me after a blood draw and I forget the blood in my pocket, where it's nice and warm...  Then he said people should see my discharge note, but others probably do a better job.  Thanks...

This patient got discharged.  He's so improved.  He was depressed, practically almost dead at one point.  To walking around.  He's a bit on the wacky side.  "Where's the lobster?"  But cute.  I'll miss him.  I think Andrew said he remembers me.  Calls me the short girl or something.  Lol.  People are still cracking jokes about Mr. W.  Don't touch my juice!


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