A short recap

Jun 22, 2005 19:02

It's been a while since I've written here.  I've been handwriting stuff, mostly on the train and even those aren't complete.  Hoping that when I'm on post call I can actually get some work done, maybe I'll save writing for then.  Yet, I should be doing other things...  Today, I hoped not to sleep at all.  I slept on the way home.  Slept when I came and woke up at 4 PM.  It seems so early now...  Like it should be morning, or at least before 6.  Anyway, I've cleaned my room a bit, at least enough that I can navigate through it without stepping on anything.  Then I put away my laundry.  Dunno if I actually want to do the laundry I have just yet.  It's just gonna be sitting in the hamper afterward.

So where was I last?  Well I finished FP in Peninsula.  Started IM in Kings County.  First week was orientation.  End of that we started seeing patients.  I've been screamed at.  Told I haven't picked up anything yet, etc, etc.  A few days I felt like I was in HS again, not wanting to go to school, wanting to drop out.  Today...  Maybe cause I'm post call...  I feel OK.

Anyway, I got screamed at cause I told my patient about a broncoscopy, that I don't really know about.  In the end she wanted to go home and she was discharged.  Made me research broncoscopy.  Just left it in his mail box.  Thought I had to speak about it.  I'm prepared...  Just I haven't been asked.

Yesterday was completely boring.  I had 1 patient who was being discharged.  So I sat studying all day.  Didn't pick up much, cause I was paranoid someone would spot me not doing anything.

I don't have much to write...

Well I used to take the train to and from the hospital.  Then Dad started driving me cause 4AM for the train is insane.  I still take the train home.  2 hours.  I can study.  Dad drives me home when I'm post call cause he's afraid I'll fall asleep on the train.

Oh yeah, so one of my classmates...  He asks what time I got up this morning.  Cause I guess I've told him I had to wake at 3 before...  I said Dad drives me.  He then starts saying it's like grade school.  Does my Dad drive a station wagon...  Now that's just rude.

So I saw Dimitry.  Dunno if he was visiting or something.  He was dressed casually.  Have I ever seen him in a suit?  Anyway, said hi.  I was walking to the downstate bookstore with Catherine.

Lost my blood pressure cuff.  Bought another one today.

I guess that's it...

Oh wait, Natalia keeps calling me Alyssa...

I guess I should add...  At Peninsula, I was having fun.  Here...  I'm not.  I mean, even on call...  We were chatting.  The cases we see isn't typical of IM.  Terminal AIDs patients, people who are just there cause they are homeless.  Osteomyolitis which requires 42 days of treatment.  Nothing serious.  People who either won't die, but have to be in a hospital forever or people who are practically dead.  They don't want us dealing with real patients cause we'd kill them.


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