Mostly May 1st

May 04, 2004 00:14

Time: No time... \ Mood: anxious. \ Song: honking. \ Book: M&C.

God... I just want to get to the airport already. Oh yeah, also anxious about the poundage. Probably 85 now.

Time: 10:59 A.M. \ Mood: annoyed. \ Song: Nothing.

I hate waiting.

M&C... Confused... Maybe cause I'm not really reading but waiting. Lol. Maturin talked about dissecting... well it was cut in half so it took me a while to recognize what it said. First line was epar. Next was terial bronchus. I was like what? Oh... Eparterial Bronchus. Still dunno what it is. I can guess. Still don't get the whole surgeon / physician thing. Maturin says he's a physician, not a surgeon.

Time: 1:00 P.M. \ Mood: relieved. \ Song: That noise those metal rods make when luggage rolls on them.

So I'm all checked in. They made me take out books. Took out my review books, First Aid, Pharm and Davidsons. Most are packed in my other bags. I'm holding onto pharm. Some sister person helped me. She's lke the nondenominational preacher person's wife I believe. I said OMG at one point and she's like agreeing. Wonder if I actually offended her. Probably thinks I'm a Godless heathen or something.

Time: 5:57 P.M. \ Mood: relaxed. \ Song: Ice Machine.

I missed my flight... We got to PR around... 4:30. Flight boards at 4:50. Then out luggage took forever to come out. Basically everyone on the flight missed the connecting.

Quote from Master And Commander. This guy was shaving and he was saying Kyrie eleison, etc... Then Patty O'Bri Bri says... "for like so many Papists he was somewhat given to blasphemy." Didn't know you had to pledge agains the Pope to be in the British Navy...

Also was hearing classmates talking saying Winston *sigh* I miss him... He said someone 2 semsters previous got a 290 on Step 1. That's very good. Some guy was saying Kaplan, etc would want to recruit him. He could transfer to Harvard. Some guy said Yale never allows transfers. Then one guy was like maybe he's a social retard. Like the use of the word retard...

Then heard originally 100 peeps failed ICM that made them realized they medded up the grading.

Time: 10:46 P.M. \ Mood: full. \ Song: Some M&C song, Track 1.

Called Mom. Told her I'd be late. Dad was in the shower prepping to go. I told them to buy me Master And Commander.

In flight movie was... I don't even know. With Catherine Zeta Jones and George Clooney. Something about her marrying for money but messing up and therefore not getting money, etc, etc. It was horrible. I've never even heard of it!

Monday, May 3, 2004 \ Time: 3:42 P.M. \ Mood: indescribable. \ Song: Snuggles's collar clinking. \ Book: Same.

So much to write...

Sat. So I got home like at 12 something. Well that was the airport. Got home home around 1. Dad bought me Master and Commander. Just watched a few extras and went to sleep. Mad there is no dir comm.

Sun. Woke up around 9. Was wondering why we hadden't gone to church yet. So we went at 10. Went to McDonalds. The guy who likes me no longer is there, at least at that time. Plus it was the lunch menu. It tasted good... Something was up with the PR one... No flavor really.

Queens. Hung out upstairs for a bit. Had some chocolate, some purple rice thing, mangoes, etc, etc. Chatted about school. OMG... I think people are finally beginning to realize I'm a freaking loser. Tita Evelyn was saying I've got to like basically have common curtesty. She was asking if I gave anything to my landlady and cleaning lady. No. I thought of it. But what can I give them really?

So I went down. Aures and Dion were there. Chatted with them a bit. Aures recapped me on the goings on on TV and the world. Dion showed me this American Idol vid of... some guy singing a ricky martin song.

Visited Grandmama. All I remember was she was saying finish school before you get married, etc, etc.

I drove to Queens. Mom drove home. Lol. She asked how my driving in the dark was. I said not good. I'm not really sure cause I've never really driven at night. Don't really like to either. She's like then we'll have to leave early. Aw... I drive good at night! Lol. Anyway, Mom ended up driving.

Oh yeah, in the car ride home, I asked her if she was in mourning. We had prayed the novena for the dead. Plus she wore black to church and said she had to change cause Grandma doesn't like it. But at the same time Grandma wanted to be in mourning as well. Anyway, they decided to go a week in black. Since I'm on the whole subject of black... I was never a goth. Sorry if I wore black cause my Grandparents died...

Today. Got an IM from Kitty. Wanted me to call her boyfriend. Say she's coming home, etc. I can do that. Then she's like ask him if he's mad at me. What!?! I'm like get one of your sibs to or Albert. So I had to call him. Thought I had his cell. Turned out to be his dorm. So I ask to talk to Albert. Someone screams for Albert. Some guy gets on the phone. Sounds so not like him... I ask if it's Albert Guevera. Yes. Who am I? What can I do for you? Even the way his wording didn't sound like him. Anyway, I hung up. Ended up calling Aures. She got on AIM and chatted for a bit. I accidently kicked out the plug. Then the comp had to reboot and it just wasn't working right. Anyway, I felt in the way when Aures and Kitty were talking. Lol. Kitty liked my letters. I'm on crack.

Oh yeah, was bored and decided to go to a chat room. I was actually looking for Medical school oriented chats. So I went to some depression chat room. Helping people cope and crap. I mean, sure some times life sucks, but I don't think I've ever been depressed, clinically. So at first we were talking about dogs. Then some guy with a Dr in the front of his SN popped by. Asked if he was a doc. Looked at his profile. Homeopathic medicine... What exactly is that? He basically said it's like Alt med. OK. I forgot what I was asking. Oh yeah, I asked if he had a cure for depression. Then he told me to email him my case history and he'd help me. Like I said, I'm not depressed... Anyway, later he IMs me out of the chat room and started talking about tests, almost failing, etc, etc. He's like basically asking me if I have anxiety over school. Uh yeah, but who wouldn't? So he says some drug. Ask the MOA. Says it's not that simple. Has to do with emotions and chemisty, etc, etc. Anyway, I had to go cause I was helping Kitty at that point and I couldn't handle all the phone calls and chatting.

That's all I can think of right now. My throat hurts.

ian winston

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