Wow... I'm just writing random nonsense...

Apr 09, 2004 13:09

Wednesday, April 7, 2004 \ Time: 12:47 P.M. \ Mood: blank. \ Song: None. \ Book: None.

Like I said, if I go out I'll write about it. So here I am. Went to school, check email. Ugh... I was supposed to send that letter to Kitty... Email from Mom. Kitty has a stress fracture and may be medically discharged... So maybe it's a good thing I didn't send that letter. Now what I want to know is, is she out for good? Temporarily till she heals? Geeze... If I were in her situation and I accidently broke something. Thank God! I'm out of there! Goodbye! Lol. Maybe that's why I didn't join the military.

Anyway, dilly dalled on the comp for a bit. Uploaded my web pages. Once again thinking of taking it down cause I spend way too much time on it, updating my schedule / layout and no one even looks at it.

Time: 4:29 P.M. \ Mood: discontent. \ Song: I Wish, I Wish. \ Book: Nothing...

FIlled out course evaluations. We don't have to do every class anymore. I got Micro and Pharm. I wanted to comment on ICM so I can give Callender and Winston some feedback.

Time: 11:02 P.M. \ Mood: grumpy. \ Song: La Belle Et La Bete. \ Book: I'm not getting any studying done...

Still in freaking pain. I can't concerntrate. Seriously, I feel like curling up into a ball and whine about it.

Write about other stuff to get mind off...

I hung up my Excellent SOAP note. Would have put it on the fridge but then I couldn't see it as I studied.

Was looking at old entries. I wrote something like, "I think of Christ when I hear Neil Diamond." What the hell!?! It's a Christian Bale quote. Then Carson Daly says something like, "Who wouldn't fall in love with Jesus." Lol.

Wow... Nothing else to write and I still feel like crap.

Thursday, April 8, 2004 \ Time: 11:40 A.M. \ Mood: groggy. \ Song: All Out of Love. \ Book: None.

I can't walk. It just hurts too much.

Time: 1:19 P.M. \ Mood: accomplished. \ Song: I Wish, I Wish. \ Book: Pharmacology: Introduction to ANS.

I made pop corn! If only I had butter... It would be perfect. Previous attempts turned up burnt / hard. This batch. Good. Dunno if I can repeat it again. Please note. I'm cooking via stove top. And I don't have a conveinient thing like... Those stove top things. Got a frying pan, covered it, shook it around a bit and viola! Popcorn!

Oh yeah, I'm feeling slightly better now. :)

Time: 5:03 P.M. \ Mood: bored. \ Song: Easy Street. \ Book: Adrenergic Drugs.

I cleaned my room. I also put aside a few things to sell. Don't know when I can. I don't want to burden my family to sit around and sell it / waste their vacation here sitting around / waste my time sitting around selling it. Also don't know how much to sell the stuff for.

Looking in a mag I have. Thinking of selling it. Orlando Bloom is on the cover. Skimmed through it to see if it's worth keeping. They had a thing about male models. Is it me... or are male models digusting? I mean seriously... They are not at all good looking. They're sick and stickly looking which I kinda like... But in their face... Ugly!!!

Moving on... In a sense I think I'm too educated for my own good. I mean, suppose I got cancer. Someone got cancer. I'd know the survival rate or something like that. Hm... maybe it's a good thing in a sense as well. I mean, yeah I miss the people who have died. God... It's sounds awful. But how they died fills me with curiosity and not sadness.

Friday, April 9, 2004 \ Time: 8:09 A.M. \ Mood: nostalgic. \ Song: Jesus Christ Superstar - JCS Overture.

In... honor of Good Friday, I'm listening to Jesus Christ Superstar. I remember when we were younger Mom wouldn't let us do anything. Couldn't watch TV. Couldn't even clean. Me and Dad would have to fight for the laundry machine later. Then me being the book worm and actually finding reading to be entertaining... She wouldn't even let me do that. All she'd let us do it pray. Uh... Sure. I mean, yeah, I go to church and stuff, but if I'm not in a prayerful mood, I just don't. Lol. I'm surprised I'm not totally against religion. I remember being forced to stand in front of Mary and ask for forgiveness. And did I? No. :: gasp :: Rebel me! I don't even remember what I did wrong for that. Being forced to go to all these religious pilgrimages, etc. Catholic school was nice...

Anyway, also wanted to comment on the reading thing. Mom said she's assuming since I like to read I understand what I'm reading. Then she's like just read your books and you should do fine. Uh... but the books I read for pleasure are pleasurable, therefore I pay attention. Have you ever tried to read Robbins?

Then I should be fasting. That gives me an excuse to not eat. I should at least eat before my test though. Get my brain at least semifunctional.

What else do I have to write about.

I filled out this survey thing Mae did on Friendster. Gonna post that and decided to email it to this German girl, who hates living in germany cause of what Hitler did... Anyway, the email I wrote is extremely short and at this point I'm too busy to keep in touch with anyone that isn't my mother. But some of the Qs / my answers... I wrote I'd lose my bird if it wasn't attached then something about Kapamilia or Kapuso. I don't even know what that means! I can guess...

Then another survey... I've been filling out tons but don't think I'll send them cause that would just be annoying. Last crush. I'm assuming before Winston. It was Dan. Anatomy Lab ta. Thought he had something going on with Nearn. Lol. Then I wrote... I think I see a pattern here. 2 guys who teach me. The only reason Dan caught my eye was he was wearing a suit, plus he totally helped me pass the anatomy lab practical. Geeze! My grade went up 50pts! But I really really studied hard before that one. God... Why can't I do that anymore.

Speaking of studying. I never want to see a penis ever again in my life! But then again I might be blessed in only having seen diseased ones. My God they're digusting.

Answers from all sorts to surveys basically about Winston / school.

  • What is your boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush doing tonight? Ooh... I have no idea, but I'd really like to know... For some reason I can imagine him fiddling with his power points.
  • Do you have any roommates? How do you feel about them? I used to have one in 1st semester. Never spent time there so when she did it annoyed the hell out of me. Felt like she was invading my personal space. Plus she needed someone to be with the first mo, cause her real roomie moved into the hotel... Then they both were here. She hogged up the living room / dinning room so I had to freaking eat in my room so I wouldn't disturb her studying... Get a freaking room! Now... since I hate people, I don't have a roomie. And I'm happy.
  • Would you like it if your boyfriend, girlfriend, crush surprised you with roses or a love poem tomorrow? It would be highly innapropriate. He'd probably be fired and that wouldn't be nice would it.
  • Who's the coolest teacher? Dr. Winston. He's funny. He makes class fun, interactive. He performed Cricoid pressure on people. Taught us to do a precordial thump. Gives adivice like "Don't ever let anyone tell you it's your fault. You didn't give them the pnemothorax." Makes thing more understandible. Has a cool technicque for examinig reflexes in the arm. Makes me feel like I can actually do this.
  • Whats the easiest class? ICM, I guess. Besides the oral and freaking out about that. It's my best class.
  • Whats the hardest class? Pharmacology...
  • Whats your age limit for dating? Anyone older than Theresa, but not 10 years older than me... So... 1970 to 1977... 34 to 26. Uh oh... I think Winston may be over my limit... Well not very over.
  • Say you saw a really hot guy at school one day and you had no idea who he was, would you talk to him? I saw a really hot guy one day thought he was a lowly lab tech. I only found out his name cause he started teaching us... Plus he was a doctor!
  • What would you say to "break the ice"? Geeze... Have I said anything to him? Probably think of some crap Q. Maybe ask him how you examine for a femoral hernia cause I had no clue.
  • Have you ever been infatuated with one of your teachers? Yes
  • Who? Dr. Ian Winston! Intro to Clinical Medicine professor. Family Practice Dr. Watcher of Stan. Talks to manequins... Thinks my SOAP note is excellent. Says stuff like Tits and "Does anyone have a vibrator?" Jude Law look alike. He smokes... He's Jewish... British! Balding! Blind... Bad teeth!
  • survey/quiz, ian winston

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