Elizabeth... Just shut up...

Mar 31, 2004 11:07

Made a new LJ layout. Inspired my my icon...

Like I told her... Apologies to my sister, 7500centfish. I couldn't find any incestious pics between sisters in Mansfield Park.

Here I go again... Anyway, no matter what grouping it's in, it's probably got something to do with school...

  • ICM. Talking about a woman who had congenital ptosis. Haha... geebs says I shouldn't explain what things mean. Anyway, she had congenital ptosis. Went to various docs for various reasons. One doc a surgeon noticed it and decided to do a tensilon test. From that she ended up dying. When there was no real pathology behind the ptosis... So long story short. He said a surgeon isn't a physician and had no business doing that. Really? I mean, I get not doing something you've not done in a while / aren't as qualified to do. But a surgeon isn't a physician? He went to medical school... Plus like if you're like 1 type of doc and you just happened to notice something associated with another specialty you refer them. I guess the fact he didn't refer... Anyway I guess I just don't get the "a surgeon isn't a physician" thing.
  • In one of the Pharm lectures on either... CNS drugs, NSAIDS, DMARDS or gout, Parry kept getting distracted with all the mosquitoes in the room. As do I. A fly kept dive bombing into my face. Feel like a retard when you jump back and start waving your hand around in the air. Anyway, 2 birds come into the class. Parry takes note. She's like aw... 2 little birds are here. The person behind me said, "somebody has ADD..." Lol. Birds don't top a crab walking into Anatomy lab. Only in Dominica.
  • Lol. A guy in ICM was wearing a T-shirt that said only in Dominica. I was reading it and it had all of Kallie's and basically British pronunciations of stuff. Sir-veye-cle. Um-bill-lie-cle, etc, etc. He was from the previous 4th. So 4th semester does fail...
  • You know you've been working on Pharm too much when you're watching Mansield Park, decided to look up Jane Austen, find out she had Addison's Disease and figure out what to give her... Lol. She must have ran mad a lot but actually fainted. Hm... She could have hydrocortisone, cortisol, cortisone, predisone, prednisolone, dexamethasone, betamethasone... Haha... The funny thing is I really don't know anything of pharmacology.
  • Triamcinilone... Forgot about that.
  • Anyway all this Pharm. Makes me have so much more respect for Pharmacists. Don't really know how Tita Nette works. But I'm assuming they have to know all I'm learning cause they got to know drug drug interactions, adverse effects etc, etc. Check to see the doc didn't mess up. Anyway, point is. The pharmacist at Rite Aid... She's got to know all this crap and what does she do at times? She's a cashier! That's got to majorly suck.
  • I don't know what to do... I finished pharm. Micro. I started doing ICM, probably will do some more. Practice saying, "Hi, my name is Elizabeth M... I'm a second year medical student here at Ross. And your name is? Hello... I'm just gonna perform an exam on you. Is that OK? Upon examiniation patient is a..." Most likely a black M/F. Lying comfortably in no apparent distress. Note to self... Take note of weight and age... Geeze... I don't want to offend anyone by calling them fat or old. Worried about Pathology. Like I haven't played with the breast and genetalia, so I don't know what I'm gonna be faced with. Geeze... One model we practiced on had a... something cele... I'm surprised I know more than I thought I did... Well at least in terms of cardio. But who knows what I'll be like when I'm nervious. I'm trying to slow myself down when I talk cause it ends up being a jumbled mess. Oh yeah, I timed myself... There is no way I can do something as simple as pulses in 6 minutes.
  • Started on micro. Watch out if you get hit by a missile! You can get tetanus! Lol. If you got hit by a missile I doubt getting lock jaw would be a major concern.
  • I'm worried about Thursday... I have a feeling we do have ICM, yet afraid to dress up, go to school an no one's there. It's gonna be a review most likely and of course she's gonna pick on me. I'm hoping I actually know something and I'm not standing there like an idiot. I mean, if she sees I don't know something on Thursday, you think I'll know it on Monday? I hope to God something happens. If I fail the ICM exam, even if I pass the course I have to do a remedial session for a week and retake the test. If I fail again... Another potential cause of staying in this hell hole.

    Movies, various forms of entertainment
  • Watching Dracula 2000. Now... assuming vampires have to use the bathroom would it stink like hell? Not that I've been there. But I guess it's kinda like melena. Then what about denuguan (sp?)? I haven't noticed anything. But then it's already denatured I guess.
  • Church. He butchered my name... For some reason he read out the list of 4th semester students who signed up for the 4th semester mass. Also said they were gonna show that Jesus movie again. Next Sunday... I said I would see it next time around. But... I've got my Oral the next day. No way in hell and I not studying that night.
  • KQ... Stuck. I got a walk through and I can't catch a ride on the freaking bird... So I'm bored with it, yet addicted...
  • I'm mad... I woke up during a Hugh Dancy dream... Maybe cause I was playing with my hotties last night... Anyway whilst doing that I got freaked out by my Colin Farrell picture. I know he's older than me, but the picture I have... He looks like a freaking boy... God... I'm gonna be like a freaking pedophile. I'm gonna be like 50 or something lusting over... hm... what's the average age of my hotties... Ho. OMG... 1968 --> 36. I think that's skewed... I think I've got a bimodal distibution between the geezers and people who are actually close to my age...
  • Also whilst watching Mansifeld Park. When Fanny says she's an unabashed reader yet it hasn't clouded her judgment. Then I'm thinking... Unlike Madame Bovary! Lol! It's the same actress! *sigh* I love that movie. I want Hugh Dancy!
  • Assuming Henry really loves Fanny and it's not one of those she's pure I want to corrupt her kind of things... Why would Henry want to marry her, considering at that point the only reason is for money?

    Moving out
  • Not sure if I'm moving out or not. Mom says there shouldn't be a prob getting a new tenant cause it's close to school. Plan is to move out, leave a deposit JIC. Lol. I was thinking of like typing it up have her sign, me sign... Make a contract. Lol. Maybe I should have become a lawyer... But there was that thing of public speaking... Anyway not that I don't trust her, but... this situation... so much room for misinterpretation or something.
  • So I go talk to my landlady... I don't know if I'm moving / what to do. She doesn't know. She was saying a lot of people are asking for rooms. I was like might as well move out / find another place if I've got to come back. She's like but you're comfortable here. I like you, you don't cause a prob, etc, etc. Told me to ask school to find out for sure. They're not gonna know. So I have till Friday to know what to do.
  • Went to the housing department. Went to them asking if they had any advice. Nope... Surprise surprise. Mrs. McLawrence was saying if I tell her I'm leaving at the end, we'll read the meter, she'll give me my deposit back. If I'm staying I'm staying. She wants a definative answer. I can't give that to her.
  • Dad called. Told him about the landlady. He just said well at least she knows you don't know. I know... Lol.

    Dr. Ian Winston
  • In class, Vladimir comes up to me saying Winston is holding a review session for our group. OK. But ugh... It's right after class. I've got to get my kit, etc, etc. So during class I'm thinking of when a good time to leave class so I can get my stuff and not be late for the thing / late getting back to class if I've still got class afterward. Turned out since Parry popped 2 lectures in 1. We had an hour off. So went home. Got my stuff, dilly dallied... Go to ICM. I then start thinking... It's completely voluntary... What if I get called on... I honestly don't know anything... So we're waiting there. Pretty soon Winston shows up. Said by now we should pretty much know what to do so if you have any q's / clarification ask. OK, so no one getting picked on. Feel better. Someone asked do you have to do general observations in every situation. Yes... Eye exam. Blindenss can be due to malnutrition, Vitamin A deficiency. Therefore in the general exam you'd take notice of someone who is thin. He then asked Vladimir specifically why he and Winston are prone to vit A deficiency. Sorry he's Russian so I was thinking Vodka. Then Wintson seems like a party animal. Someone said smoking cause before it they took a smoke break together. Anyway turned out they are both Ashkenazi Jews... Interesting... I mean, I know they are prone to all sorts of stuff. Looked it up on Britannica. 80% of all Jews are Ashkenazi! I thought it was like some small subset, like orthodox or something. Now I'm guessing my family wants me to marry a nice Catholic boy... I don't care... Actually it's kinda a turn on... Stop it! He's your freaking teacher!
  • What else? He went over the peripheral nerve exam. Ismary was the patient cause she had on shorts. She was a ballet dancer and had somewhat hypertonic muscles. Lol. Then Danielle was the patient for hands. Discovered she's a diver and not a gymnast / ice skater like I thought... (She was chatting with Vladamir once about being on the national team, getting her metals and didn't want to do all that work for one moment of glory, so she quit.) Anyway, she therefore had really strong hands. He called her abnormal! Lol. Then at one point Ismary was like showing off her legs or something. Winston said she had nice legs. Noticed there was a tape recorder on. To which he said, "That's why I don't allow recording. I'll be fired now." Lol. Then at the end cause he was tired and it was like 7... He said no tits today. Someone asked for him to go over the breast exam.
  • Got my SOAP note. Dr. Ian Winston said it's excellent! Hehe... I'm trying to decipher his chicken scratch. I think it says...

    Ian ???
    Dr. WiNSTON

    What is the ??? like his middle name? Kinda looks like White. Lol. I'm gonna frame it.

    Random stuff
  • Think I may need braces again. Chewing things feels weird to me. Noticed my back teeth don't really meet, especially on the left side.
  • Then... I swear if another person points out that I'm a freaking mute... Geeze! I know!

    Stuff cut outWhat determines wheiter it get cut or stays? Basically my mood at the time of writing I guess.
  • That I was gonna do this.
  • back pain
  • perscribing drugs, asking people what drugs they take
  • ICM hair cuts
  • Britannica definition of Askenazi Jews.
  • Parathyroid Hormone and osteoporosis
  • classmates, ian winston

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