Interesting things I've written since I last posted...

Feb 11, 2004 14:57

  • Flips are more prone to Otitis media (ear infections) because of shortend Eustation tubes.
  • I currently have high blood pressure. Probably cause of coffee during cramming (which didn't help...) 110/92!
  • Trichobezoars... AKA a hair ball.

  • Mom says to pray to St. Jude. "Isn't that the patron saint of lost causes?" Lol.
  • She talked to Chris's Mom, as in Chris Paredes. I thought it was just about APPNY stuff. Oh God... I hope they don't become friends and crap. Anyway, we've been getting her APPNY stuff back, so Mom called to give her the invitation to the Presidential Ball. She also mentioned every weekend they go to their house in the Poconos... Why don't we have another house? A freaking timeshare doesn't count... Anyway, she mentioned keeping people back to make Ross money, so to Mom that implied Chris failed. No kidding. Said so far so good with me. Probably think I'm some loser genius. Loser yes. Genius no.
  • Mom mentioned ECGs. Like the basics. Said I know the basics, but then how do you tell if an MI occured and where? Mom was like... "I don't really know EKGs. I can just tell when it's abnormal." OMG... Then she told me a story. One of her... I think secretaries. She was having chest pains. Another Doc there told Mom to give her an EKG. She noticed it was abnormal and nothing more. The next day she died. Mom starts cracking up! OMG! So was I. That's really bad. She's like I wonder where she is now? Probably in heaven laughing at me cause I still don't know anything about ECGs. Lol.
  • Mom took off today. She was sick... Sick of her coworkers!

  • Is Micky Dolenz a sadist? Or is it masochist... He's Italian... Dolens is Latin and has something to do with pain...
  • I lost a sock in the laundry.
  • The water was brown...

  • I saw Dr. Ian Winston! Hehe... He was smoking... Ew. I find it funny I always have to call him Dr. Ian Winston.
  • I've had 2 Chris dreams, AKA chia pet. 1. He was caressing my arm and I was like... Get off of me! 2. Melissa and Lauren were trying to get me to go out with him and I kept saying no. Please note... I used to like this guy.

    Horatio Hornblower stuff
  • Think next car I have I'll name the Renown, then the next Hotspur. "Renowns to me." Is sounding cooler than, "It's the Bloody Indy!" But then again it doesn't have do do doo doo! Lol.
  • Also thinking of getting Naval signal decals to put on my window. Don't want bumper stickers cause I'd like to change them. Presonal faves / possibilities...
    Delta - I am manouvering with difficulty. Keep clear.
    Uniform - You are running into danger.
    But I just get a kick out of this one...
    Juliet - I am on fire and am carrying dangerous cargo. Keep clear.
  • Am I the only one who feels bad for Buckland? When Sawyer says, "When I see you, I feel so much less pity for myself." OMG... I started cracking up. Saddly seeing Buckland only exacerbates mine.
  • Then in Loyalty, when the are... blowing up that thing... Cotard, AKA, Greg Wise, AKA Willoughby... *sigh* When they try to get into the thing Ho Ho doesn't speak french so Cotard to the rescue. Anyway I get a kick out of him waving his little epaulet in the little window thing.
  • Horatio says, "what more is there than England?" Uh Wales. Lol. That line made me crack up! I wonder if Ioan's disgruntled like Parry. But then agian he lives in London. Maybe he's like Hammon and one day he'll get his chance... Lol.
  • Anyway, just want to end with... Good God Man! That's my new saying.
  • classmates, ian winston

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