Another day of school

Jan 16, 2004 12:18

Wednesday, January 14, 2004
5:35 P.M.
Mood: Exhausted.
Song: M&C.

I’m so freaking tired. Had class from 8 to like 5:15. I’m cooking my dunch. What do I have to write. OMG... I saw Ariel. He was selling stuff outside of the library. I guess he's in 3rd now. Also got the 3rd semester class list accidentally sent to me. No sign of Germie, Tiffany and Chris.

Path we had a bunch of cardiac stuff. ICM was reading EKGs. What!?! Freaking going thought them really fast. I got to sit down and really look at the stuff on my own. Then from 4ish to 5ish we had like a seminar into ICM lab and stuff. Stuff about pulses and blood pressure. So I’m burned out. I don’t even want to think. Tomorrow I’ve got ICM lab I guess. I got to dress up again. Don’t know what to wear. I got this grey skirt. It’s cute. Uh... Then class from 1 to 5 again. Fun fun. Friday I’ve got the morning’s off so that’s good.


Thursday, January 15, 2004
10:27 P.M.
Mood: Tired.
Song: Radio.

Getting bored of my desk top. Yet I don’t know what to change it into / don’t have time. I didn’t even want to write now. I want to write at times, but I just don’t feel I have sufficient time to.

Today had ICM lab. Be glad you’re not the only incompetant one. We sat around the “patient.” The guy next to the prof went first. Take pulse etc. OMG... At least I know where a pulse is. Then when he had to take my BP. He couldn’t find my pulse and was going all over my wrist except where the pulse was. Then at one point when he was standing up at the patient he was asked a Q or something and I look over to the people on the opposite side of the table and this girl's face is like OMG... this guy is stupid. I know I’m kinda doing the same thing, but I thought that was the rudest thing ever. I mean, I’m sorry we’re not all as smart as you and I’m guessing a lot of this guys incompetence has to do with nervousness and just not being exposed to taking a pulse.

An interesting thing I learned is you should always address someone by their last name. It’s a north eastern thing to call a patient by their first name, but in the south, especially a black man, If you’re black and address him by his first name he’d find it extremely rude, but if you’re of a different race he’d think you’re racist. Really? That’s what my Prof said, who is black herself. Not from the south... Well from the Caribbean I guess.

Anyway, I’ve been feeling class is going way too fast and I don’t have time to think things out.

I saw Tiffany. She was walking home... In scrubs... Interesting... I was in a grey skirt and a green striped shirt.

Friday, January 16, 2004
4:38 A.M.
Mood: Sick.
Song: Radio.

I feel awful. I have like cramps and my back hurts. Anyway, I’ll write about the stuff I have notes to write about in the hopes of getting better so I can go back to sleep.

Watched a few of the commentaries on Dirty Dancing talking about how you become familiar with the dancers. You do? They said you don’t really realize there’s an abortion and focus on the dancing. That was true for me, but then again I was young and probably didn’t notice that like freaking Blue Lagoon had sex all over it. Anyway, also people ID with Baby, they want a Johnny Castle. Honestly I don’t know why I like that movie. I didn’t like dancing till Strictly Ballroom.

Then Patrick Swazey (sp?) Saying he’s a dancer but masculine. They said he was already big because of North and South. Did they reshow that or something cause I’m pretty sure I knew who Patrick Swazie was when I saw that show. But I can’t think of knowing him from anything other than Dirty Dancing which occurred after.

OK, other things. ICM again. Said the medical profession are very snobby. You’re asked a Q can give an answer that means the same exact thing, but it’s wrong cause you don’t use the right terminology. I forgot what the exact word was. Plus I don’t know if it’s all doctors or just the prof I’m with. But she wants us to cut our nails at all time. It’s better for percussion, examining patients and hygienic. She told us we can start growing them a week before... I guess the prom. This girl requested she have 2. Lol.

The prom... I’m not going. 1. I have no dress. 2. I just don’t do those things. Anyway, heard someone talking about having their plane ticket home already. I’m not even sure when I’m going home. It all depends on how I do, whether I take the cumulative. Either when they come and leave or after the cumulative. I’m thinking of when to give my notice to move. But then what if I have to stay for BMSI? There are so many things to think about before going home.


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