
Aug 03, 2002 00:14

I actually saw it in geebs's friends list. Then saw ladyshrew did it as well. So might as well.

1. What is your lineage? Where are your ancestors from?
My ancestors are from the Philippines. Both of my rents are flips. I was born here, etc, etc. Anyway, there is probably some Spanish / Chinese / Native blood in me. The Philippines was colonized by China, Spain and the US. Mom's side, Grandpa had the Chinese Filipino look. Grandma more Spanish. Dad claims he is totally Filipino. Anyway, people claim I have chinky eyes. Whatever.

2. Of those countries, which would you most like to visit?
Um, there is only one country. But I'd like to visit Europe, specifically the UK and France.

3. Which would you least like to visit? Why?
I've been to the Philippines. Four times I think. Anywhere from one week to 3 weeks. Usually stay around Manila or Pangasisnan.

4. Do you do anything during the year to celebrate or recognize your heritage?
I think I live the typical Filipino-American life. Well, I go to the Philippine Independence Day Parade yearly. Well most of the time cause Maman marches in it. Uh, we travel in large groups. Religious pilgrimages, etc. eat rice all the time, with every meal practically. Eat Filipino foods occasionally. Anyone who says I'm American is on crack. Therefore I'm not a banana, twinkie, etc.

5. Who were the first ancestors to move to your present country (parents, grandparents, etc)?
I'm a first generation Fil-Am. My rents came in the 60's met here, married, popped out 2 kids. Uh, the rest of the fam soon followed. Actually my Mom's cousins came first, then my Mom followed. Still have relatives in the Philippines. Go back once in a while. I bombard them with my annoying emails. Muhahahaha!!!

Some thing I found on AOL
Top 10 Movie Musicals
1. The SOund of Music
2. Annie
3. Moulin Rouge
4. Grease
5. Little Shop of Horrors
6. Jesus Christ Superstar
7. Carousel
8. Evita
9. The Fantasticks
10. Newsies

Man, I'm deprived. There's a lot I haven't seen. I also didn't included Disney stuff, like Pete's Dragon, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Mary Poppins, etc. Haha. Strictly Ballroom is classified as a musical at TVNow. Anyway also like stuff like Muppets Take Manhattan, Chipmunk Adventure. Never seen West Side Story Fully, so I didn't add it.

[[10 People You Are Closest With]]
1. Theresa
2. Albert
3. Dion
4. Kristen
5. Domino
6. Kitty
7. Jhumna
8. no one else really. I suck

[[09 Things You're Looking Forward To]]
1. cool days
2. getting this survey over with
3. finding out if Bill is the mole
4. the weekend
5. seeing some movie
6. being able to swim
7. ooh Colonial House. I liked 1900 House, Frontier House was OK.
8. the next trip somewhere
9. finishing Northager Abbey

[[08 Things You Wear Daily]]
1. watch
2. hair thing on wrist
3. sub ubi
4. something for my bottom, shorts, pants, etc
5. something for my top
6. my mag with Christian Bale in it. :: nudges durlxnemesis :: <-- Lol. I meant that for what I look forwad to, but I'll just keep it here cause it sounds funny.
7. my face, lol
8. my brown scapular. Haha. Alb says that's a Flip thing too.

[[07 Things That Annoy You]]
1. me
2. people in general
3. things not going my way or as planned
4. cramps
5. that there is no remote for the CD player. Geeze! It's from the 80's what do you expect. I'm surprised there is no dial on it. Lol.
6. annoying abbreviations
7. The way my journal had become filled with crap I could care less about in the long run

[[06 Things You Touch Every Day]]
1. me (not in a perverted way!!! You pervs!!!) Like my hair, I touch my face a lot cause Grandma tells me to stop that all the time
2. Comp
3. TV
4. my bed
5. the floor
6. people who sing the wrong words to songs, even when I do it all the time. Love lift us up where we be wrong! Lol <-- what's with the wrong loaction! Sre, ok, I touch them too.

[[05 Things You Do Every Day]]
1. obsess about things
2. watch TV
3. use the comp
4. think about things to do and not do them
5. sleep

[[04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With]]
1. Grandma
2. Theresa
3. The rents
4. The boys

[[03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over]]
1. Well, it depends on my mood, but... I dunno, haven't really watched anything repeatedly since Strictly Ballroom
2. Priscilla Queen of the Desert
3. Bridget Jones's Diary. And I haven't seen those in a while

[[02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment]]
1. Father and Son - Cat Steven. Thank God that wasn't in Harold and Maude
2. All I Ask of You - The Phantom of the Opera

[[01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With]]
1. Jamie, I suppose

Things you love about your body:
1. People say I have nice eyes. You know what that means...
2. I actually like my hair, plain, split ends and all
3. Hm... That I don't burn
4. I dunno. My uh...

Things you hate about your body: [rather depressing question]
1. hm... so many things... My gut
2. My lateral malleolus grosses me out
3. Oh, my scars (minus the one Bubba gave me on the arm, the one Snuggles gave me when she hung from my neck after I tried to throw her in the shower.)
4. The fact that I don't tan

Things you like about your personality:
1. people are under the impressions I'm smart
2. I'm weird
3. I'm crazy
4. uh... I'm insane?

Things you wish you could change about your personality:
1. I'm lazy
2. I'm mute
3. I'm not so smart
4. low self esteem, lol

Things you would do with a million dollars:
1. save some
2. travel
3. see tons of Broadway musicals
4. buy my dream house

Things you want to do/have happen to you before you die:
1. travel the world
2. actually learn to play an instrument, like the violin
3. meet the man of my dreams *cough* *cough* Jamie Bamber
4. I don't know.

Number of times you have been in love: 0
Number of times you have had your heart broken: 0
Number of hearts you have broken: 0
Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you have had: 0
Number of real boyfriends/girlfriends you have had: 0
Number of guys you have kissed in your life: 0
Number of people you would classify as true friends: dunno. depends on mood. 2 to 3
Number of piercings: just ears
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of things in my past that I regret: a million?
Last CD you bought: Priscilla Queen of the Desert Soundtrack
The last movie you saw in the theater: Minority Report
The last movie you rented: Rocky. I had to rent if for My Image of Italian Americans in Cinema class.
The last book you read: LA Confidential
Your biggest fear: people dying
Under your bed: A mattress from my crib for guest to sleep on

Birthday: Aug 23rd
Zodiac sign: Virgo / Leo cusp
School: I went to St. Hugh of Lincoln, Trinity Regional, St. Anthony's, Stony Brook
Color of hair: Black
Color of eyes: Brown

Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: no
Called or seen a psychic: no.
Had a crush on a teacher: Some where eye candy, but crush and obsess, no
Found a cartoon character attractive: yes. It's sick isn't it. Darien and basically all the Disney princes. Well maybe not the beast.
Ever at anytime owned a new kids on the block tape: no
Watched punky brewster: yes. It was Peachy Keen!
Prank called someone: no, but have been with people that did.
Eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after: no


Number: 42
TV station: A&E, PBS
Person to talk to online?: The Bamber / BoB girls or whatever they are
Person to talk to on the phone?: Hm... depends. TC I guess
Food: spasagna
Drink: kool aid
Alcoholic drink: you want me to barf on you?
Flower: rose I guess
Word/Phrase: What am I PSHYCHOTIC!?! Your Face!
Smell/Scent: fruity stuff
Actor: Jamie Bamber
Actress: Don't really have one
Hangout: where ever
Summer vacation: Hilton Head

Daydreamer: sure
Dork: yup
Bitch/Asshole: I can be
Brat: yes
Sarcastic: yes
Goody-goody: yes
Angel: yes
Devil: no
Shy: yup
Talkative: depends on who with
Adventurous: no
Joker: at times
Flirty: no

Rubber gloves: smell
Rock: roll
Green: hat
Wet: dry
Cry: tear
Peanut: mr peanut
Hay: fever
Hot: cold
Cold: dry? I dunno, that's the first thing that came up
Steamy: steam
Fast: slow
Freaky: me
Rain: snow
Bite: scar
Blow: dry
Needle: eye of a needle
Honey: bee
High heels: my high healed shoes
Fetish: feet. No I don't have a foot fetish
Seal: Cylde and Seamore!
Napkin: bounty
Pakistan: a hindu guy, man that's bad
Elevator: the buttons
Red: curtain

Last person you talked to on the phone: Hm... TC
Last song you listened to: Some Cat Stevens song on Harold and Maude. Don't listen to it reguallty so I have no clue. Actually song I listened to that I know was Miles From No Where. Not from a Movie was Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
Last thing you ate: A roast beef sandwich
What's the weather like?: hot
What's right next to you?: a chair and the door
How do you eat an Oreo?: in milk
Contacts or glasses?: none
Do you like to dance?: I want to, but no one to dance with and no one to teach me and none of this new fangled crap. I want to learn to ballroom dance, tap and ballet.
Shy to make the first move?: sure

What are you wearing right now?: Man, why am I always wearing a House dress when I write these?
Current mood: bored
Current taste: spit
Current hair: in a pony tail. long straigh up to my armpits
Current annoyance: none. That's surprising
Current smell: none
Current game: neopets?
Current thing I ought to be doing: something, just not this
Current windows open: Microsoft Scenes, Yahoo Messinger, AIM, AOL, my away message (lol. I'm not in the mood to chat.) 3 web pages, 2 note pads
Current book: Northager Abbey
Current color of toenails: none
Current worry: none
Current favorite celeb: Jamie Bamber

Smiled?: well, If I Laugh, just a little bit. Maybe I can forget the chance that I didn't have to know you and live in peace, in peace. Sorry.
Laughed?: haha. Yes
Cried?: almost
Bought something?: nope
Danced?: well I bopped with the music
Were sarcastic?: i guess
Talked to an ex?: no
Watched your favorite movie?: no

Last movie you saw: Harold and Maude on my tapes
Last song you heard: something in harold and maude
Last thing you had to drink: iced tea
Last time you showered: This morning
Last thing you ate: a sandwich

DO I --
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: no
Sleep with stuffed animals?: not always
Live for the moment?: no
Have a dream that keeps comin back?: no
Play an instrument? piano, clarinet, guitar
Believe there is life on other planets?: no, not really
Read the newspaper?: depends. go through periods when I read it every day and others when I don't
Believe in miracles?: yes
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