"Welcome back".

Mar 05, 2023 13:31

LOL...  Fr. I had thought I had come back from the Philippines.  I remember saying, "No, no, no." a lot.  HAHAHAHA!!!  But yeah...  So I went to Mass this AM.  I was semi worried about navigating Mass / after with the Aunts.  Like...  Do I drop them off then worry they'll sit in the wrong seats.  Or do I park near and just walk them in?  I prepped my meds last night in case we ate out afterward.  Prepared my self mentally if I had to watch them shop.  I was then distracted in prayer thinking they'd start prepping for Mass and I'd have to rush or not shower because I wouldn't have time.  Anyway...  Come 7:35, when I normally leave my room, they were still in their bedroom.  I knocked and said Mass was at 9, I plan to leave at 8:30 are they coming.  No.  Too cold.  But then told me to get them IHOP.  Headed to church a little early because I had nothing else to do.  Dropped off my stuff in my pew.  Said hi to the candle.  Lol.  On my way back to the church proper I saw on the confessional in the chapel area the new words of Absolution.  HAHAHAHA!!!  I don't know why that amused me.  There is also a note saying the new wording does not change the primary words of absolution.  Namely "I absolve you".  The regular pew neighbors weren't around.  Did everyone take a vacay?  I then waited for Fr. I to show so he can bless my "portrait".  He called it an icon.  Anyway...  Come like 8:55, he comes in.  After a bit, I leave my seat and he's chatting with an "EM" who excuses himself.  "I'll leave you to speak to her."  Simultaneously Fr. I said "Welcome back, Elizabeth."  So yeah, I said, no I didn't go...  I honestly don't know if I got out the fact that Mom and 7500centfish went.  Like I remember him just talking a lot and me saying, "No, no, no" to everything.  At one point he mentioned "letting 'the dragon' go".  HAHAHAH!!!  Anyway, I asked him to bless my picture.  He asked me who it was of.  Uh...  St. Elizabeth!  Lol.  I think he knew, but was hesitant.  As he walked away, he said, "I thought it was you that went to Manila."  "No, no. no."  Lol.

Anyway...  Mass.  He started his homily saying he was away.  He spent 3 days with his parents.  He said he tried to spend as much time with them in those 3 days.  3 days is good...  3 months is a different story!  HAHAHAHA!!!  Try 43 years!  Lol.  Anyway, he said he even brought his mother shopping one day which she enjoyed.  Saying he's a normal person as well.  He then said the remainder of the time...  He went to a Ukrainian refugee camp to inquire if he could be of any assistance.  He noticed the children were all happy and playing.  Saying they don't know the effects of war.  He talked to some of the women there.  And...  They were well dressed, spoke a bit of English.  They weren't exactly poor.  It is the poor / infirm that couldn't leave Ukraine.  They had hopes of going west to Germany, Italy, etc.  Maybe going back to Ukraine when it is safe.  But...  They really didn't need much if anything.  He then talked of the readings.  He mentioned Abraham and Mary being examples of completely following God.  Would we like Abraham be able to leave our land and family to follow God?  He then talked of Lent being a journey up the mountain, not only till Easter, but a journey to transform us.

Lol.  After Mass, I followed "Matt Maher" out of the parking lot.  HAHAHHAA!!!

Got my bagels for the week.  Surprisingly short line.  I then went to IHOP to get breakfast for the aunts.  They wanted pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon.  I got an omelet, my home fries and toast.  I then swung by dunkin to get my non coffee drink.  I initially asked for a vanilla bean coolata, but then they didn't have it, so I got a frozen Matcha latte.  Ooh...  They had this chocolate dark roast thing I need to try after Lent.  I miss you coffee!!!

So yeah, the Aunts are watching some soap on GMA.  I'm writing my entry, etc.

I had 2 dreams last night and...  I honestly don't remember the 1st very much aside from my note...  I had found a huge amount of money and I at first took it.  Like I think I had all legal right to it, but I was having 2nd thoughts and put of back from where I found it.  It was in some crevice in the dirt in the back yard.  I put it back because I was afraid who ever it was would come back and either demand it back or retaliate and I worried more that Mom would be the only one here when that happened so I returned it.

Dream 2...  I just remember something about seeing the future when you look into a mirror or see your refection.  And I remember passing by a window during the night and saw a group of kids behind me in the refections.  Their faces were slashed.  I then remember just lying in bed anticipating being slashed in the pelvis / face.

Oh yeah, so...  7500centfish brought Elliot to Mass.  There is a chapel...  In the mall!  Anyway, she then took a pic of the priest holding Elliot.  I wonder if my priest gets jealous.  HAHAHAHA!!!  One day Father, one day!  Anyway, 7500centfish said the priest extended his blessing to me.  Gratias tibi!  I then asked 7500centfish what to write for Elliot's Sunday Mass post.

Ugh, I might need to power nap.

st e, dream, sunday mass tweet

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