Mom wants me on birth control...

Mar 03, 2023 22:33

She's also obsessed with me going to the gyn.  Lol.  Like I said, my period started yesterday.  This AM I didn't feel like I had bled at all, but my "wee wee" pad tells me differently.  That being said.  It felt "normal" throughout the day.  By normal I mean, my normal.  I prophylactically changed my pad every 2 hours while I was at work so it wouldn't accidentally spill over.  I mean, if it were like this for the standard 5 to 7 days it will be OK.  If not...  Mom said call my MD as soon as possible.  Don't let it get to anemia.  I then started thinking...  Because I know when I was post transfusion the requirements to donate were you could not have had a transfusion within the year.  I think I had a transfusion in Oct of 2021?  And I've also read that heavy periods don't disqualify you.  But I wonder if, I mean...  I guess prior to menopause with my history if I should ever donate.  cc 7500centfish

When I went down to eat this AM, Tita Carmen called down to me asking me to buy KFC.  Ok...  I mean, I said OK, but inside I was screaming!!!  It's Friday.  I mean...  It's not my place to tell them what to do.  But at the same time...  Am I participating if I don't mention anything?  If I buy the food?  At the end of the day I was definitely going the route of leading by example.  I looked to see if KFC had lenten choices.  It seems like only in Guam / Jamaica?  Not in the US???  Anyway...  As planned I was gonna get something from the Uncle G's fish fry.  So if anything I was gonna get both and let them eat what they want.  Whether they wanted some of what I got or the chicken.  But then I asked the Aunts...  "I don't eat meat on Fridays and am gonna get the shrimp or calamari"  Do they want anything?  Tita C responded they too don't eat meat on Friday and told me to get them the combo meal.  They want KFC tomorrow.  But yeah, crisis averted.  Oh and the "chips" are really good!

I do not know if Queens is coming.  Tita Neng thinks the weather might be bad.


Matt Maher released an Adoration playlist on Hollow.  I mean, I have the free version, but you need to sub to listen.  I needs!!!  I hope he releases it in the future.  He says it's "inspired" by Thomas Aquinas.  I think it might actually just be like Adoration which is the English version + of the Tantum Ergo.

In this week's bulletin, they advertised the 9AM as the "Family Mass".  I love kids...  Or at least they don't bother me.  But I do hate catering / dumbing down things for them.  I mean...  Maybe it doesn't apply to kid kids.  But Bishop Barron keeps talking about how you give HS kids calculus and Shakespeare, but the religious ed books are like grade school level and not near college level.  THIS!

Clerically Speaking was talking about sprinkling ashes.  Both of them do it to "spite" people who will then complain they didn't get them on their foreheads to show off to their non Catholic friends.  Anyway...  It reminded me.  The one year we had "sprinkling" Fr. I literally rubbed the ashes into my scalp!  He said prior to coming to the US it was the only way he knew.  But then when I see like on EWTN / Papal services it's sprinkling!  Like not even touching the head!  So yeah...  Maybe rubbing in the scalp is a Romanian / Eastern thing?

Worlds collide!!!  This vid uses the "Clerically Speaking" theme!  I mean...  I'm sure it's stock music, but weird to hear it randomly in another context.

  • Prayer / my soul.
  • Brier Rose.
  • CaC.
  • Priests!
  • podcasts, st e, music, medical

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