"I'm taking a personal day..."

Feb 28, 2023 15:33

Lol.  Marna then asked me if I was okay.  HAHAHAHA!!!  It happened to snow over night.  It's still snowing a little, but the roads seem to be clear.  Probably wet / slippery.  But yeah, that's not the reason I took a day off.  I just want to spend time with Mommy before she goes.  I thought of maybe asking for a half day, but I didn't want to say why nor make up the time.  I probably should have asked earlier, but oh well.  Anyway, Marna said OK.  Yeah, they don't know Mom and 7500centfish are going to the Philippines and I'd like to keep it that way.

The Aunts are here.  And I think they already have 7500centfish running errands for her.  They need to go to the bank and I think they mentioned going to the mall.  With my day off, I thought of going to Mass.  But with the weather...  And I don't even think Fr. I is here, so there might be a visiting priest who may or may not show.  I haven't been fasting either way.

Another reason why I wanted to take the day off or leave early...  They have the lenten mission at the church tonight and I didn't want to be rushing to finish things and say bye to Mom before leaving.  I mean...  I might end up getting to work late because of the weather, then I'd either have to stay late to make up the time or leave early.  Say I get home at 6...  Eat dinner, pray x2 then leave?  And...  I spend a total of like maybe 30 minutes with Mom when she's leaving for 2 weeks!  So yeah...  I took the day off.

Then part of me felt bad about lying.  I mean...  At least for me, I'm not taking the day off because of snow and I didn't tell Marna that.  I just said I wanted to use a personal day.  The fact she asked if I was OK...  Yeah, I don't think she thinks it's for snow either.  If it comes to it.  I'll just say...  I will probably tell her the truth, but I'd rather not.

The aunts are ready, but 7500centfish is asleep.

Lol...  I just realized I wasn't wearing my watch.  I took it off because I was gonna wash the dishes.  But then I got distracted and decided to salt the walkway.  Ew!  There are like dead bugs in the salt bag!  Parts of it are also giant chunks.

Anyway, since I have to leave at like 6:45 the latest...  I can pray before 6.  Eat, dishes, then pray, then leave?

I honestly want to nap...

I miss my Tita Carmen chair...

7500centfish and the aunts left.  She hopes to be back in time for lunch with Filipino food.  Hm...  Do they have siopao?  Mom is prepping her meds.

I made tsokolate for Mom and I.  I used a whisk to "thicken" it.  I also put powdered milk.  Not a fan.

Got a response from Chili's.  Basically I need to log into my account at least once every 45 days to remain active.  That is why I didn't qualify for free stuffs.  I guess I'm going there less.

Hahahaha!!!  We also went to the "new" Michael's.  Did it move next door?  Because they no longer have the building with the upstairs only.  Anyway, they also only have self serve.  Guess I'm no longer shopping there.

Lol.  Carvel posted do u say “in” Long Island or “on” Long Island.  Made me wonder where they are located.  I guess it's a north east / originated in Westchester.  But now is headquartered in Atlanta?  Anyway, later it posted do you say "the city" or "manhattan" lol.  The city.  Lol.  One of the comments is like, Carvel, are you OK?  HAHAHAHA!!!

7500centfish came back with the grubs.  I had lechon.  The lumpia has an oil taste to it.  She also got me freezer siopao.  I'm skeptical that it can be microwaved straight from the freezer.  Might thaw it overnight if I eat it.  Or maybe try both ways...

I have to peeps.

I just did the math...  I've had Elliot for 16 years.  It seems longer.  I got him when 7500centfish picked me up from Miami and then we met Mom, Tita Nette and sparkyboy (?) in Orlando.  I'm getting confused...  Because I remember celebrating my 25th birthday in Orlando at Medieval Times, but 16 years I would have been 27.  I also wonder why I don't have pics of Elliot in Italy.  I know he's been to the Philippines before.  I was last there in 2008.  So confused!

7500centfish is out and about running errands.  I'm spending time with Mommy.

trips, work stuffs

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