yep 👍🏻

Feb 16, 2023 21:48

HAHAHAHA!!!  Matt Maher posted a video of him playing a Phil Collins song and...  I just knew it was a CP70 he was playing.  The "electric" sound, the wooden keys...  Phil Collins!!!  I then looked back on his timeline.  HAHAHA!!!  I can't even see it fully!  I just see the silver stripe and the legs!  #PianoPorn!!!  I love that piano...  🥰  Anyway...  So I asked...  And he responded!!!  But yeah...  Other people commented, the customary "I love you" posts, but yeah...  TG for musical / instrument knowledge!  The fact I used my "secret" acct with the exact piano in the picture might have helped as well.  I don't remember...  But I didn't use the acct for that purpose really.  As in I'm like...  This pic will make him wonder...  It's just...  When I first started the acct, I intended it to be my random "girly" biblical / inspirational posts and also piano pics.  I do more of the former vs the latter...  That being said, I did play my piano yesterday.  Muscle memory is so weird!  But yeah...  I totally cleared a spot just to get my drum throne in a good position for me to play comfortably.  cc 7500centfish

In other news...  I'm about to snap!  Work has been stressful.  I can't even think of an example right now.  Just a generalized feeling.  At one point I was like...  I don't want to be working for you right now.  Oh I do have a note...  Marna came up to me and mentioned something as if I had made a mistake...  Basically we got a notification that some drug wasn't covered and Marna said, Dr. L told me I already know what is covered or what is not.  Uh...  This patient doesn't sound familiar to me.  Did I even send the prescription?  Anyway...  So I look on my list, "I just see asthma medication" "in terms of acne Differin".  Marna then starts going on about how it's not differin.  Like...  I have nothing about this medication and alternatives on my list!  So I don't know where you're getting this, "I should know better" thing from!  I then look at the schedule.  The patient was there at 6PM yesterday!  I don't know why you're blaming me for things!  So annoying!  Moving on!

A few weeks back, Marna said we were having President's Day off.  But then yesterday, Dr. L is like we can't have a half day anymore.  Uh...  Marna said it was an off day.  So...  I'm expecting to be working on Mon.  Honestly if anything I just wanted to go to Mass...  I did get time off for my MD appt the next day and working from 11 to 7 on Wed...  Marna asked if I was making the time up.  I'll work extra on Thurs / Fri.  That being said...  I feel hesitant to not come home on time.  I remember in HS, I never felt like I could join a club (not that I really wanted to) because I felt like I had to be home to watch Grandma...  Those feelings are coming up again.

Another Fr. I dream!  Lol...  Firstly I was sitting at the back of the church on a bench or sofa.  I also remember scrolling through social media.  But I don't feel like I was waiting for Mass or anything to start.  At some point, I notice the doors to the new confessional are open.  Well, the door for the priest and the other side where you can go face to face, except...  It set up like a psychiatric office with a lounge chair to lie on.  I then think...  Hm...  Maybe I should do that next time.  I then attempt to take a picture.  But then...  I'm rushed thinking Mass will start soon / I'll be "caught" trying to take a picture.  Once again I'm scrolling the interwebs with no concern for the time.  Soon I hear people applauding and look up.  Fr. I comes strolling into the sanctuary.  I look down at my watch it's 9:30 and not 9 when Mass should have started.  I am now sitting...  Like directly in front of the altar, as if it were a table and I'm sitting up against it.  I then notice Fr. I looks...  Very different from how he usually looks.  He's sweating, clammy, disheveled and pale...  He has long white hair which he brushes back and he's again balding...  But I worry, because...  As I said, he looks altered, sickly.  Flash forward to...  I'm walking across a long yard to get to St. A's.  I'm wearing my old HS uniform, but I'm an adult already.  As I'm walking I forget to what purpose I'm going there for.  In addition, I'm aware that the uniform I'm wearing isn't the same as the current uniform.  I then remember walking the halls / going out another exit to make my way back to church.  I'm then walking on the entrance way to the church and cars are pulling up to a table like a lemonade stand, expect Fr. I is there blessing cans of tuna.

St. A's "Italian Chorus" left.  If Fr. I isn't at Mass on Sunday I think I know where he is...

Random notes...

Jesus of Nazareth.  Talking about the Good Samaritan.  Now, I had heard one way of interpreting it was that Jesus is the Samaritan and the person beaten was brought into the inn which symbolized the Church.  But then he was explaining that those who passed, the levite and...  Yikes, who was the other person?  Anyway, Ratzinger mentioned they represent religion.  Does he mean old Religion?  Because if not religion, what is the Church?  Adding to Jesus and the Church, I also heard that...  He is cleaned with oil and wine, basically symbolic of the sacraments.  He then went on to explain the Prodigal Son.  People asked where Jesus was in this story, since they only mention The Father.  Saying Jesus is one arm that bring the son in and the other arm is the Holy Spirit.  The parable is spoken to Pharisees, etc.  They are the son that stays, who are being called to fullness of the Gospel.  I'm now on the Rich Man and Lazareth.

Bible in a Year / The Pillar...  Fr. Mike was commenting on the priesthood and it reminded me of something interesting mention on The Pillar Sunday (Podcast?).  Basically the original priest was the head of the house.  It was they that sacrificed the lamb for the passover.  But because Aaron made the golden calf and the Levities stayed with God the priesthood was transferred to them.  The Pillar then mentioned...  When Zachariah was praying in the temple and struck dumb he's basically there to pray in place of / forgiveness for the lost priesthood of the fathers.

There is this online short on EWTN called James the Less...  I'm totally the Asian girl!  Well...  Minus the veil and...  Yeah, I don't know who James is in this scenario.  HAHAHAHA!!!  But yeah, the 2nd ep is more me.  Awkward!  cc 7500centfish kumquatqueen

Since I'm on youtube...  This is an odd, yet funny video.  Fr. Rob comments on a dark video game.  And HAHAHAH!!!  He mentions he doesn't really watch TV and if he does he'll watch Family Guy, which may be inappropriate.  HAHAHA!!!

  • Happy Valentine's Day...
  • Minus the peanut butter, I'd eat these.
  • My priest totally knows who I am!
  • books, podcasts, st e, #pianoporn, dream, music, catholicism, being a dork, work stuffs

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