I dreamed about my priest's...

Jan 10, 2023 20:54

Dog!  It was between Masses, but closer to the next.  I felt as if we had already attended Mass and for some reason 7500centfish and I were in the gathering space.  Suddenly Fr. I shows up walking a white hairy dog and not a black French bulldog.  7500centfish starts chatting him up and I'm...  Confused yet trying to pet the dog as they chat.  Thinking...  This isn't Bruno.  Is Bruno not his dog?  Am I accidentally giving gifts to a dog that isn't his?  Mass then starts.  Fr. I is not the one saying Mass, but someone takes his dog to bring him back home and brings him into the church proper.  Some other woman stops the woman from going further into the church saying it's against some code, like it violates hygiene regulations and the woman tries to explain it's the priest's dog.  I wake up.

In so much pain right now.  Cramps.  Energy zapping type.  In addition I feel hot.  Is it hot flashes?  I don't know...  I've been having cramps all week+, but not this bad.  In addition, I haven't had my period since October.

I'm gonna head to bed early...

dream, medical

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