Happy New Year!

Nov 27, 2022 16:55

7500centfish has come and gone.  Christmas tree is up and decorated.  I need to work on my outside decorations later.

And it's raining...

Mass.  Fr. I is sick!  Well he had laryngitis.  If I get strept I'm so blaming him!  HAHAHAHA!!!  But yeah, he kept the homily short.  He mentioned Thanksgiving and the parish serving lunch to the poor and lonely.  He then talked of Advent being a time to prepare for the coming of Christ.  During breakfast I was chatting with 7500centfish that Advent is actually the anticipation of 3 comings.  1.  Christmas, the incarnation.  2.  The current coming...  I couldn't think of it at the time, but it's the coming of Jesus in the Eucharist and then 3.  The 2nd Coming.  We then had the newer cantor and...  I'm surprised they didn't clap for her at the end of Mass.  Like seriously...  OK she sings well, but praise God, not the singer.

Next week a Bishop is coming by the bless the "new" grotto.  I don't think our brick is there.  I'd like to go...  But then I realized it's the same weekend as Fr. R's thing.  Hm...  Am I gonna have to #TradWifeLARP?

I personally wasn't planning on going to eat after church, but Mom wanted her #PostMassBreakfast.  So after we went to "Rite Aid" for my meds, 7500centfish got bagels to go.  Also cream cheese for me.  Whipped butter for Tita Evelyn...  We went to the diner.  I had always asked for homefries on the side, but they come with normally?  Had I known I wouldn't have gotten the country omelet which had potatoes cooked in.  I would have made my own omelet with just the meats.  In other news...  I miss the country omlete they had at IHOP which came with sour cream.

Afterward we went to Home Despot to copy Mom's keys.  If we don't find it (her car keys), worst case scenario she can get one through Honda.  We then said hi to Daddy.

7500centfish tried to figure out what happened with the lights.  It seems to have power going through but all the lights are fried.  I can't think of how that is physically possible.  Like maybe a surge went through and blew them all?  7500centfish asked dulxnemesis for suggestions.  Either way...  I zigzagged the red and green up the tree instead of going around.  Half the tree is bald.

Moved the elliptical to Mom's room.

I just saw the bulletin from Fr. R's parish.  There will be refreshments after Mass.  Mom asked if we're still going to St. E's.  Yes...

I tried to reapply for text alerts for Mom's Rx's.  Except it won't let me?  Says it is in progress so it can't be updated.  I dunno...

Dream.  I was driving as it was raining and the street was flooding.  I'm like driving through like...  At first it was the NSP, but then it became like a jungle type setting.  At some point I stop at some place to eat...  It was like a mission (like a pilgrimage place) where various people come and go / take care of themselves / use facilities.  I finish eating and go to find someplace to throw out / wash my plates.  I then find myself in a bathroom, but then one of our patents, well the mother comes up to me and apologizes about her son (in actuality she has 2 daughters).  The bathroom is...  Giving me Filipino vibes in the sense that there is no real running water and you're using buckets, no doors on the stalls, etc.  And...  As I'm trying to find a place to use the bathroom this mother keeps talking to me and apologizing.  Then...  One of my front teeth fell out.  I then had to get it fixed, but then was sad / wondered if they could keep my gap.  Lol.


#postmassbreakfast, catholicism, st e, #tradwifelarp, dream, sunday mass tweet

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